I think it's perfectly legit to think of all men as self-absorbed horndogs who're controlled by their dicks to the point that they can't even be accused of "thinking". Guilty until proven innocent, lol.
I thought it was innocent until proven guilty! Oh well, that's just in the law, fact is we discriminate and form our opinion and previous experiences incredibly quick, humans are so judgemental usually. It doesn't have to be about guys or girls really, it can be about anything. It's hard for me to assume another guy is not a douche when he's wearing sunglasses at night, I try real hard to not think of him like that when I first meet him.... But, it's quite hard.
The situation itself is pretty disgusting (unfortunately it strikes me as pretty realistic), but in such scenarios IMO it's actually preferable for women to come to the conclusion that men are absolutely worthless
If you start with the idea that they're dumb, then you aren't hurt or surprised when they are. It's pretty much my exact philosophy in life, assume the worse and you can only be pleasantly surprised when you get proven wrong. I do that with everything, from video games, tv shows to relationships.
I'd say it's basic sense/human nature that given any significant form of desire, human beings have the potential to be pieces of shit. Throw in any structural imbalances of power and what you have is a recipe for violence. That older brother doesn't hold any sympathy from me because no matter what, he sits in an inherent position of power over Rio, and he took advantage of it. What Rio meant when she said that she wouldn't care if all men just fucking disappeared from the world, is that in such a case, she might've had a chance at living an actual life of decency (not being forced to give herself to men in order to protect herself, and then coerced by her body into enjoying it). I can't blame her.
Agreed, give the opportunity to do something without the law getting involved and most people would do many more things. Just think about all the times in your life you might of done something if you weren't scared of the consequences? Oh man, all those candies at the store when I was 6-7... I think I did it once, peer-pressure from classmates. But that grumpy old man at the front is sort of to scary to do it more.
Considering she lies a lot I'm not entirely sure he forced himself on her, who knows really. It's/he's not really important, what is important really in this work is her attitude and past experience.
All in all, although I don't really like the story in general because the blond is not really a person I'd want to hang out with but I can understand why she's the way she is.
When you are hurt by people, you either use that to your advantage, or you don't interact with them ( this is usually has an adult ). Women who stayed single because they were raped, and did not engage in any relationship with men are pretty common. Some try to slowly break down the wall they built themselves but some are just unable to heal and just give up. It's a sad thing really.