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joined Apr 15, 2011

I think what gets me as much as the mismatched tone of the sex scene is that the story has nothing to do with the language of flowers, and indeed flowers weren't mentioned at all until the last panel.

with respect to the sex scene, it felt out of place. I agree that the tone was mismatched.

with respect the the flowers, I have to disagree with you. I might be reading too much into this, but IMO I read the story on two levels. first there are the individual characters. I believe that Chika and Kuroda represent both white and black lillies (the flower of maidens) and because the flowers are lilies, well this is Yuri, duh! next, each conversation is about some aspect of Chika and Kuroda's relationship. whether it is Chika's fears over confessing to the girl she loves or how she, Chika, is afraid Kuroda is going to leave her, we the reader are given a glimpse into how these two flowers communicate. I suspect the sex scene is one more form of conversation and the ultimate conversation (act) is their union (marriage).

the second level (my interpretation) is based on the last sentence, 'in the language of flowers black lily is: "a vow of love" '. what does Chika fret the most? that she cannot marry Kuroda. Chika wants to share that ultimate experience with Kuroda. this is what prompts her to "converse" with Kuroda in a drunken state. In response, Kuroda using her body "converses" back with Chika. As I mentioned earlier, the sex scene is another form of conversation. it is an exposition/declaration of their love to one another.

finally, there are flowers shown throughout the story. the flowers are not central to the plot, but they are there. for example, Chika has lillies in her hair when she goes to her classmate's wedding. more so, there are flowery glyphs that highlight the dialog. not important, but there.

what I find funny is that black lilies symbolize death ( so that final quote is a bit ironic. also, forgive my crassness, but on page 14 (, why does Chika's lady parts look like Grimace's lips? Google an image of the Mac. Donald's character Grimace and tell me both their lips do not look the same. every time I look at that center panel, I half expect Chika's lips the say "me want a hamburger."

obviously I've given this way too much thought, so it's probably time to call it a night. :-)

last edited at Jul 27, 2014 4:52AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

all I can say is that Yurika is a P.I.M.P!
when I grow up, I wanna have skills just like her.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Kiara was way, way too unlikeable. For 3/4ths of the manga she's desperate to get rid of Nozomi, and in the end it's still not much of change... Even though she says she loves Nozomi, I never really felt it.

Aye, I agree with you on Kiara's attitude. The character reminded me a of a little boy that picks on the girl he really likes because he either a) is too slow to realize he likes the girl or b) is emotionally incapable of processing the fact that he likes the girl. however, Kiara's attitude improved/implied that she really liked/loved Nozomi in ch. 4.

last edited at Jul 24, 2014 9:00AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

threesomes rarely if ever work out. that was a neat and tidy ending. It might be interesting to read a follow-up, but I can guess what the result would be, more angst with no signs of resolution in sight :-(

joined Apr 15, 2011


joined Apr 15, 2011

Ah, what a nice and relaxing read that was.

Fucking excellent ending. Marriage? Damn, once Kiara got moving she got it done quickly

Gonna have to read it all over again now that it's done.

yeah, I wasn't expecting that either, but you are right. btw, since it's Mira, it is in my collection of permanent rereads.

on a different note, I've been rereading this and earth girls. other than the sex scenes, I am amazed at how different each story is from one another. each is OK, but "The sea, you and the sun" story up through chp. 3 is unusually good. not novel quality, but very enjoyable. where "Earth girls," while quaint, is more of a "ho-hum" story. oh well, it is what it is. I do wish "The sun..." was longer than 4 chapters. at least ch. 4 would not seem so rushed and out of place.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Oh wonderful! Another story about a sex obsessed lesbian without any actual romance. Just a girl who liked having sex with any girl she could find. Yay....*sarcastic tone*

heheh, people have sex without romance. ** shrugs ** it happens and it's not always a bad thing. but to each their own :-)

it was a good manga and I liked it, but the sex addict/player abusing the innocent girl next door? it gets old, and it hurts emotionally since I empathize with the innocent girl from next door, who will inevitably get hurt

but maybe a part 2 could change my mind???

btw, I'm not trying to start any crap, just trying to understand your point of view... So ummm, how is the older character abusing the younger character? I disagree with the idea of abuse and would say she (the older character) is taunting the younger character, but definitely not being abusive. so again, how is this abuse?

I Girl discussion 05 Jul 10:26
joined Apr 15, 2011

Lets decide who is the tallest. :-)
Anyone taller then 192cm?

I have a friend who's 206cm
im only 171cm though ;-;

and does your friend play a sport like basketball or volleyball? also, does it feel weird when you only come up to their armpits?

joined Apr 15, 2011

dang, why does Kotone look soo much more mature than Shizuku? I barely recognized her character. is it just me? guess I need to reread :-(

last edited at Jun 23, 2014 8:50PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

ch23 Are they a new pair? I am having trouble keeping track of so many characters xD

yup, new pairing. I know I'm being selfish, but dammit I want some Yuri resolution with the current pairings!!!!!

Anemone discussion 23 Jun 08:00
joined Apr 15, 2011

This is super late, but is anyone else aware that an anemone is a flower?

heh, and here I thought this was in reference to a sea anemone. go figure...

joined Apr 15, 2011

yup. thanks

joined Apr 15, 2011

fyi, the link for girlish sweet ch 11 points to ch 10. I just changed in the last 5 mins.


last edited at Jun 22, 2014 11:34AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

Am I the only one that was hoping for Katou to kick the crap out of Nonaka and left?

Nonaka's kind of a bitch.

nah, she just suffers from roamin' eye syndrome. once she gets the correct eyeglass prescription (ermm... blinders), she should be all good.

however, that whack to Nonaka's head did make me smile.

last edited at Jun 22, 2014 11:30AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

finally! justice for Katou.

welp, that should be just about all the couples. final chapter coming soon?

joined Apr 15, 2011

In any case, all I see is someone bullying and manipulating another person, and just sees it as funny. Even in her private moments, no real indication that she's attracted to the captain.

don't know Nez. Center panel on the left ( is the "mwaha" and shiver an evil nemesis laugh (no offense evilnemesis) or a ooohhh haha, I have a picture of big boob'd captain for my birthday laugh?

Stretch discussion 20 Jun 00:25
joined Apr 15, 2011

Whoever suggested Keiko is repressed or bi, i totally agree. Me thinks this page and the previous page sums it up: I say this because I think in the flask back, she was thinking of Ran.

Now from Ran's point of view, I'd like to see a flashback of when she and Keiko first meet ( In panel 2, upper left, why is Ran blushing so much? Maybe she is shocked/embarrased because a 3rd year is talking to her, but I think there may be something more.

joined Apr 15, 2011

dang I miss old school manga! btw, ever notice how Manabe Jouji-san's artwork looks similar to Satoshi Urushihara. must be that old school flavor.

either way, it was OK. a bit long winded, but OK.

Lemonade discussion 28 May 00:30
joined Apr 15, 2011

@DarkRhodion: appreciate your take on the story and the anecdote. this just goes to show that how a story comes across is one-part story explanation and another-part reader interpretation which definitely includes personal experience. but IMHO, keita's character still sucks lemons even if he is a charismatic and affable guy.

Lemonade discussion 28 May 00:16
joined Apr 15, 2011

I don't mind slow pace. Hell, I enjoyed Sasameki Koto! But for me at least a good part of the problem is the lack of groundwork in any possible yuri relationship. Plus the whole Keita is an ass thing, of course.

yeah, keita's character has irritated the hell out of me too. as for this story, I've given up on pace and Yuri. it's in my "don't fight it" category.

joined Apr 15, 2011

kinda nit-picking, but what a crock with that whole spiel about the contract between maasa and meru! I was kinda hoping it showed a more human side to maasa while hinting to a possible relationship between the two.

also this is my opinion, but even though they (maasa, asuna, and remi) were able to extract revenge on behalf of meru, it kind of seems like it wasn't really for meru's benefit. I had the impression that it was to make them (asuma and remi) feel better about how they treated meru. of course in maasa's case it was a means to get meru to leave while getting reimbursement. because in truth, the damage has been done. how does revenge and getting the girl to admit she was behind the video benefit meru? kind of a weak/half-assed sub-plot don't you all think?

finally, I've asked this before, but has anyone figured out what maasa's major is or what she does for a living? I've reread previous chapters, but must be overlooking the obvious.

Collectors discussion 27 May 23:34
joined Apr 15, 2011

I wasn't sure at first but you know how some women toss their hair when someone they like is around?

Ever since you mentioned this I've been very curious if this is really true?

it can be. kinda like when a person wiggles their index finger in a "come hither" beckoning motion. btw, what do guys do when they are trying to get someone to notice them without being obvious?

Lemonade discussion 27 May 23:26
joined Apr 15, 2011

umm, how does the saying go? "slow and steady wins the race." we all just need to enjoy the slow pace :-)

joined Apr 15, 2011

MMMmmmmmmm........ meh! :-(

OK the alias was funny; otherwise, meh.

Lemonade discussion 19 May 08:50
joined Apr 15, 2011

This is "meh"

AAAaaaAaaaargh! OK, "meh" works too :-)