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Random Reader
I'm A Fool discussion 15 Mar 02:03
joined Nov 30, 2011

Gah, this is the third time I've read this in the past month. I really wish there was more of these two!

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 14 Mar 08:50
joined Nov 30, 2011

Agreed, it seems to be too much of a hassle.

So anyways, back to the story and all that. Did I read someone's post correctly when they said the author was going on a break for a while? But then I read that another chapter had already been released before the break soo... What is going on?

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 13 Mar 06:58
joined Nov 30, 2011

what are wrong in my arguments?
people are saying bad things about mei.....its fine? their arguments are not convincing anyone at all? but mine are totally wrong out of place and manipulative or what LOL? ja ja ja

i see nothing wrong with my arguments..since they are base on the manga.........facts from manga. chapter by chapter.

when I pick up an arguments..i leave chapter. + pages. to proove that i am not just day dreaming those but ......they are base on the story. thats the freedom of speech baby.

IT.IS.YOUR.TONE. Not your arguments. We have tried telling you that in several posts. You can argue all you want in defending Mei and no one has told you that you cannot do that. However, when someone disagrees with you or finds fallacy in part of your argument, you begin speaking to them like an idiot (and inadvertently direct that same tone at everyone else). No one is telling you to NOT POST YOUR OWN OPINIONS but instead, they are asking you to change the tone because they find it to be very rude.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I think... this is one of the one shots that I'd like to see more of...

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

ugh I really wanted to go to their school

I don't believe you would ever find one person who WOULDN'T, want to go to that school lmao.

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 13 Mar 02:48
joined Nov 30, 2011

this is because my english is not my language......isnt it....? Thats why people dont get my real message here lol

That is not the problem. It's as Alice said, your presentation of your argument, its tone, comes across as condescending, like everyone is an idiot. Also, just because you feel that you have a right to freedom of speech, to say what you like does not mean you can just run around treating everyone as numbskulls. Eventually people will get fed up, you will get pushed into a corner and then the conversation goes nowhere and everyone is upset. This is the problem you are facing. Me and others disagree with your arguments but we're not dissing YOU which to me, seems to be how you understand our disagreements. I could be wrong but that's the impression I am given after reading your comments =/ ...

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Haha good point! X-P

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

If you don't mouse over the blacked out lines, it looks like a confidential government document with censored materials when you scroll down lol.

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 12 Mar 07:46
joined Nov 30, 2011

MEI GOT sexuell harrassed BY 3 person
1.the teacher
2.her childhood friend vice president
3.and yuzu

Right because Mei never sexually harassed Yuzu at all. Sure sure she never started any of the problems. Nope, totally innocent of sexual harassment. You're completely ignoring all of those other moments where she crawled all over Yuzu but Yuzu is in the wrong because she didn't once but managed to stop herself? Common now... O_o

all three wanted to get in Mei pants.

First off, Yuzu has been very resistant and resilient during moments where she definitely could have gone further with Mei when Mei made those advances on her. If Yuzu really wanted to get into Mei's pants, she would have been there already however, she knew it was wrong not on the sisterly level but, definitely on another level which she only figured out later and confused her even more because it meant she'd have to set aside her romantic feelings to provide emotional support.
Which leads too... V

yuzu doesnt show "i want you i need you" yet infront of Mei(maybe next ch). She always talking it down on sister basis.

Yuzu doesn't need Mei, Mei needs Yuzu. Others have already stated in various ways that Mei is broken on multiple levels and her only known way of showing affection is through physical action. If Mei doesn't realize that she needs Yuzu and not the other way around, then their relationship will have stalled or regressed.

Random Reader
Ayame 14 discussion 11 Mar 02:44
joined Nov 30, 2011

What was the issue between Kagari and Ayame?? I totally missed it... Oo...

Random Reader
Othello discussion 09 Mar 00:46
joined Nov 30, 2011

dat smirk! xD hehehehe, love this, so freaking adorable~ <3

I see you are working your way through Otsu Hiyori's library ;) Once you start you can't stop! =P

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Official artwork of Korra and Asami has been released. Figured some here would like to see it.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

This is exactly why I've taken to completely skipping over any post in the Fluttering Feelings thread that has a spoiler. Maybe I've missed it though but why is Dynasty actually so far behind what's translated elsewhere?

The group releases "roughs" in their Google Drive; these are the equivalent of a QC version on YP - they are then cleaned up and released at "best" quality separately. From my understanding, chapter 6 is well on its way, and we'll upload that, and future chapters, as soon as they're done.

Looking forward to reading more on Dynasty :)

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Possibly we should take up a collection to send Nez on vacation after having to deal with that Shuninta thread.

The Feelings we must Endure one eh? There was some great back and forth in that one for sure despite some of the more crazier posts lol. I really enjoyed reading the discussion.

It's catching all the spoilers on the Fluttering Feelings thread that really wears you down. Especially when you don't want to be spoiled yourself.

Yeah. I saw one of my posts get spoilered. Didn't think it needed it as I thought I was vague enough. I suppose, when in doubt spoil it huh??

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Damn, where did you guys find the raws?? Link pls

I was going to say the meat section but you went and ruined the joke before I even got to it :'(

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

People seems to be happy with the rejection but I feel a little uneasy. Her words after, "what am I saying," makes me think she feels something for him but was just scared of a relationship and was just making excuses. This makes me uncertain of the future and I don't think it's smooth sailing for No-rae x Seol-a just yet.
I tried to trim the black text so it wouldn't look like a big black box.

Already doubting?? I interpreted it as her thinking she went all deep and philosophical-like and was just embarrassed at what she said. Sort of like, "I can't believe I said something so cliched!!" And of course it's not going to be smooth sailing just yet. If it were it'd be over already like an Otsu Hiyori one shot.

Half of Otsu hiyori's one shot end without the main girl ending with the one she has in mind yet or never will >.> or just not clearly having a girl in mind...

Argh!! Shhhhh!!! Don't let people know about this! (I like her stories the most so that may have been an overly biased post) -_-

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

People seems to be happy with the rejection but I feel a little uneasy. Her words after, "what am I saying," makes me think she feels something for him but was just scared of a relationship and was just making excuses. This makes me uncertain of the future and I don't think it's smooth sailing for No-rae x Seol-a just yet.
I tried to trim the black text so it wouldn't look like a big black box.

Already doubting?? I interpreted it as her thinking she went all deep and philosophical-like and was just embarrassed at what she said. Sort of like, "I can't believe I said something so cliched!!" And of course it's not going to be smooth sailing just yet. If it were it'd be over already like an Otsu Hiyori one shot.

last edited at Mar 4, 2015 9:56AM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

What makes you say that they won't end up together?

joined Nov 30, 2011

@ Nez - You know it was purposely done!

I quit superhero comics a while ago, but some of the DCAU tie-in stuff still holds up. Especially Batman Adventures. The only superhero comic I was still reading was She-Hulk, but then Marvel cancelled it. That was a good comic.

The DCAU has been the best part about it lol. Same for some of the Marvel stuff as well. If you're interested in a great take on the DC Universe, check out JL8. It's a really fun read.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Since I cannot PM other members about this topic, I guess I'll air my thoughts on it for everyone to see. These are just my observations on it and I guess, it would be interesting to see the feedback. I've done something similar on another forum a while back and I ask that we keep it civil and respectful so things do not get out of hand. (I.E. clamp down on finger pointing, using insults, and etc.) Please. Let me be clear though, this does not seem to be a major problem or an issue thus far, but it has appeared as a recent trend as far as I can see and has bothered me enough to comment on it. I am not sure how it is for other members here but I just wanted to air this out and get it off my chest. I know it's the internet and yadda yadda yadda but we are all participating on this site, supporting a genre and its authors, artists, and hard working scanlation teams that bring us these stories.

Now, down to business...


You know, The Feelings We All Must Endure has definitely sparked a lot of controversy with Amano and her works here at Dynasty and I've seen some pretty demeaning posts. One thing I don't seem to understand is the amount of shock and, what seems to me, borderline hate for her all of a sudden over one story that just about frustrated nearly everyone here in more ways than one. Some of the posts I read, which on a whole, are thankfully ignored by just about everyone else, were some of the most very insulting and demeaning comments I think I have ever seen on the site. I know people in the past have been displeased with other series and authors but these comments are just unbelievable. (There have also been numerous other similar posts in other series as well, most notably Citrus and Fragments of Love.)

At the same time, Amano's The Feelings All We Must Endure has sparked one of the most intriguing debates I have seen on this site with some great posts by numerous members. It's been an absolute joy to read and participate in. In that regard, I want to thank everyone as it is a great example of why I love this site and the members here. The same goes for Citrus as well. However, I myself admit that Feelings has been frustrating as all hell to read and I may have ragged on the author out of frustration here and there but nothing bordering on the levels of hate I have witnessed. Amano has produced some great stories and one shots, dissing all of those over one series and any of her future works is just beyond me.

I realize that many of us invest our time in following authors, reading their stories, discussing them here in the forums, and sharing and participating in our love of the genre. While I do not see anything wrong with voicing your opinion that maybe a story has been shoddily written, or that everyone is acting unrealistically in the story, and etc., acting like a 12 yr. old in Call of Duty multiplayer matches does no good for anyone. The posts I am referencing add nothing to the discussion, discredit the poster, and generally annoy everyone else and eventually leads to fighting among members when the patience of others wears thin. For example, I had enough and fired back at a poster in the Citrus discussion and let that poster and others know I had had enough of their attitude:

Other Member's Initial Post

Holy shit this has got to be the worst chapter that has come out. Seriously, i'm so disappointed with the art and "plot". LIke what the fuck is wrong with the author or team that made that shit? They need some fucking practice, need to take time reading real fucking yuri, or at least read these fucking comments to see what we yuri fans like. But no, it's like they give no fucks and don't even try. And after what seems like ages, they put out just GARBAGE. They need to stop this shit and take a new turn or they're just a disgrace from yuri genre. Goddamn how frustrating. All I want is some well written yuri. Is that so much to ask for? Jesus fucking Christ. Just dumb cause now I have to wait soo long for another chapter that may be worse or just little better. How can they do this to us? I'd donate money if that'd mean writers would start putting out better written shit. Fuck.

My response

OH NOES WAT DO I DOOOOO!!! SOMEONE PWEEZE HELP MEEEE!!!! MY YURI ISN'T YURING ENOUGH!!!! Otsu Hiyori, Morinaga Milk, Amano Shuninta, Morishima Akiko, and Takemiya Jin!! COME SAVE ME WITH YOUR YURINESSES!!!! - That aside....

You know, you could just... not read Yuri anymore. That'd save the rest of us from having to read your useless, annoying, immature post. No, make that posts. Looking at your posting history, I can easily see that it has a lot of "fuck this" in it. Nothing constructive, or praise worthy and instead you are constantly insulting the authors. Granted, many of us have been disappointed with authors and stories and the like but, I don't remember seeing a lot of posts like yours. Honestly, if none of the stories you read here satisfy you enough to write something positive or to take part in a debate in a positive or constructing manner, then please leave and never come back. Your attitude and posting habits are wholly unwarranted here.

There have been, it seems to me, a flurry of similar posts all around the forums. Some members have been frustrated enough to drop a series and I can understand that and I think others do as well. I did the same with Octave when I first read it. The MC had me pulling my hair out and I had to stop reading it. I think, I put it off for a year and came back and gave it another try and it turned out to be one of my all-time favorite stories on the site. (It tops Girl Friends and Sasameki Koto imho and both of those are classics.) It taught me that sometimes, a story gets much better with time and maybe one might need to wait until it finishes to get a better idea of the themes and topics in it, or just to mature a bit more and maybe you/I would understand it better. In other stories, I originally criticized them but posts by other members gave me pause to rethink and reread and reconsider the story.

I'm running out of steam here lol so I'll say this;

I have read some excuses behind why some make posts like the one above and so far none of them cut it. If you are frustrated, angry, and just incredibly pissed because a story rubbed you the wrong way. Before you bash your rage into the keyboard, take a moment to relax and post something less hateful and more constructive and or at least, less jarring and something people would be willing to hold a conversation with you on.

Thanks for taking the time to read that entire post :)

joined Nov 30, 2011

Well, most of the avatars here are either characters from anime/manga or pictures. Mine being this american superhero art with intense colors stand like a sore thumb.

Well you could also make a joke how New 52 Jason would be fine in a yaoi forum.

But I get what you mean, a lot of time you just end using an avatar that matches the theme of the forum you are on. Hell for me I use to have have a name unique to each forum. Like I was Shou Amabane (one of the leads of the Saturn game Burning Rangers) on a video game forums and Guncannon II on a Gundam one. Again I could be making something out of nothing (I do that a lot), but I think it comes down to a question of a sense of community or self-identity. There really isn't a right or wrong answer, just what at the moment makes it's way to front of your mind.

Also to give credit where it is due. My avatar was made by one Michael Lopez.

Jajaja, so nice to see someone's familiar with Jason.

And you're right about the Yaoi, the most recent issue certainly got plenty of shippers excited :P

I'm only familiar with Jason through the DCAU. The comics seem so convoluted and wacky that I never really bothered to read them myself. I've collected a couple of Batgirl and Batman Beyond issues but that's about it.

And what's been going on with Jason??

Mine is from Encounter Effect by Kodama Naoko.

Yeesssss!!! Pretty much the main reason why I created this thread!! To find out about stories I may have missed. Muahahaha... my plan is working -does that weird... evil finger to finger tapping thing-

last edited at Mar 3, 2015 7:45AM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I'm talking about the top four. I don't use three of them and I'd just like to delete them if I wanted too. Though the subscription thing makes to me now, since, if you read the next paragraph below ><.

Also, didn't know the subscription worked like that, I'll.... sooo I've been using an email I don't use anymore! X-P No wonder it wasn't working. (I hadn't looked at my profile since first singing up lol.) And I see about adding another column to the front page. Just a thought :)

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 02 Mar 02:46
joined Nov 30, 2011

That's for sure, as pointed earlier. The whole thing is building towards something.


And well, I guess we mexicans just have a knack for the dramatic. Most of us thought of our first love as being THE definitive love for us, declarations like Sara's were par of the course during middle school.

Understatement right there.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Just spent time reading Gido's stories on here. Like. Every. Single. One. No one story feels like it's better than others, they're all pretty much great reads.

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 02 Mar 02:19
joined Nov 30, 2011

Sara is a very idealistic and honest girl. Her claiming she loves Mei and needs her is just your classic high/middle school crush.

Or are you telling me that you guys didn't feel like that with your first crush?

I didn't use the word love to describe someone I was attracted to until I was about 20/21 lol. I liked a number of girls up until that moment but I never thought I needed someone else romantically... let alone knew what the hell love was. Like someone else said, I think that whole, "need" bit is going to play into Yuzu and Mei making up.