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joined Feb 1, 2013

Ah yes, another wonderful series by Morinaga Milk... I shouldn't be surprised by the magnitude of teasing in this, everything she does in the manga equivalent of Blue Balls.

Image Comments 24 Apr 17:10
joined Feb 1, 2013

@Polycell: Looks like you're right. Kagami appears to be pregnant, from Konata.

Image Comments 23 Apr 12:46
joined Feb 1, 2013

Hghhh, them back muscles! To quote the Commodores, Ymir is built like an amazon! And I'm perfectly fine with that!

Image Comments 23 Apr 12:40
joined Feb 1, 2013

Yuri Rule #Whatever: When in doubt, just push her down!

joined Feb 1, 2013

Love the story, great art. I loved all the cute interaction between Christa and Ymir, especially subtle little things that show that Christa is a closet pervert- like the whole "Ymilk" gag.

Also, did anyone else notice that the two hospital orderlies at the bottom of page 8, seen closing the operating room door, look like Yuho and Shizuma from "Hayate x Blade"?

joined Feb 1, 2013

Great story and art! I love this school dynamic between Mokou and Keine-sensei, I really wish that I could see more stories in this setting (not counting the Mystia ones). Not that I'm complaining about Keine looking sexy, but she really is "bursting" out of that blouse and blazer! And seeing Mokou wearing a boy's uniform really fits with her personality, and she looks good in it. Though, it's funny that Reisen appears to have not changed at all- just that she's now this random bunny-eared girl quietly in the background.

joined Feb 1, 2013

that really needed another god damned page!

Yeah, I know what you mean. It's a funny set up, but there's no real pay off, like the punchline was missing.

joined Feb 1, 2013

I'm loving this so far. I much prefer Sayman's black comedies to his more horrors. The strange/dark comedy of things like this and Voynich Hotel appeals to me. Still, I can see how his style isn't for everyone...

Personally, I burst out laughing over the moth joke. I'm not sure why, but the visual gag- of the moth hatching in sync with her outburst of emotions- just struck something in me. I just assumed the cocoon in the mouth was a reference to "Silence of the Lambs", where they find a Gypsy Moth cocoon in the mouth of one of Buffalo Bill's victims.

joined Feb 1, 2013

This comic needs some kind of special new tag... It's not a "WTF Am I Reading?"

What it needs is a "Huh?" tag.

Image Comments 15 Mar 23:02
joined Feb 1, 2013

I love this couple, Alice and Mystia are so cute together. And I love how little Shanghai is the background, blushing while they're flirting with each other.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Chapters 46 and 47 are all over the place in terms of tone... Personally, I think the gist of the end of Chapter 46 was to show the Class Rep reconciling with her father. Though I really liked the fact that Tama and Koma seem to be involved in some kind of unspoken relationship- a sort of 'well known secret'. However, by comparison, Chapter 47 is very flippant about a really dark topic- simplifying this tale of kidnap, rape, revenge and murder to whimsical shenanigans.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Miki: Well played, Homura, you win this round...


PS. Shouldn't the chair read "Husband", because Modoka is totally the wife in their relationship.

last edited at Feb 2, 2014 5:47AM

joined Feb 1, 2013

Akira is funny, sort of a bookish homebody version of Nozomi. They seem to have something of a skinship relationship between them, even if it's just teasing on Nozomi's part. Interestingly, I think Akira is the first time we've seen a mixed-race hybrid since the Class Rep's cute little sister, except that she's healthy. She has racial traits from both parents, which is unusual in this manga, as the kids of mixed race parents tend to look like one parent or the other. Akira even seems to have her own dummy bizarro-universe equivalent of Himeno as a best friend, lol!

Image Comments 28 Dec 01:34
joined Feb 1, 2013

Maybe Yuuka's wearing red panties because she's going to war!

joined Feb 1, 2013

Page Meiling not wearing underwear?

Looks like it, I thought the same thing... Meiling must be pretty bored if she's risking walking around the SDM while going Commando.

Image Comments 07 Dec 15:12
joined Feb 1, 2013

Mokou: Please have my babies!
Keine: Um...?

joined Feb 1, 2013

Mio as clearly the dom in the relationship, she just lets Ritsu think she is... Because when she wants to, Mio just pushes Ritsu down and has her way with her. I seriously get aaall the feels when Ritsu starts sulking over it and Mio just blames her for being too cute!

I love the first artist's drawing style- there's all these little things that other artists don't bother with, like the details in the shape of their noses and how their hair hangs down (especially when Ritsu looses her headband) I really love how Ritsu reverts into such a girl in these stories, because she's so often depicted as if she was just Mio's horny boyfriend, which defeats the point of them being girls.

And, as weird as this might sound, I like the fact that Mio and Ritsu drawn with hair down below. I'm pretty tired of seeing everyone portrayed as being totally "smooth" in anime/manga.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Damn, that was a terrible f*cking ending to this series! Chinami/Eita does a 180 turn- from a strong person who'd beat up a guy with a knife, to this whimpering girl who can't do anything on her own. God forbid that 'she' should be a strong person, when it's sooo much better that she be this crying girl to run into Oguri's arms.

And I especially 'liked' how the last chapter was basically a big middle finger to everyone. I wanted to like this, I can't believe how bad this was. I loved "Plana-Chan", but this was just terrible.

last edited at Oct 31, 2013 5:13PM

Image Comments 09 Oct 08:37
joined Feb 1, 2013

I don't care is she's thousands of years old, Yukari is smokin' hot, she a vixen!

joined Feb 1, 2013

Page 14- Christa Huggy Vest... Page 15- Like a Boss! And Page 24- "Don't mind me, Ymir, just act like I'm not here."

last edited at Oct 8, 2013 11:15AM

joined Feb 1, 2013


It's all here- heartache, childhood, motherhood, the holidays, family, wuv!

joined Feb 1, 2013

I love this series so much, the mangaka does a great job of creating a variety of interesting characters. I seriously can't wait to see more of Ai and Chie- I love the relationship developing between them, it feels like I'm literally watching these two girls falling in more and more love with each other. Ai is so tall and pretty, and Chie is so curvy and cute.

Anemone discussion 06 Sep 15:09
joined Feb 1, 2013

I've always hated it when I'm reading one of these and the "aggressor's" whole rational for doing this to someone even when they're struggling and pleading is "you say no, but your body says you like it" or "you wouldn't be so aroused if you didn't like it." Christ, that's such stupid logic!

It's like most hentai/ecchi mangaka doen't get the fact that you can literally force someone into a state of arousal/force them to climax. The only time I can think of where someone points out the difference between desire and simple reaction to stimulation is in Mikuni Hajime's "Gokujou Drops" ( I can't remember which chapter it, but it's one of the later ones.

Also... Maybe it's a Japanese thing, but I never understood the whole "arousal = shame" logic that so many of the females in manga seem to have. They're always saying something like "No, don't look!" or "I'm so sorry, you must think I'm some kind of pervert?". But that's just my take on it, as a westerner and a guy...

joined Feb 1, 2013

Bojack727 - Mom/daughter yuri are rare but there are a few other examples - Medicine Rub! is the only other one I can think of off hand thats on the reader here.

This didnt bother me TOO much tho it was embarassing.. Another comment i'll make nobody else mentioned is i didnt realy like the art style- it seemed kinda a bit.. american?

Yeah, I know what you mean, it has this very "modern" fan-comic look to it. It's done on the /u/ community, which I don't know all that much about... so the artist could be Japanese/Asian.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Huh... Well, that was different.

This was kinda messed up, and kinda awesome. I've seen sister/sister, cousins, a mother and her daughter-in-law, but I can't recall an example of actual parental yuri incest.

I wonder if there will actually be another chapter...