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Image Comments 08 Jun 21:03
joined Sep 6, 2018

These uploads by professionals blows the rest out of the water. Shading for muscle tones and light sourcing helps push this drawing above the rest.

As much as I’d like to give this one #1, I have to adjust my standards accordingly... background needs work.

Image Comments 08 Jun 20:51
joined Sep 6, 2018

Put in a revolving door!

joined Sep 6, 2018


joined Sep 6, 2018

Reminds me of “Second Variety”— Figures that what’s left of civilization would be....

Image Comments 05 Jun 23:04
joined Sep 6, 2018

^ Does that count as being a “Bad Guy”? (Billie Eilish’s #1 song)

joined Sep 6, 2018

On page 32, after Tazune wiped the floor, the blood transferred from the floor to the paper he was holding. I think that is an interesting symbolism. Even though Tazune scrubs the blood from his floors, he cannot completely get rid of the blood. The evidence is still there, both physically, psychologically, and symbolically. Even though he makes excuses for his physical abuse and tries to apologize, he cannot erase the fact that he hit his wife. He can give off the illusion that he is a nice guy, but the truth of his abuse will still remain in the world. His actions to cover up the domestic violence will not be enough to undo it; they never will be.

Yeah, the symbolism was pretty cool... I’m glad the mangaka put that in. My opinion on that particular page is he basically sighed in relief that he’s done with the whole messy social obligations of being the reluctant father... he’s scott free and can resume his predatory ways. Aaaand I think doumyo will be in his sights: “The Dick Snatches the Snitch!”

Image Comments 02 Jun 00:46
joined Sep 6, 2018

1st Place!

Fish eye lens perspective is pretty good... helps focus on subject in center.

last edited at Jun 2, 2020 12:48AM

joined Sep 6, 2018

... Swear this was already on Dynasty?

I agree... although such a common trope of drunkenness and futA in a common doujin would make it likely there is more than one manga depicting the same thing. On the other side of the argument, the publication date is rather old and there’s a good chance it has already been translated earlier by somebody else.

I do agree with you but the need to settle this question is rather moot. Hopefully, there’s no recycling of mangas in case things get slow on this website.

joined Sep 6, 2018

My compliments to the mangaka for enhancing the figure of Kase-san with feminine musculature on arms and abdominals. Those drawing anatomy books must be paying off... now the next challenge is to draw piano hands!

joined Sep 6, 2018

Tip: Don't date anyone so weirdly possessive they try to keep even your random friends from trying to score. Especially if they compare starting a conversation with someone you like to "selling yourself cheaply" like the world's biggest creep.

Nah, I think of Kase-san being the conscientious wingman. She’s also keeping her novia, Yamada, out of trouble with her problem-instigating friend who has already put them in a social predicament requiring Kase-san to step in to stop it. (the beer meet&chug&plug)

Image Comments 18 May 22:53
joined Sep 6, 2018

Keep trying, McFly!

Image Comments 18 May 22:48
joined Sep 6, 2018

Nana Nana! Nana Nana! Hey hey hey! I’m sticking around!

Ok, what are the numbers on their bodies for? Are they clones? Taking a break from a marathon? Or is this part of some sort of twisted cross word puzzle? Yeah, it’s probably the last option: 7 across (the box) and 8 down (on 7).

Answer: Crate and Craps!

Image Comments 18 May 22:36
joined Sep 6, 2018

Damn! Go get a room! And before that, go get a cheeseburger!

joined Sep 6, 2018

Fabulous! For couples without a clue about their relationships or anything else for that matter.

Wholesome discussion 17 May 21:22
joined Sep 6, 2018

This is, indeed, the tag for me. I'm pretty sure it was made personally for me.

It was! Congratulations and Happy 2020!

I think that of somebody drew a huge Venn diagram of which tags are mutually exclusive of each other would clear up this mess of an ‘ahem’ debate about the use of this tag to label mangas. Someone from admin should spell it out and quell the flames by making the boundaries of what qualifies as “wholesome”.

Well, you got your Venn diagram. Much like the far more specific Idiot Couple tag, I think we're at a stage of, "Tag everything that obviously fits what we have in mind." The firm definition and exclusion(s) will come after, but not much later.

Thank you! That was helpful.

Wholesome discussion 17 May 01:57
joined Sep 6, 2018

Dust myself off, cough a couple times to get rid of the ash in my lungs

Well that was a blast! I didn’t think something so innocent as the introduction of a new tag would be so controversial.

I think that of somebody drew a huge Venn diagram of which tags are mutually exclusive of each other would clear up this mess of an ‘ahem’ debate about the use of this tag to label mangas. Someone from admin should spell it out and quell the flames by making the boundaries of what qualifies as “wholesome”.

I’m glad the tag stays— a welcome edition to this website which should help new members what high quality, feel-good mangas are out there.

Now I’m off to take a shower to get the dust washed off.

Image Comments 16 May 01:08
joined Sep 6, 2018

It would be nice if there was a tag to denote “Professional” and “Amateur”. It would allow higher standards for appraising a picture’s quality.

This one is done by a professional... commissioned?

Image Comments 16 May 01:00
joined Sep 6, 2018

Shadowing well done here. Good sketching of muscle tones (by subtle shading) without going into bodybuilder mode.

Wholesome discussion 15 May 02:19
joined Sep 6, 2018

I consider this tag to be dynasty-scans’s seal of approval!

Some jokes are funnier when they’re true... keep this tag, please.

Lily Marble discussion 14 May 02:12
joined Sep 6, 2018

Chapter 32 is hilarious... keep up the good work.

In football speak: Funny to see how she’s planning the long game only to realize she can field kick to win.

joined Sep 6, 2018

So where's the alternate ending where the girl goes out alone just to get with others

That version didn’t make it to “most viewed manga” on this site like this one... actually, to be more truthful, I’m sure an editor threw out that version because reality doesn’t sell as much copies as sweetness.

Image Comments 12 May 01:34
joined Sep 6, 2018


Image Comments 12 May 01:31
joined Sep 6, 2018

Meh. I stared at this for a while to try to get the gist of what’s in the picture. I still don’t get it.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Too short! This is like a commercial.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Opening line indicates no plot, but the tags indicate I shouldn’t care neither.