Forum › Posts by ari-chan

joined May 17, 2014

^Yes, the yuri cloud. No one under stands the cloud, it's a mystery.

joined May 17, 2014

^Maybe pplz cycles are alining thro the cloud?

joined May 17, 2014

Well that was really weird, I did like the AzuYui reversal but it's odd that Sawa-chan didn't show up as well it was a dream anyway.

#3 hasn't been posted yet so there's still hope yet

Image Comments 05 Nov 23:53
joined May 17, 2014

^Email, English surrounded by japanese sfx?

joined May 17, 2014

you guys are all fired for not appreciating nhfh's new logo

Sorry, Kohai I do appreciate it. I really love the Harasho!!!! (Didn't know it was new.)

Image Comments 05 Nov 23:11
joined May 17, 2014

Broken image (could be my phone but I doubt it.)

Image Comments 05 Nov 21:57
joined May 17, 2014

^Yea I'm a Quality Checker, I don't know Japanese either. But it takes a whole team for one story. There's a reason why we work in groups. Its not your preferences that annoys me, not nearly enough to call it offending, it's just if there's a problem that you can fix why not do something more then complaining. If you expected it then why bother?

Game discussion 05 Nov 21:51
joined May 17, 2014

Reminder that there are people living on this Earth right now that knows how this ends

...come on chapter im waiting to read you^^

So much love for this right now but I think she misunderstood the whole thing with the costume I mean it's just a little role play

Any word on a new chapter??

Friendly reminder to everyone who was waiting for the new chapter, Kawaii Scans is recruiting right now, just saying, but enjoy~

joined May 17, 2014

Kyaaah, soooo cute!!!! Thank you so much NHFH!!!!! Lol gotta love the little cockblocker. Baby tsun tsun queen ftw!

Image Comments 05 Nov 17:33
joined May 17, 2014

Lol I feel like Veebu has something against boobs :p

Image Comments 05 Nov 17:31
joined May 17, 2014

If you care that much then submit something, these stories don't scanlate themselves. I mean it'd be one thing if they weren't popular but when nearly every story makes it in the top 6 then, why not? Fyi, it's not like they have tht many doujinshi in comparision.

joined May 17, 2014

This tsundere couple adorable
please get married as soon as possible

Their daughter will be a force to be reckoned with, the ultimate tsundere queen.

I wonder who is the strongest tsundere queen, Himawari and Sakurako's daughter or Maki and Niko's ? x)

I vote for HimaSaku's daughter.

A very very hard question....

Hmmmm, staying objective I think Nico and Maki's daughter since a lot of HimaSaku's fights are more from misunderstandings, Boob hatred (which is in the process of changing to boob love) and generally Sakurako being petty.

HimaSaku being double tsun tsun is more like lovers quarrel, teasing each other they just can't be honest but they still have their moments and the same goes for NicoMaki...

Oh.. just explained that they are tsundere on the same level I guess.

Would ship NicoMaki's daughter with HimaSaku's the ultimate tsundere pairing

Can the world such a force when they have a daughter? ( ゚д゚)

:E discussion 05 Nov 06:49
joined May 17, 2014

^Lol The whole dramatic thing on tumblr, how you said you were gonna unfollow them and junk, then a few weeks later you guys work together.

Wait, I said something about unfollowing them and junk?

During the whole "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID ERIUMI" parade, ngl I was apart of it, but wasn't this you?

(Edit: Woops sorry I misread, you said reblog. but it's still funny.)

last edited at Nov 5, 2014 6:50AM

:E discussion 04 Nov 22:37
joined May 17, 2014

^Lol The whole dramatic thing on tumblr, how you said you were gonna unfollow them and junk, then a few weeks later you guys work together.

joined May 17, 2014

I think it's amazing how Sekihara Umina was able to make Rin/Hanayo have sex in such an innocent and pure way that really worked for their characters. I've always wondered how a RinPana smut would work and I could never see it in my head. Also, FINALLY a doujin from Sekihara Umina where BOTH girls get some action. It's always something that bothered me about her stuff.

This was a great, fluffy read.

^My thoughts exactly.
I finally could fully enjoy her work!

Lol right it took a while for my brain to proce as that they were having sexual, it was more lIke oh ok they're kissing. ngl, it feels like a waste to have them be the first pair that Sekihara gives both satisfaction

Milky discussion 04 Nov 22:18
joined May 17, 2014

How was that a comdey?

Image Comments 04 Nov 20:45
joined May 17, 2014

You know, I'm glad I was born during the rain of MakiNico

Yazawa-ke discussion 04 Nov 20:44
joined May 17, 2014

So like french toast sticks?

joined May 17, 2014

Have you ever heard Glass no Hanazono?

joined May 17, 2014

This tsundere couple adorable
please get married as soon as possible

Their daughter will be a force to be reckoned with, the ultimate tsundere queen.

I wonder who is the strongest tsundere queen, Himawari and Sakurako's daughter or Maki and Niko's ? x)

I vote for HimaSaku's daughter.

A very very hard question....

Hmmmm, staying objective I think Nico and Maki's daughter since a lot of HimaSaku's fights are more from misunderstandings, Boob hatred (which is in the process of changing to boob love) and generally Sakurako being petty.

last edited at Nov 3, 2014 2:37PM

Citrus discussion 03 Nov 06:33
joined May 17, 2014

^ Please tag your spoilers, you use == right next to the text like so qoute my text if you don't understand

joined May 17, 2014

^ True, true, but it was a contributing factor. And I undersatnd its extremely possible, and probably real, its just a foriegn concept to me. Im working on understanding but for now it just doesnt click. Though I do find Asuna's sex drive extreme as well, like she seriously needs help.

last edited at Nov 2, 2014 4:28PM

Image Comments 02 Nov 16:05
joined May 17, 2014

Gotta love those faces!

joined May 17, 2014

Screwed the school. It's NicoMaki time!

Lets be real, its always NicoMaki time.

:E discussion 02 Nov 12:29
joined May 17, 2014

Lmfao, you had Setsunyan work on this with you!?! That's rich!!!

last edited at Nov 2, 2014 12:29PM