Forum › Posts by Sharkexpert12

joined Mar 29, 2017

Orestes posted:

Wish she'd go the Patreon route and stop bothering with publishers and outdated ways.

It is incredible that they just give up when a magazine goes belly up.

She just did. Galette is funded on which is basically a jps Patreon. That is also why this magazine is such a big deal, because they decided to go for crow funding from people who actually want the yuri the way those artists want to draw it and gave them a option to support their work directly.

AFAIK Galette is the same magazine format that failed hardcore in the past. I mean her individually. Doing the same corporate stuff is going to get them nowhere.

I find extremely hard to believe that she wouldn't get a lot of backers and make a good living out of it but by doing this you keep adding unnecessary baggage and the chances of failing skyrocket.

This is different it is 100% funded by yuri fans if this crashes and burns it's means there isn't a big enough audience for yuri to support itself. If you break out when something like galette is out you'll be a break off in the already small community and would either hurt just her and not make enough both her and galette so why not just stick with the group keep the community in one place. In short she will be fine galette shows no signs of burning to the ground and if it does use the solo mode as a last resort it's not like she can't just jump ship before it explodes.

Image Comments 18 May 02:02
joined Mar 29, 2017

Wow that's a lot detail makes me want to go back down the rabbit hole and watch Flip Flappers again.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Vampires making people immortal through the power of love now? Ssssuure, why the hell not I suppose! As long as we get more yuri vampire hijinks out of it

Well if any genre is allowed to add stuff to vampires it's yuri.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I clicked on this so hard, I needed to buy a new mouse.

I clicked on this so hard it set of seismographs in Antarctica!

So THAT'S why I've been having so much trouble testing stuff at work

You get wifi there? and is it better then comcast and there ass conection?

Image Comments 10 May 00:00
joined Mar 29, 2017

There is but its ronald and the burgerking ya im just gona leave it there so the image wont burn itslef back into my mind.

Pulse discussion 27 Apr 14:22
joined Mar 29, 2017

Ofc Sue was going to create problems for Mel and Lynn.
Sue lost Mel because she wanted to have power and be rich.
All our choices have consequences Sue and one must live with them even if it hurts.
Mel moved on and you should be happy for her and besides Lynn fixed what you destroyed.

Well sue while I would like to stab her myslef is an intresting character her actions fit who she is. She wants to dominate people and take controll of people because she enjoys is. Mel is a person (now) who will not bow down easly(if its not Lynn) she simply wants to take what was once hers back maby for revenge maby because she just wants Mel back i dont know but theres no reason for her to be happy that Mel moved on because theres still the whole mel cut her hand thing. On a side note a slash like that after a few years would stop hurting i handle swords alot and have gotten worse cuts and am still able to swing around a claymore sue not being able to hold a scalp is just her being a babby.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Glad to see this again. I'm still diehard MayuxMika, though.

Untill someone makes fun of something the trump family has done (rember the jeans thing)

joined Mar 29, 2017

If the series starts with multiple love interests and finishes with the protagonist committed to only one, does it automatically fall out of the harem genre? I'd think that the label is dependent on how the protagonist's relationships across the entire cast plays out over the course of the story instead of a binary assessment over their relationship status at its conclusion.

IMO, regardless of the monogamous end, if there were several routes/competition before it, I can happily classify it as harem. :) I'm alright with both tho. I've had my fair share of harem mangas that ended vaguely so it's really pleasant to see one that ends the other way around.

I love chapter 14 even if I don't understand Chinese.

Does anyone know up to what chapter this manga is at so far (in Japan)?

Someone told me 20 but not sure how accutate that is.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Lol first you turn vampire then you turn gay XD

I'm all for lesbian vampire harems too

You are aware that vampirism has been used as a metaphor for lesbianism since pretty much the inception of the genre? ;-)

Are you alluding to a certain vampire novella that predates Dracula? ;)

Just another bit of proof that yuri has already shaped the world.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Is the whole Sumisumi secret thing going to be resolved soon? I don't feel as though it's resolved with just the I'll wait until your ready to talk situation since Haruka has no idea what Yuu is talking about >_> Aside from that does anyone know if the series will go past them graduating or will that be the end when they finally graduate?

Its all up to the writer but i would not be shocked to see a short lived sequal/continuation into college life kinda like k-on. As for the current story i have no idea only way to find out is to wait for more.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Somehow i cant see the raws in this site sigh

Chapter 18 in eng on imgur.

Meh knew this was coming. No surprise there. This manga is 'meh whatever' at this point.

its starting to irritate me. can't believe its getting an anime it just feels so trashy to me.

Japanese people nowadays have weird and mostly shit taste. Just remember that and everything is fine.

It seems to follow a pattern similar to american soaps(heavy drama tv shows generaly for old people) it wouldent suprise me to see that the demographic for this is an older audience. The pattern being something kinda good then end with cliffhanger over a sea of drama. Or dealing with said sea of drama then ending with something kinda ok repeat. Anime NTR will probly get better if the voice over is good and animation is done well stories like this gain alot from both. Will it surpass Flip Flappers? Not in a million years. But will there be people who enjoy it for what it is? Ya probly.

joined Mar 29, 2017

ergzay posted:

Wow so many people misunderstanding that last page. It's not Yandere and its not a lead into some kind of Violence. She's realizing she loves Mimika and she's deathly scared now as she's slowly realizing it. She's scared about what the feeling inside her means (keep in mind this girl hardly understand what the word "love" even means). If you suddenly had an emotion that you never realize you had, you'd be scared about what's going inside yourself as well.

I know, I'm playing with the idea, who hasn't fell in love here? IT IS actually scary how hard you heart can beat, you think it will break your rips

It's not just that. Yuzumori is a self-reliant, independent person. She's perhaps even towards the "I am a rock, I am an island" kind of schtick. Now suddenly her happiness is massively dependent on somebody outside herself, she is hugely vulnerable to the vagaries of that person's feelings for her. Really, love is a very frightening thing. You give someone your heart, and who knows WTF they might do with it.

And its the origin story for most yandere characters they are stoic and unmoveing then all of their emotions are reliant on one person and they do whatever it takes to be with that person. From the looks of things yuzumori probly wont go crazy unless some third party makes a stupid mistake and flips her switch.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Everyone reading this will want a happy resolution, but how will the author do that? It might - very possibly - be a tearful farewell.

HGD 4 had a pretty happy ending.

Ya but that one was very diffrent the younge girl made her feelings known extreemly fast then instead of being shy and bashfull aggressivly pushed the older woman into kissing her. This feels like one of the two will go yandere and the story will become Sugar Life 2.

Image Comments 21 Apr 02:25
joined Mar 29, 2017

So do with with a diffrent pair of lips.

joined Mar 29, 2017

discussing the lyrics of an anime's opening not related with the manga this forum is for, a totally normal day in dynasty

You know what I enjoy talking about breakfast............

Image Comments 16 Apr 08:03
joined Mar 29, 2017

I remember reading somewhere yuri is 26 but ya no idea how correct that is.

joined Mar 29, 2017

i wonder why there isnt anymore doujinshis about this show?

Several reasons orignal animes dont tend to translate well Flip Flappers being both the most difficult and simple. Its easy to recreate the characters and do what you will with them however text and art will never match the orignal feel of the show its probly the only anime to take advantage of every possable aspect of animation even useing aspect ratio to kick you out of imersion or designing the world in a way to express the space in a 2d plane with other layers being used to create depth without allowing the viewer to forget you are wathing a tv show. (Both are used so rarely it might be the first time in years either has been used properly letalone the same time) TL:DR (its hard to translate a story built to be supported by animation, sound, music, ect into pictures and text)

Yuru Yuri discussion 14 Apr 02:42
joined Mar 29, 2017

I love yuru yuri... At first I was happy, then kinda mad because it says yuri but nothing gets past subtext but seeing the characters doing silly stuff like this really makes me feel good lol, I can't be mad.

It translates to easygoing yuri a fitting name for a manga where the closest thing we have had to story is whenever Akarin realizes again she is the comedic relief in a comedy manga.(rip Akarin younwere the main character once for maby 5 chapters)

joined Mar 29, 2017

Lol first you turn vampire then you turn gay XD

I'm all for lesbian vampire harems too

You are aware that vampirism has been used as a metaphor for lesbianism since pretty much the inception of the genre? ;-)

Dem suckers tho(if ya dont understand just think about it)

Citrus discussion 11 Apr 09:06
joined Mar 29, 2017

Sharkexpert12 posted:

There are so many people getting in the way of their LOVE

Welcome to Citrus the shoujo yuri :P. I just hope the success of Citrus dosen't start the age of pointless love triangle drama.

Have you never read any shoujo manga? The age started ages ago. I'm waiting for ice age to finally put end to it.

I ment for yuri i know shoujo manga is love trinagle after love triangle. Yuri currently dosent spam love triangles quite so much atleat not as much as citrus we are 27 chapters in and we have seen 3 rivals......

joined Mar 29, 2017

I don't know what's worse the fact someone thought these up or the fact that they were actually made and drawn

Take a look at his non yuri stuff it gets even more fucked up. Like guy sticks hand up girls ass to masturbate with his dick that is currently inside her vag bad.

Citrus discussion 10 Apr 14:19
joined Mar 29, 2017

There are so many people getting in the way of their LOVE

Welcome to Citrus the shoujo yuri :P. I just hope the success of Citrus dosen't start the age of pointless love triangle drama.

Image Comments 10 Apr 09:11
joined Mar 29, 2017

Needs more pre painwheel painwheel.

Image Comments 10 Apr 09:10
joined Mar 29, 2017

Dont you hate it when all your jokes backfire and end in sex. This is why im not funnny.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Secret ending reveal: Shio's the murderer.

Shiro's the mastermind she is just acting all cute while in real she is the devil her self.

And Sato being the agressive yandere is a ploy to protect everyone around her. Its not gona happen but if it did that would be so amazeing.