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Nezchan Moderator
Forum Rules 29 Jun 00:07
joined Jun 28, 2012
  1. First, and above all, remember that everyone is here to have fun and enjoy yuri together. Being overly aggressive, insulting, and generally a jerk to other commenters is against the rules. So don’t do it.

In all cases Moderators and Staff have the final word on the interpretation of the rules. Should you spot something we missed, or have any questions, by all means approach us here or on IRC.

I'm sorry but i don't know how or if we can pm the mods.
I just wanted to report YuzuYuri's comment:

I had my fun reading the comments in the mimorin censored one. Mad people like they got periods lol.

I'm inclined to let that go. They weren't nasty to anyone specifically, and they only posted the one comment and walked away so there's nothing sustained. Not very tasteful, I'll agree. But not really worth acting on.

Nezchan Moderator
Gamma ch11 discussion 28 Jun 23:40
joined Jun 28, 2012

Why chapter 11 have it's own thread? Shouldn't it be one thread for all chapters?

And again, proof that people can't read.

Nezchan Moderator
What are we? 28 Jun 15:53
joined Jun 28, 2012

We are not Legion.

I am large
I contain multitudes

Nezchan Moderator
What are we? 28 Jun 15:52
joined Jun 28, 2012

Well, since no one knows if yuri fans have a proper "name", we have only one choice

Not bother with a "proper" name and simply be yuri fans? Because I'm totally on board with that.

Nezchan Moderator
Random ART 28 Jun 14:09
joined Jun 28, 2012

Since the mods don't look at fluttering feelings thread because of spoilers,

Now there's a huge, incorrect assumption. Well done, you.

I assumed that because fluttering feelings spoiler thread is filled with nice images that for some reason are not uploaded, so if someone want to see some of them again that person either look at all thread again, which no one would like to do, or give up on that, I have seen a lot of times someone post link for images, most that don't have any kind of spoiler, and no upload of them at all, the more obvious assuption is that's mods don't look at the thread because they don't want spoiler, if not for that, why no one is uploading them?

Oh I dunno, maybe you could ask the primary image uploaders, drpepperfan and OrangePekoe, who you see in the IRC pretty much every day? Might be a better idea than posting here with half-assed assumptions.

Nezchan Moderator
Wish discussion 28 Jun 11:48
joined Jun 28, 2012

Aw so cute.
Shame about this being the last Love Live doujin for Jin though

I wonder why she's cutting it off at two? She doesn't seem happy with it.

Nezchan Moderator
Random ART 28 Jun 10:50
joined Jun 28, 2012

Since the mods don't look at fluttering feelings thread because of spoilers,

Now there's a huge, incorrect assumption. Well done, you.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Oh, there was a proper version to be posted later?... Sure, do that later. But theres one right there to be DLed on the link provided.

Not any more there ain't, and reposts of the link will be deleted on sight. Just so y'know.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 27 Jun 16:28
joined Jun 28, 2012

There certainly are. I've known a number of them. And what they have in common aside from big breasts is a certain range of body types which do not match this girl at all. Breasts that size and shape on someone who clearly works out a great deal and has a fair muscle density, that's not something you really see in the real world.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I jacked Kouhai's account to tell you all that this peach I am eating is sweet and juicy and oh my god it's so delicious

Also buy this doujin from tima pls

Cool! They sell an English version too?

Nezchan Moderator
What are we? 27 Jun 14:28
joined Jun 28, 2012

We are the champions, my friends

We will keep on fighting 'til the end.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

so meiling is reborn as human in outside world?

I think it's more like Meiling forces her way out of Gensokyo ("The Shrine Maiden kicked me over"), to the human world, where then she will proceed to find the reincarnation of Sakuya. Since, you know, the "I will find you" deal.

"The Shrine Maiden kicked me over" probably means Reimu (or Reimu's successor?) probably helped her pass through the barrier willingly, with a token beating for show. More like "You better go get Sakuya back or I'll smack you good."

The more I read this, the more I'm convinced Sakuya actually was going to die and the "prank" part was purely for Meiling's benefit after all the pain she went through. Patchouli wouldn't fall for such a simple ploy, Koakuma's too innocent and Flan (who's on the roof rarin' to go) isn't a good enough actor. So either they were all in on it and putting on a show all by themselves on the roof, or it was the real thing and they agreed to cover it up afterwards.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Oh, wow!

That Niagara Falls shot is gorgeous.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Wasn't there a pastor who said he'd light himself on fire if gay marriage got legalised?

I hope he sells tickets!

At first I was a little conflicted about this, but after I thought about it, I decided that it wasn't the samething as the federal government trying to take over the rights of the states (civil war). It's just righting a wrong.

So paint me like a rainbow and call me happy. :D

Yeah, this dude. Who, admittedly, doesn't seem to have been heard from since the announcement this morning.

Quite a bit less sticking to his guns than Rev. Charles Moore, who actually did set himself on fire last year to protest continued racism. Probably not the best method of protest mind, but the tenacity cannot be denied.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Wow, this conversation has gotten pedantic as hell, for all that it's not actually accomplishing anything but derailing from the original topic.

I think y'all should drop it.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Wasn't there a pastor who said he'd light himself on fire if gay marriage got legalised?

Glenn Beck said he had 10,000 pastors all ready to go. Yup, any time now...

Good. Thats 10,001 less melodramatic stubborn and unaccepting assholes associating with us.

My favourite are the guys claiming they're going to move to Canada. Boy, are THEY gonna be surprised!

joined Jun 28, 2012

Wasn't there a pastor who said he'd light himself on fire if gay marriage got legalised?

Glenn Beck said he had 10,000 pastors all ready to go. Yup, any time now...

joined Jun 28, 2012

There's a LOT of work still to be done, and in the grand scheme of equality this is actually a pretty small victory. But a victory is a victory and worth celebrating. There'll be a lot of court cases about the issues Yuri Girl 1001 raised, with this decision being cited as precedent, and there are still many, many other rights issues (like the fact that you can still be fired for your orientation in most places, trans rights have barely been touched, etc.) that still need to be addressed.

I'm still willing to look at this as a win, and as an Official Canadian I'd like to welcome y'all to the civilized world.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Same-Sex Marriage Is a Right, Supreme Court Rules, 5-4

5-4, just scraping by, but a win is a win.

Some serious salt in those dissents, though. Scalia's is particularly hilarious, being all "Old Man Yells At Cloud" and citing hippies, of all things.

last edited at Jun 26, 2015 11:04AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nez Note

As noted in the other threads, posts linking to translations that are not Halmoni & Co.'s overlay method will be immediately deleted. People who continue to post them will be removed from the forums.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

That got surprisingly serious and introspective at the end, for such a light opening.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Looks like we'll be losing Centaur's Worries as well.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 25 Jun 22:00
joined Jun 28, 2012

You're seriously complaining that Korra is using both arms to hug her girlfriend?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Miyafuji be honest, you would have drank the breast milk regardless of it helping or not because well...boobs ( o Y o )

She does admit that it's half hobby later on.

Nice that they recognized Miyafuji's pervy side though.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

How ridiculous, of course there's no HomuMami.

KyoMami now...