Azai Kitkat101* Nyuuuu. :( I guess I failed at trying to recruit people to the short hair club haha.. as I did for my rl friends.. sniff.
I did get a short hair cut last September tho. But not a bob cut.
Bob cut's waaaaay too short for me. And my parents are gonna get real suspicious with me again. Remember, I'm not out of the closet yet. XD
No one's going to suspect anything just cause you get a bob cut..
having short hair doesn't automatically make you gay~
You can also go for one of those cute bobs that can make you look really girly if that's what you want to go for ^
... I am clearly failing at this convincing thing :(
and welcome back GraciousLlama haha I love your 'I'mbackguysandstillfabulousasever' picture.
last edited at Apr 4, 2016 7:42PM