Forum › Posts by FluffyCow

joined Sep 27, 2017

What is this,no thread created? I think DReader get sick of schoolgirl,haha........pls dont bully me.

I'm confused by the point of your comment, is there a joke I'm missing? This doujin was posted fairly recently and pretty late so that's the main reason why there probably wasn't a thread yet. I know some people are tired of "schoolgirl" but there are plenty of us that aren't tired of it, I simply didn't expect an upload so late into the day. You're entitled to your own opinion and it's fine if you're "sick" of the tag, but don't speak for the rest of us or at least me please. Also If you don't like "schoolgirl" I advise going to your profile and blacklisting the tag, afterwards go look for something that makes you happy and enjoy it. I'll be here enjoying my schoolgirl yuri stories because that's what makes me happy.