I-insulin... Need my insulin...
Anyone wanna share my fallout shelter?
filming Excellent! This will make for a marvellous documentary.
^ Awful thin for a sabercat, isn't she?
Sneaky lil muffin. :3
Kyaaa~!!! <3<3
Take some bad weed, sweetheart?
^ nobody can resist the bootymaker.
Captain Diabetes strikes again!!
^let 'em finish first.
@Gelert_xross and they're all pharmercy at that. :3
Sexy and sweet at the same time. I love it!! <3
What's Yukari's record, I wonder.
miku Ha-tsun-me~
I feel like I should be confused, but I'm not...
I love Ugetsu's sad-eyed art style. It's heart-meltingly adorable. <3<3
sigh... Japan.
^ wink wink nudge nudge, y'know what I mean? Y'know what I mean?
Big cats can be very... Single minded. ;3
^^ holy shit how long has it been since anyone here has read that?! I think I still have the book on a shelf somewhere...
Sweet reference, tho.
Lemme give you some ideas... ;3
^ maybe Lovely Kiss is her Z-move?
Arisa is so cute!! but her obliviousness is frustrating sometimes...
last edited at Nov 7, 2017 12:05AM