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Image Comments 14 Dec 04:07
joined Aug 26, 2018

I love Wriggle's expression here. Utterly starstruck.

Image Comments 14 Dec 04:05
joined Aug 26, 2018

You: What the heck you two? I just asked if you wanted a pocky!

Image Comments 14 Dec 04:03
joined Aug 26, 2018

I guess Yuna has been going to McDonalds a few too many times. Hina's legs are just thick because she is a runner gal.

Image Comments 14 Dec 04:01
joined Aug 26, 2018

So that's what R&D has been doing for the last 9 months.

Image Comments 14 Dec 03:59
joined Aug 26, 2018

Kyubey is not for friending, it's for punching.

joined Aug 26, 2018

@BugDevil I dont think she can choose who she is hearing- I think its more like one way telepathy- she can hear anyone who is thinking at or about her. might well be wrong tho.

That second part... was already disproven countless times in these two chapters. There were plenty of times where mute girl was thinking of other people or other things (or even was kind of far away and turning her attention away) and telepath girl still heard her thoughts.

last edited at Dec 13, 2019 5:46PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Now that's an outlandish set-up. Using even one of these two elements would be enough for its own manga, but throwing muteness and telepathy into one mix... works surprisingly well.

My only question is whether telepathy girl can't turn her mind reading off... which would be hell on earth in a school setting. But her radar seems pretty focused on mute girl. If she can decide to listen and to whom, that might imply she actually wants to hear mute girl's thoughts.

Either way, cute!

joined Aug 26, 2018

You’re misreading the argument—I’m saying that the evidence of their encounters prior to Touko’s confession is at best equivocal, and, while suggestive, can’t be used to prove anything one way or the other about the underlying dynamic of their relationship going forward. For instance, Touko initiating the situation where she confessed is the prerequisite to a “normalized” relationship.

Hmmm, seemed to me more like you were trying to lean towards Yuu just not acting like a top because she wasn't allowed to, at least that's what several people here seemed to think, but I apologize for misunderstanding then.

And of course, every bottom “lets” the top top them—otherwise it’s non-consensual sexual assault.

Ouch. You know what I meant. There is a difference between letting someone do something on a whim/for a change and actually prefering it, you silly goose.

The point is, we have seen exactly one intimate encounter between Touko and Yuu without the artificial constraints imposed by Touko’s previous psychological weirdness and/or the senpai/kouhai dynamic, and in that one Yuu took the lead (as some previous hints suggested she might).

You know as well as I that's not a real argument. If we only see Yuu eat cheesecake one time, does that means she only likes cheesecake and doesn't eat strawberry cake? I wouldn't even have said anything if you didn't explicitly say that you think Yuu is more of a top according to the text. What you actually should have said is "We don't have enough information to judge", wouldn't you agree? :P

joined Aug 26, 2018

So sure, they could both be switches, but the actual evidence in the text is that once their relationship normalizes, Touko-senpai Mk. II actually backs off and lets Yuu take over the driver’s seat.

You are actually arguing backwards a little there, by saying because Yuu couldn't act aggressively, she definitely would have, which is not entirely accurate.

Your example of when Touko visited Yuu's room is a very good one for both sides actually.Touko was embarrassed and completely besides herself from all the feelings she had and still tried to be forward, while Yuu... was still in denial. We have seen several times that Yuu had surpressed her feelings to a large degree and that's why she appears so "cool and collected". It's because in that situation her heart wasn't pounding like crazy, like Touko's did.
So because they weren't on the same level it's not even fair to compare their reactions.

Furthemore the holding back argument applies to Touko as well. She was deathly afraid of making Yuu hate her, so her requests were always in moderation and she second-guessed her every action. Touko without those inihibitions might as well have been way more aggressive.

See, this is kind of ignoring anything post mutual confession though. Who was the one who initiated almost everything there too? Touko send the e-mail to call for the meeting, Touko confessed first, Touko was the one who made the preparation for the sleepover and planned their first time. And she let Yuu top, it was not like Yuu took charge.
Post time-skip it very much seems like Touko is still doing her own thing and dragging Yuu along.

If anything Touko still has the bigger control of the relationship, but honestly they are obviously switches and have a very even dynamic.

last edited at Dec 13, 2019 1:58PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

This would have honestly fit right in with the Anthology. The transition squares at the bottom of the last page kinda make me think this isn't finished though. Maybe that's why it's "Untitled".
I did always think Yuu looks really squishy...

EDIT: People ignoring that they are both switches and Touko is mostly in control even after they actually start going out. She wanted Yuu to top. They probably flip coins on it after the first time.

last edited at Dec 13, 2019 4:48AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Phew, the storm saved her from watching an American Godzilla movie.

Hey, King of the Monsters was good.

Godzilla 2014 was so bad that my girlfriend dumped me after we saw it, and the same people who say the sequel is great seem to be the ones who claimed the first one wasn't a snoozefest. So I'm sceptical.

Silly Pope, clergy doesn't get to have girlfriends.
KOTM was a love letter to the more campy Godzilla movies with lots of actual monster screentime and fighting. The music is absolutely outstanding, Bear McCreary is a genius. 2014 got too much build-up and not enough Godzilla, but it has Oscar-bait actors and drama, that's why critics loved it.

Sensei can't choose right anyway, because everyone likes a different Goji era. Everyone loves Jet Jaguar tho.

joined Aug 26, 2018

You know, leaving the realism question aside for a moment, I feel like narratively Mochi doesn't really know what she's going for. If the suspense of not finding out that Kanda is a girl is the main focus (as it appears to be), then the end of Chapter 2 really ruined the entire tension. We already know that Ooguma said she would be fine with girl Kanda as long as she is just as cool. Now you can of course throw in the doubt card, because it was just a really outlandish hypothetical to her and the truth could hit her harder than it may appear, but I really don't think so.

Then what else is there to keep up the tension? Honestly, it seems more like Kanda falling in love and accepting that she wants a lesbian relationship is the true conflict in this story. By pretending to be Ooguma's boyfriend she vicariously lives the couples life she deeply wants, but believes she can't have.

If that is what Mochi is going for, I must give her more credit. The straightforward draw of this manga may just be a cover.

We don't really use boy when a man is grown up, so why should we use girl with women? Also we always say, "what's up man?"

All the men I know always talk about "Those are my boys/homies" etc. Or "Boy, what are you doing?"
Also it's generally accepted that women prefer to be called girls because it makes them feel younger, while boys prefer to be treated older than they are. It's just a psychological thing. Not everyone is like that, but generally it's just part of culture. No shaming involved.

last edited at Dec 12, 2019 10:46AM

Image Comments 11 Dec 15:43
joined Aug 26, 2018

^What and I have to stress this what in ther actual... Both Tracer and Widowmaker were born women and identify as women.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Sheesh Kyouka is taking it from every direction lately. Her reeducation is pretty legit though. Black Kneesocks are divine indeed! Is that last page canon btw or just some fun doodle the author made? Because it was kind of implied, but just straight up saying that they are going out is pretty sudden. At least I figure it's the case considering Melt did like and retweet it. And her only reaction to the Kabedon was that it's cute.

Cooldown is not good or evil. She is just a servant of Yuri who dances by her own drum. She even instinctively chin-up kabedons women when holding them back.

Generally speaking the heroes have been underpowered since day 1. Hayate only survived like 4 times because her enemies fell in love with her, just played around or were obsessed with her Yuri resonance... I'm sure a power up is coming soon. It makes sense why she was weak though, the Dimension Tool was supposed to make her an Antinoid, yet she is totally not compatible. It's like she is using a super highgrade sword by holding the blade and hitting people with the hilt.

My guess is that X's plan is not even that evil. It's probably pretty damn stupid in fact. Getting shot in the face is pretty lame, just as I'd expect from our incompetent overlord!

last edited at Dec 11, 2019 7:13AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Let's just say the bridge isn't the only thing that's flooded today.

Image Comments 11 Dec 06:27
joined Aug 26, 2018

^That Paris New Years chapter was the gayest thing in the entire manga, so I'm pretty sure the author knows what the fans want in this regard. Even if everything else is just teasing, I'm sure that the Rin/Kou subtext is actually solid and intentional. Whether the manga is allowed to actually cross the line or not.

last edited at Dec 11, 2019 7:11AM

Image Comments 11 Dec 06:24
joined Aug 26, 2018

^^This person's critique is even more laughable, because it ignores reality.
It's just a fact that most people are not very good at sex during their first time. Rather than acting like Amber is the devil incarnate for not being that enthused about clumsy sex, one should commend her for faking an orgasm to make her girlfriend feel good about herself. And I 100% agree with Amber, kissing after she just ate you out is pretty revolting. I think that sex scene was probably the most "real" lesbian experience I've read in ages back then.
And as Lilliwyt said, it's just one optional scene that doesn't reflect on the rest of the game. Heck, Amber was in a pretty bad state of mind during most of the story, so a bit more empathy would go a long way.

joined Aug 26, 2018

And suuuuuudenlyyyy
there is some new backstoryyyyy
waiting for meeeeee~

No seriously though, about time. As much as comforting Hino-san with Koguma's smell and sharing an umbrella for no reason is adorable, finding out more about how she got this way is very much appreciated

joined Aug 26, 2018

That's some gay hype first thing in the morning.
Her friends sound used to this.

Image Comments 10 Dec 11:12
joined Aug 26, 2018

Partner look, reversed contrasts that seem off at first, but are surprisingly accurate, Shamiko's tail wrapping around her possession, Beize's amazingly cute expressions, this is definitely top tier among MachiMazo fanart.
And there is that flower next to Momo's head. The longer the manga goes on and the happier Momo gets the more of these flowers appear next to her. Beize really knows their stuff.

Image Comments 10 Dec 11:08
joined Aug 26, 2018

"Scuse me, the cup's shaking too much. Let me adjust the them a bit."
"Kou... you idiot."

Image Comments 10 Dec 11:07
joined Aug 26, 2018

Girlfriends are the purest of friends.

Image Comments 10 Dec 11:05
joined Aug 26, 2018

I think I'm missing the punchline. Unless it's Kyubei, which I totally agree with. Kyubei is always good for punching.

Image Comments 10 Dec 11:03
joined Aug 26, 2018

It wouldn't be YagaKimi without Nakatani's oversized jackets fetish.
College spin-off when?

Image Comments 10 Dec 11:02
joined Aug 26, 2018

No problem, Momo can sew this to Shami size in a flash too. She is actually stupidly good with her hands.