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Image Comments 06 Aug 05:50
joined Mar 23, 2014

My thoughts indeed

Stretch discussion 05 Aug 21:56
joined Mar 23, 2014

Ugh just fucking get married already!!! I'm so frustrated with how gay they are and yet they're doing nothing about it!!!!
Please Shou stop teasing us please~

joined Mar 23, 2014

Thank god I have you guys, so I don't have to read through this and then regret it later

Thermidor discussion 05 Aug 15:15
joined Mar 23, 2014

Lol it took me a few years to finally realize that this is Tokoharu xD

joined Mar 23, 2014

Aaaa~ I want more of the track team couple. They're my favorite <3

joined Mar 23, 2014

Yeah it's been out since June in Japan,if you live in the US it's out on Sept 12 & 14.

I'm going to San Francisco for the showing. Wonder if there's anyone else going there too. I'm so excited xD

joined Mar 23, 2014

Aaa~ This is still funny no matter how many times I reread it

last edited at Aug 4, 2015 5:13AM

Their Story discussion 03 Aug 17:38
joined Mar 23, 2014

Is it weird that I would feel like crying because of how cute they are?
And I'm worried sick for Sun Jing!!!! Why the hell did the author decide to do that to sweet Sun Jing?!?!?

Image Comments 03 Aug 14:12
joined Mar 23, 2014

That one Kotori kissing Umi's thigh/near butt. Nice XD

Image Comments 03 Aug 14:09
joined Mar 23, 2014

Umi!! That's too mean! She can't even honk on her birthday?!?

joined Mar 23, 2014


Just wanted to see this again xD


joined Mar 23, 2014

I mean, the ending was cute. Everything else before that was just creepy.

joined Mar 23, 2014

Bocchi is slowly becoming my little baby :/ I just wanna help her out and take care of her.

joined Mar 23, 2014

Ah, with the ship-to-ship combat. Why can't everybody agree with the One True 9some? (if I counted them right)

Nah, more like 13some (including Alisa and A-RISE) xD

joined Mar 23, 2014

It's not that his love means less. It's just that his love is not even clearly stated. In 3 chapters, all I can get about Takeda is that, while he seems to like Yuma, he's not in love with her and his primary goal is to lose his virginity.

Oh, he's nice about it, and not forceful. But all his actions tend to show that he wants to be on the good side of Yuma so that she spreads her legs willingly. He's not evil. He's just your average Joe who wants to get laid and make nice memories of it. He likes Yuma, but it doesn't have to be Yuma ultimately.

So yeah, I put more value in Hotaru's love, because she needs Yuma. Not some other girl, not some abusive boyfriend, but specifically Yuma. Because she's the one who's always been there for her and the one who swore to protect her always. And she's in love with her.

It can be argued that she's going completely wrong about it, almost forcing herself on Yuma, but I take it as a form of despair on her part. She's on the verge of losing her completely. For years, she's been in the Hell of "there's no way my love will ever be fulfilled". I guess you can't really relate to this, but I've been there and I can tell it's real Hell that keeps you awake at night and makes you want to punch walls because it's so unfair.

Personally, I feel for Hotaru, because I identify with her on many levels. Being next to someone you crave to touch, but can't really because it could mean the end of everything. But just a hug means the world.

So, yeah, in this context, I don't give a shit about Takeda's feelings. He's good looking and he can get a girlfriend anyday if he gets over his awkwardness. Sorry, I'm not reading this to see some random schmoe get laid with a girl he asked out because she happened to be there and cute.

This, so much this.

joined Mar 23, 2014

it's a miracle that Kotori didn't fuck her lights out on the spot

Lol Kotori just jumps on her right there xD I can see that

joined Mar 23, 2014

I'm making inhuman noises again, because of the thought that μ's is disbanding :( 1 more month until I can go see the movie.
And why is there need to be a shipping war in LL when it is so easy to multiship????

joined Mar 23, 2014

Yes top nico! I think it's fine if Sekihara want Nico to top forever, we can just go to Ooshima Tomo and see sub Nico when we want :D

joined Mar 23, 2014

Scared to read more of this, because cheating and het, but for the sake of my yuri, I'll do my best.

joined Mar 23, 2014

Ok I've been laughing for 5 min straight when I saw the K-ON! girls xD

joined Mar 23, 2014

smooth as fuck Umi-chan~
I've got a lot to learn :3

joined Mar 23, 2014

Oh god the feels. Poor Bocchi, poor Kai-chan too. I wouldn't want my relationship with my best friend to be like that either.
Btw, I had the same feeling about free drink refills like Bocchi the first time I was introduce to the idea.

joined Mar 23, 2014

Consarn it.

I didn't even know there was such a phrase. Laughed so hard when she curses xD

Image Comments 24 Jul 01:20
joined Mar 23, 2014

My head automatically think "Ring ding ding ding dingeringeding" everytime I see the title ugh

Image Comments 24 Jul 01:14
joined Mar 23, 2014

and this is why I actually bought an extra large GAP sweater last year just so in case I have a girlfriend Wishful thinking

P.S. Madoka's butt <3

last edited at Jul 24, 2015 1:15AM