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joined Mar 29, 2017

"Plain" manager my ass... manager is a 8/10 while Yuria is a 9/10. I call that a close game people. Almost like Warriors vs Cavaliers...

It's kinda implied that Manager is kind of....slightly butch? I could see that being termed plain by a lot of people. Especially by men.

My question at that point becomes "why is the title written from a man's perspective?!"

You could also interpret it as a personality trait having a plain personality type meaning generally serious and not being crazy. And I would assume lesbians see other women thru the eyes of a man to a degree like gay men see a hot guy with the eyes of a woman(half my family is gay and it's very weird going to the beach with a reunion)

PAX 2 discussion 20 Jun 15:24
joined Mar 29, 2017

Of course the ambiguity defeats the purpose of the story. Especially when almost every major detail is ambiguous. Why does Kei hate smoking so much and why does she associate it only with men? Is Sachi still dating the guy? Did Sachi ever even date the guy or was it a one sided crush? Why did Sachi vanish for three months and then show up like it was nothing? Where did she even go? Is Kei just a rebound or does Sachi actually love her? Do they actually break up or does Sachi finally feel like she can move on and keep on being with Kei? If the entire plot of the story is left up to individual interpretation then it's not well written.

On the contrary pax reminds me of Hidetaka Miyazaki's story telling(dark souls director) in no way would I ever say his is bad at telling a story quite the opposite. Personally I love it when storys make you participate it makes you more attached to the world if you also created your own interpretation. It makes me more atached to the characters and the world they live in.

Except Dark Souls is a video game whose lore is built around the idea of adventuring out in order to find clues to piece it all together. It's a mystery that the players have to choose to engage in or completely miss out on. It's like being a detective or archaeologist. PAX is a two chapter manga that just blatantly leaves out important details and there is absolutely no way for us to figure out what happened. The manga is about these two characters and their relationship and yet after reading it we still don't know anything about it. Their pasts, presents and futures are all left in the dark with no clues for us to find to figure out what the hell even happened.

There's something fun in storytelling you don't need to know about past or future. Again use dark souls even now that we have all the information we will ever get when know nothing about the future of the world and in the past we only know of a few key points and there are about 10 plausible theories. There is no difference between a story told by game, book, manga, cartoon, movie, or word and dark souls and it's story with context locked to it's actual lore and the lore is about what happened but the gaps in time are massive and because how time works in souls it makes people rip their hair out. Also it must be said the complaints thrown at it are unreal considering the number next to it's name is 2 not 20 not 200 just 2 wait for the thing to finish before you get up in arms about a story that has yet to be told.

PAX 2 discussion 20 Jun 15:11
joined Mar 29, 2017

We know what the author wanted to convey, which is that Kei believes her partner is emotionally unfaithful to her, and feels sad and lonely. You say over and over again that all the plot points are ambiguous but that's not the case. The details are ambiguous.

No, we don't know what the author wanted to convey, that's the whole point. You don't know, I don't know, because the story was muddled garbage. The plot is ambiguous. You don't know what is even happening during the events in the manga, for fucks sakes it goes from a random kiss to Sachi missing for three months to them fucking like bunnies, and you don't know how it ends.

For one, there are clues. We can look at Kei's hatred of tobacco smoke, and imagine she had a traumatic experience with a man who smoked tobacco threatening her relationship. We can look at Sachi going to the store to buy new headphones, and infer that she may be trying at a new start with Kei, unbeknownst to Kei. We can look at the last page of Kei smoking a cigarette and glaring into the pitch blackness, and infer that the relationship is ending or at least not going anywhere happy.

If your clues require their own ambiguous interpretation then they are not clues. They are just more bullshit you have to dig through to try to figure out what the hell is going on. Kei hates tobacco, we don't know why she hates it. We don't know how the headphones are connected to her ex-boyfriend, so her buying new ones doesn't have any meaning. Kei smoking while wearing Sachi's headphones doesn't mean anything, it's not a clue. It's a convoluted mess that means nothing. It's the yuri equivalent of throwing a bucket of paint against a canvas and trying to interpret meaning from it. We don't know why she is wearing the headphones, we don't know why she is even smoking. Also, she's not staring into pitch blackness, she is staring at the reader from the corner of her eye.

I don't love this manga by any means, but there's definitely an intention, a feeling conveyed. Details periphery to that intention being left to the imagination are NOT a sign of an inept writer.

When literally every detail is left up to imagination and interpretation then it's a sign of an inept writer. When two polar opposite interpretations are equally plausible then it's a sign that the writer is terrible at conveying whatever intention they had.

You seem angry at something if you don't like it you don't need to come here to attempt to silence the people who do enjoy creating theories and never being sure of anything.

PAX 2 discussion 19 Jun 17:47
joined Mar 29, 2017

Of course the ambiguity defeats the purpose of the story. Especially when almost every major detail is ambiguous. Why does Kei hate smoking so much and why does she associate it only with men? Is Sachi still dating the guy? Did Sachi ever even date the guy or was it a one sided crush? Why did Sachi vanish for three months and then show up like it was nothing? Where did she even go? Is Kei just a rebound or does Sachi actually love her? Do they actually break up or does Sachi finally feel like she can move on and keep on being with Kei? If the entire plot of the story is left up to individual interpretation then it's not well written.

On the contrary pax reminds me of Hidetaka Miyazaki's story telling(dark souls director) in no way would I ever say his is bad at telling a story quite the opposite. Personally I love it when storys make you participate it makes you more attached to the world if you also created your own interpretation. It makes me more atached to the characters and the world they live in.

joined Mar 29, 2017 the scissoring looks so weird

Gaping Dragon anyone?

joined Mar 29, 2017

Chapter 20 raws.
I'm not sure if this manga is getting better or worse.

It's just different from the normal way to cute for your own health yuri it's some heavy drama. It's fine I mean it's has a fan base and they like it so who are we to judge.

Magan&Danai discussion 17 Jun 05:07
joined Mar 29, 2017

[T]/ praise yuri it's back

joined Mar 29, 2017

I get that this is suppose to be sexy and stuff but honestly, all i can think of is period blood

I guess that's the difference between "fresh" blood from veins and "expired" period blood. Kinda like milk. XD

O God why

joined Mar 29, 2017

Happy Sugar Life TVCM voiced by Kana Hanazawa voicing as Sato.

Now I understand why it is such a great manga. If Square Enix put fingers in it...

They also made the abomination of a boss fight in 11(I think) that took a full day. So I'm not so sure how I feel about them.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Awesome! Would love to see more of this artist doing echi things in general.

I mean look at the other works some of them make this seem like children t.v.

joined Mar 29, 2017

That was so uncalled for cashier-san! You should make up for it by dating her!

And she will then say it was all an experiment.

Ayakashiko discussion 09 Jun 11:59
joined Mar 29, 2017

I really couldn't wait for it!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Kappa. ... kappa. ...
And my favourite character is Nene ;D

[Insert kappa song]

Image Comments 09 Jun 10:31
joined Mar 29, 2017

Wow she wears a lot of jewelry .

joined Mar 29, 2017

There's really no exception with rule 34, huh? ._.

This isn't even unexpected what is crazy is there is stuff of 4 boneing the number 3.

joined Mar 29, 2017

^ How about the fact that no one refers to their sister as "Lady"?

I do in a spitrefull way.

joined Mar 29, 2017

But, how old is kanna in human years?

Well every Dragon story is different some worlds dragons age with humans 1:1 all the way to dark souls logic of 1 year = whatever we lost count. So just assume 800.

Cutie Beast discussion 06 Jun 23:59
joined Mar 29, 2017

Idk but i laughed so damn much during this manga, i dunno if its actually translated like that or the translators were just like "nyeh lets give it some jazzz"

Probly a bit of both because it's Mira.

joined Mar 29, 2017

She endures only the suffering she herself creates with her selfishness. Let go of this false idol and rejoice in the eternal gentleness of the true savior, Madoka.

"You have come! You have come to hear the word of Talos!"
"The Imperials silence us because they fear us! They are cowards! Cowards and fools who have forgotten the truth!"
"There are those who would silence the Dragon's truth! But not I! Not Heimskr! His word will be known!"
"The truth, child of Talos, is that the Dragon's children have come! To purge the world in fire and righteousness!"
"He has returned... Oh, how Talos has returned. Helgen has been purged in his light. Will Whiterun be next?"

Woah woah. Let's not start going to Skyrim.

We all know it is a flood of meme from there

[Insert thalmor joke here]

joined Mar 29, 2017

yandere != "I'm gonna kill you or some other people!"
yandere == "I love you so much I'd rather see you dead than belonging to somebody else and if anybody shows interest toward you, they're dead."

So far, that new girl didn't show any romantic interest, obsessive or not, toward yuzumori. If anything, she looks like she hate her guts. And she doesn't even know who's Mimika. Calling her a yandere is, in my opinion, premature.

Might get proved wrong later, sure, but this chapter doesn't really show her as a yandere.

I read that first part like a compiler and was left very confused by the lack of ;

joined Mar 29, 2017

'Does she even do regular massages...?' <____<

From how popular it got probly not.

joined Mar 29, 2017

This isn't your normal garden variety Rape.
It's a very special kind of Rape.
In the yesteryears you would only really see it in yaoi, but today we have...
Uh, this.

The dynamic here is very common in yaoi. In most yuri stories, the partners are defined as rough equals in physical and sexual aggressiveness. Here we see one partner who is able and willing to sexually intimidate their lover, which I've heard is one of the things that draws readers to yaoi.
^This is manga has a similar thing going on, and it was done by mostly yaoi author iirc

Well the big irony is that in the real world it's the other way around gay men tend to both be passive or equally aggressive while lesbian couples tend to be a bit more lopsided. (From my experience with being friends with gay couples) no I'm not gay I'm asexual.

Image Comments 22 May 01:50
joined Mar 29, 2017

You don't choose the yuri life the yuri life chooses you.

joined Mar 29, 2017

We will see how it goes.

Tbh, I didn't care much for Hana and Hina. They were cute and I'd wish them to live happily ever after, but they were lacking any presence.

Here, I fear that Morinaga is going for the same type of story of "will they/won't they" accept their feelings.

I know this is her trademark, but the whole "let's make everything overwhelmingly cute" ("Oh, a kitten... so cute") makes me want to bring back some reality into her stories.

Eh... for once, I wish a guy makes his appearance and is a serious rival. That will shake off the whole "cute" acts.

There are some that do that but as far as I know they all either suck or got so much hate the writer moved on to a different genera.

joined Mar 29, 2017

This is different it is 100% funded by yuri fans if this crashes and burns it's means there isn't a big enough audience for yuri to support itself. If you break out when something like galette is out you'll be a break off in the already small community and would either hurt just her and not make enough both her and galette so why not just stick with the group keep the community in one place. In short she will be fine galette shows no signs of burning to the ground and if it does use the solo mode as a last resort it's not like she can't just jump ship before it explodes.

Precisely that. How do they pretend to do better than Yuri Hime and other pretty famous magazines that went under with the exact same recipe?

This isn't a normal mag my God how are you not understanding those ran off sales and ads so there were corporate ties this has zero corporate ties none at all. This runs off people donating and the money made from sales and donations gets split after the fact instead of being hired it's more of a creative group then a job. So here's how it works if it was things could be cut at a moment's notice and no one but fans would care here if she gets axed the fans are also the investors so literally everything would fall apart. Get it now? The formula is this we get money from fans to make a yuri mag so we keep them happy and we stay afloat yay. Old formula we need to keep the guys at the top happy so stuff they don't like we cut there's literally no way for a mag that does well to 100% know what is and isn't popular because they sell a decent amount outside of Japan so generally stuff is axed for corprare reasons. There isn't a corporation here it's literally the fans funding the mag so fan outrage is MASSIVE more so then anything else if they get an advertiser the ads pull out it's annoying but nothing big if the fans pull out then that's the instant death.

joined Mar 29, 2017

God exists!!

And she's gay!



You're the only heretic here, not accepting Madoka as the one true savior.

Homura is the true god, you filthy ningen.

Homura is the biggest heretic of all. She knows it so well that she keeps punishing herself. Forsake your false goddess and accept Madoka's gentle embrace in your heart.

Forsake the true god Homura who endured endless looping punishment for her love and sacrificed everything?


She endures only the suffering she herself creates with her selfishness. Let go of this false idol and rejoice in the eternal gentleness of the true savior, Madoka.

"You have come! You have come to hear the word of Talos!"
"The Imperials silence us because they fear us! They are cowards! Cowards and fools who have forgotten the truth!"
"There are those who would silence the Dragon's truth! But not I! Not Heimskr! His word will be known!"
"The truth, child of Talos, is that the Dragon's children have come! To purge the world in fire and righteousness!"
"He has returned... Oh, how Talos has returned. Helgen has been purged in his light. Will Whiterun be next?"