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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

This seems to be a good place to remind people that in general, posting links to translations (other than the overlay stuff) will get deleted on sight. Kyra's on staff so I can't really overrule them, but I'm iffy about that link to the English version their post.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Found the 1990 Dirty Pair calendar on Twitter. All of the pictures reference movies. Some of them are sort of yuri-by-implication.

The OVA that the wedding dress comes from literally has Kei re-enacting the final scenes from The Graduate.

Which all has me missing the legendary Dirty Parodies by the long-defunct Pinesalad Productions. They were a work of art, with Yuri voiced as a Valley Girl with a thing for vibrators ("The fifty Radio Shack battery-of-the-month cards were my first clue." "Stay out of my drawers, Kei.") while Kei had a terrible Russian accent and an adversarial relationship with her ex-boyfriend, an agent who shows up in a few episodes ("Hey, where did you get that accent?" "Out of a book!"). Unfortunately, the Dirty Parodies never made the leap to digital (although their Robotech Parodies did) so it's possible they'll remain in the realm of legend, maybe one day to resurface in Gensokyo.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Expecting something like embarrassment and misunderstandings for 30 chapters, not being able to convey one's feelings and "what do i do she doesn't like me!!!" stuff. And of course a kiss in 31 chapter. Spoilers, spoilers.

To be honest I'd rather have that than a retread of Secret Recipe.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I think what motojin means is that Seven Seas officially used "Gal" for "Gyaru" in their manga, and others official licensors have as well. I don't really care either way, myself, but when I read "gal" in manga it's usually referring to the gyaru-type girl.

Hmm. I'll take that into account. Still, before now if I saw gal in a manga I would've assumed the English speakers meaning. Edit: I'm going to discuss this one with the QC-er and get back to you.

I am suddenly making way to many posts. I'll try to cut back.

My first introduction to the term was the manga Gals! which confused me a bit because at the time I didn't know there was a subculture in Japan by that name and confused it with the more generic English word. I've learned since, but to be honest at the time I would have found it a lot less confusing if they'd "translated" it as "gyaru" and put notes on it the way you did.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

This is quite basic,but It Works as hell.

Morinaga's best work is when she sticks to the basics. Girl meets girl. They fall in love. Girl Friends and Kisses, Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink are, to me, her best work and they're the most grounded of her stories. Hopefully this will have a similarly organic relationship.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Oh, and definitely read Advent Cirno, it's brilliant.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Kind of hoping for more of a Lots of kissing story given the title.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

What are the best doujinshis here ??As you people said there is so many things that i don`t even know where to start from. Can anyone suggest anything??

Anything by Personal Colour, Millet Soup, most of Hole of Yago's stuff, Aki Eda, Pigeonblood, FLIPFLOPs, Kamo Nari, Ichinose and Nakatani NIo. Plus anything in the Canon tag, of course.

After that, you can just nibble away at whatever.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Millet Soup upload! 5 pages... dam.

Cute tho.

(What's Kaokuma building? The 4th wall?)

There's some sort of tower, Sakuya brings in a model of it early in the story. Not really sure why it's pointed out though.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Well,The L Word is pretty much your basic romance drama comedy, but with lesbians instead of the usual straight guys. So I definitely see why people wouldn't like it.

That wasn't my problem. I mean I LOVE romance with lesbians in. It's just from the bits I watched, there was nobody I actually liked, at least not enough to actually care what they did. Turned me off, right from the start.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Wait... so, she's searching for the "Rainbow Connection"?

Someday she'll find it.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Regarding that pastor who said he'd light himself on fire, he's now saying he didn't mean it literally, I mean geez!

Huge disappointment all around. They don't make martyrs like they used to.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

hmmm.... Is the pigman the only monster guy in the manga?

they're were "orcs" earlier on which were also monster dudes which gets me thinkin' why do the japanese always depict orcs as pigs any reasons ?

Pig-like orcs are definitely a thing they got from the West, a lot of older depictions suich earlier versions of Dungeons and Dragons, or the D&D animated series, have them as outright pig-men.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Cute, but where's Meiling?

Taking a nap.

Nezchan Moderator
Gamma discussion 30 Jun 16:19
joined Jun 28, 2012


This guy needs to stop reading Marvel and start reading some DC, smug villians curbstomping heroes and winning every time gets old REAL fast.

That actually sounds like DC's Grimdark period, back when the big mystery behind Teen Titans was what teenager were they gonna kill this time. They spent quite a while forgetting what fun and heroic meant.

joined Jun 28, 2012

I have no idea who this "Nezkun" person is. It sure as hell isn't me.

Forgive me if the hay fever, heat and absolute terror of you made me miss something obvious, but was this a joke or did I done goof?

It's that I don't like it. So please don't use it.

last edited at Jun 30, 2015 1:10PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I've been slacking a bit with the updates, but I'm off work tomorrow so I'll totally get to it then. I swear!

I'm watching The L Word right now. I think someone here said you either hate it for how unrealistic it is or you love it for the same reason. So I was a little scared going into the show because I'm always assuming the worst but it's actually really fun to watch.

I tried watching it, but I seriously couldn't get into any of the characters from the start and couldn't bring myself to care about their lives. Not sure if that's a realism issue or just a lack of anyone I found sympathetic in the first couple of episodes.

I'd love to see something like that but less "beautiful people living in luxury" and more "Queer as Folk with a female cast".

joined Jun 28, 2012

I have no idea who this "Nezkun" person is. It sure as hell isn't me.

joined Jun 28, 2012

i dont know how i didnt fail english i couldnt write a goddamn essay

Good trick for you, especially when it comes to writing scripts: read it out loud. This works for fiction and non-fiction too, but it should really be mandatory for scripts. You'll see much quicker where awkward bits are, and your grammar will improve a lot because you'll see what sounds right or authentic in practice. It's simple, but it makes a big difference.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Relevant, from Comprehensive Tovarisch:

It's played for laughs, but the fact is that's the way professional writers do it. The #1 advice from successful writers and artists I've seen is "show up for work every day". Waiting around for inspiration is an amateur move, inspiration is actually a function of simple production.

last edited at Jun 30, 2015 10:56AM

joined Jun 28, 2012

im about to flip all the tables in the world, just trying to write a damn sentence. how can you stay calm? im about to blow a vein , its difficult putting my thoughts onto paper and im just finishing my 3rd cups of coffee

That's actually pretty simple. If it's your first draft, write it messy. Get the wording all fucked up. Not grammatical? Fine! All you need to do at this point is get down the gist of what you're trying to get across. Doesn't have to be pretty or even good. Hell, most first drafts are crap, why should yours be different?

Then when you've finished and given yourself a couple of days to breathe, go back and fix it on your second draft when you've had a chance to get some perspective. You'll almost guaranteed be able to write something better at that point. But for now? Let it be crappy, as long as the intent of the scene is clear.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ssamba's super old computer (which they used for 9 years)

Who are they? Ssamba and, I hope, her girlfriend...?

"They" is also used as a singular pronoun as well as plural.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ooh, I was just about to post something about the purple and yellow. Also it seems that there's a part 4

Not at that link, there ain't.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Random Reader spoke thusly:

....aaaahahahaha I don't know why but watching the outcry for the break it's taking is just making me burst out laughing!! XD....

Hey, that's just mean! I can totally identify with these people, having to wait a whole month and a half for something you're so amazingly fortunate to get scans of within a day of publication is a hardship nobody should have to deal with. It's inhumane, it's cruel, and it's just not something a person should have to endure.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some manga to read.

Nezchan Moderator
Wish discussion 29 Jun 08:30
joined Jun 28, 2012

It could be a limitation put by an editorial she's working with.

I'm thinking probably time considerations, she does seem to get a fair amount of work with publishers, so she probably did as much as she could between assignments.