You make some interesting points but I fear that you are missing the crux of my argument. It doesn't matter that I don't really know anything about him, or that he is a blank slate and unlikely to change. What matters is that he is a human being in a bad situation. In real life If I saw some one in a shitty situation I would feel bad for them regardless of whether I knew anything about them or not, because as a fellow human being I can image myself in the same scenario and empathize. Obviously this is not real life but I believe the same logic applies. He is a human in a terrible situation, because having your girlfriend cheat on you with someone that is actively trying to steal them is terrible, and as a human I can place my self in that position, see how awful it is and want it to get better for them not because I know them, but because they are human.
For the first point, I'll have to agree to disagree. What you call a person, I do not, and I'll fully accept we just see this differently. When reading fiction, I expect the author to make them human, and I respect your differing view.
Perhaps it's because I have a bit of an outsiders view on relationships, but I do not believe cheating to be as bad as you make it morally or universally, but I am not familiar with the circumstance myself, and so I must concede it's horribleness to you.
I do however agree that just because he is nice it does not mean that Yuma is under any obligation to date him, and as you say it doesn't seem that she wants to. However if the alternative is to have her dating Hotaru then I would rather her be single because I don't believe that nasty behavior as shown by Hotaru should be rewarded. What I was suggesting was, that out of the two potential couples we have been shown, I would prefer the one with guy in it, because thus far he has treated her better than Hotaru, and if Yuma does not want to date him then I believe it would be best for her to remain single as Hotaru has treated her rather nastily thus far.
I think of the two couples shown, the wishes of those involved are paramount, regardless of whether you think one deserves it or not. Nor do I believe that ones actions, or at least those of Hotaru thus far, should preclude her from having a relationship with Yuma, however I'll concede that as different moral outlook.
Which leads on to my next point of disagreement, the nastiness of Hotaru's actions. I don't believe I exaggerated at all, because no matter how you look at forcing your self onto someone who is in a relationship is a shitty thing to do. It's not a matter of who got there first it's a matter of human decency. This man is in a relationship, with someone we can assume he cares about, and to try and steal his girlfriend, going so have as to force yourself on them, is dick move, regardless of the context. In terms of Yuma's feeling while you are right that they seem to be drifting towards Hotaru, that is for her to discover and work out. It is not Hotaru's place to push herself on Yuma in an attempt to coax these feelings out especially not when she has a boyfriend
Thing is, the matter of him being in the relationship IS just him being there first. His feelings are not the most important thing here. If he gets hurt, he rips off a band aide. He moves on, assuming he's well adjusted enough. Yuma discovering herself is by far more important, and if it takes Hotaru not being perfect, so be it. She is in high school isn't she? She can act selfishly and not be Satan for it.
The bottom line is that even if I don't know enough about him to 'like him per-say, I still know enough about his situation that I wish for it to improve, and so in that sense I am rooting for him and hoping that things will get better for him. On the other side of things it is my opinion that Hotaru has behaved unkindly and done nothing that deserves reward or the affections of Yuma, so I cannot possibly support a yuri ending.
I can't root for someone based entirely on their situation, but that's just me I guess.
Please let me know if I haven't been clear, but know if you reply, I'll be gone to bed, so look out for my response tomorrow I guess for you.
It was fun for me to read you view on this, though a bit of a headache trying to see things your way before bed, ha!
Edited to say I like what ColnolCat said, and it's kind of (stressing that) like what I want to say, only smart people like and coherent.
I think.
last edited at Jul 29, 2015 12:56AM