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joined Jan 10, 2022

Darn, the whole Rhine Lab thing just got finished translating and it was such a wild emotional ride. While I avoided this ship in the past, it made me reconsider.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Can those two have something nice happen to them? And I mean something actually nice. Sure, some good stuff happens from time to time, but it always feels like a ray of sunshine after a tornado storm or something. They deserve it after everything. I know the date will end up the same way and it'll get saved in some way later on, but... Just... Something from start to end that would work out.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Can't wait for the whole Rhine Lab comic to get translated to read it in one go.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Edgy donkey or overcompensating (for thin tail) crocodile? Hm... Tough choice. Guess I'll stick with my Light infused knight pegasi and her amazing family.

No, but really, jokes aside, this is an amazing piece. One of the few solid pairs/"ships" in Arknights

joined Jan 10, 2022

Eh, this is an okay ending. Could be a bit more fleshed out, but it's fine as it is.

joined Jan 10, 2022

We can't have nice things because they go over people's head

joined Jan 10, 2022

This reminds me of that "Dead man walking" song by city wolf.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Just the right amount of cute, funny, and sexy. Love it.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I forgot about this. Then I questioned myself why I forgot about this. If I forget about it again after this chapter tho' I'll really start questioning myself. Regardless this is great and I love it.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I loved this. Power Rangers got me into sentai shows and as I mentioned before, this isn't even a parody anymore, this captures it all too well. At the same time, adds its own little spin on things. "Theme" if you will.
It was extremely cheesy and in the best way possible. I enjoyed it from the start to the end. Hope there are some bonus/extra chapters.

joined Jan 10, 2022

What's going on. Is Franka flying or is this in the middle of some motion or what. While I want to enjoy this, my brain is 2confuse

joined Jan 10, 2022

Before I was like "this isn't yuri" but after seeing Miss Sunflower not being able to focus on a book because she was thinking about Matsuri? True love. Soulmates even. No buts about it. (Its a joke pls no bully)

joined Jan 10, 2022

Cool, I didn't know sexual corruption was a thing in yuri.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Radish Suplex

joined Jan 10, 2022

I was starting to get worried that I was the one with the weird mindset when I thought to myself "But isn't your relationship part of your future too". I'm also not so sure if this is a proper way to talk things out. I mean it all boiled down to "yolo this is an issue for us in the future".

Tbh I'm not sure what to think. This manga was always about those two having issues to "find a moment" for themselves. So it wouldn't be that odd if they ended up separated again. Which they did class-wise already. The same goes for a distant relationship or even a breakup, I don't think this is the kind of manga that would do that. Mostly because I uh... I don't really think the side characters are THAT interesting. I don't mind them, but uh... Yeah.

With all that in mind, I just gotta assume this is a bait moment, especially with the different classes they got. I mean, I don't wanna throw in the "maybe it's a cultural thing" but that "school picking" thing is also pretty unreasonable. I dunno, all this is just head scratching.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I feel like it’s so hard to pin down what makes for a good slow burn. There are a bunch of elements that contribute to the pacing and the balance between progress and the status quo. I do know that this story is really nailing it for me in spite of my impatience for them to kiss lol

Also, I have my Pinecone completely maxed out. What a good bird :)

There are just a lot of stories where nice things happen and the story itself progresses but there are either no changes for the characters or the opposite happens the characters have such a sudden shift in certain parts, that it doesn't feel like the character is growing. Like it's not evolution, it's revolution. I mentioned "Miss Sunflower" and it's done in a very fluid way over there. Like it takes re-reading the series to really notice and fully appreciate how things changed for everyone. Here, while it's a bit more gradual, like taking steps, the steps themselves are so small it doesn't feel like the character(s) are leaping.

And yes, Cutecone is best birb. While I have her e2 I do wish I had more mats to spare to at least get her s1m3, alas Pinus Sylvestris happened and I had to take care of all those little knights

joined Jan 10, 2022

I think there's nothing better than a slow but progressive change in a story like this. Change for the "better" of course. Whatever better could it mean in any given context. Some changes are more subtle than others, but regardless it shouldn't be too quick, or it might feel a bit too jarring. Although now that I think about it, it's not really about how often the change happens, rather it should be a constant change, just in small doses. Random thought, really. But it made me realize that all the fluff feels so much more rewarding, more satisfying when this change, while seemingly stretched out, is progressively added on top of everything. A lot of series have nice fluff, and it makes me smile and I enjoy it no problem, but there's something extra about things like this or for example "Miss Sunflower" stuff. I dunno.

I blame the heatwave.

joined Jan 10, 2022

People justify a yuri ending and all that, but what if we'll just get an "everyday" ending. Matsuri will visit her for the last time, with the usual shenanigans, a big smile, and a "the end". It won't deny nor prove anything.

Then again I might be a bit unfair. From what I experienced reading some comments, if there's no sex scene, the yuri is not.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I thought it'll be another one of those series where the protagonist fumbles around with her feelings for half of it, but no. Minami has a plan and a wedding dress already picked for both of them.

I sort of hope that this won't be too long of a series. Mostly because this gimmick, while cute, can get a bit tiring, or the only way to prolong it is to introduce unnecessary drama. There's also a chance that the author will skillfully drag this out in an entertaining way. Which I'll happily accept.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Another manga just rushes into the relationship stuff without a proper buildup

joined Jan 10, 2022

Smug Sexual Harassment

joined Jan 10, 2022

Eh, I don't think anything will happen. Shiina got into a bad mindset and if there was to be any actual assault aside from desperate "pindown" it would happen now, and not have a "cliffhanger" of this sort.
While of course, this isn't good, I gotta say this is a really neat story. To show how society can pressure you into certain things that affect you even when you're "Not entirely" as the society would like you to be. However odd that phrasing sounds. Even if you just look at it from an age gap perspective, worrying over those things isn't that odd. Although, as I said before, I think there's a lot more pressure on poor Shiina. While it doesn't make what she's doing justifiable, I still don't think it'll be an actual assault.
Also, I just noticed but this scene here is how this entire manga started huh.

And I have to say that after that last scene, the trivia page seemed a bit comical in terms of timing. "Anyway, that sexual assault attempt aside, here's some trivia about this place they had their first date."

joined Jan 10, 2022

Obviously, it's an angel. A demon would want her to hold hands with other girls.

joined Jan 10, 2022

If not for that "explanation" page, we could be making hand-holding jokes. Guess FBI jokes are OK too.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Aw and here I thought we'd get a follow-up to what happened in chapter 28. However, the ending to that chapter was sweet enough so I can't complain much.