: O it's avaliable on Amazon?!
-check and sees Kase-san as well...then opens wallet and to stare at last 20 for the week-
...who needs food when your favorite manga got an offical English release?! Not me!
The sad thing about murcielao it's that is going to take more or less 24 months if they go at the same speed to reach volume 7
According to amazon ...
Vol. 2 - May
Vol. 3 - August
Vol. 4 - November
Vol. 5 - Feb. 2018
Well, 2 years for 8 volumes, I think it's fair enought say 2 years for seven xD if you get out a volume each 3 months it's a loooong wait...
I'm in love with Kuchiba Reiko, the sniper girl, I want to be in February of 2018 now ;^;