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joined Feb 18, 2015

Not really relevant but I wanted to pinpoint that in that train scene Yuu is thinking "It's not bad if she stays asleep like this". That's the more literal translation, 4s added some lines and while the meaning is the same, the literal translation could give a different feeling just a bit.

Even that quote sounds like it could be taken with a double meaning. It could be interpreted as Yuu thinking that she's fine with letting Touko continue sleeping--to continue shutting herself off from reality (and perhaps live in her dreams?). It represents the last shreds of her inner desire to let Touko continue her toxic fantasies because that is what is normal between them.

But, at the same time, Yuu knows that this can't continue much longer... Either her feelings will overflow and, in her view, ruin everything; something will happen to further disillusion Touko about her sister's life and throw her into disarray and she proved to her earlier that Yuu isn't the first person she is likely to turn to, which Yuu doesn't want to happen; or the play will finish and Touko will have completed her task, so to speak, and entirely lose direction in life and Yuu will need to try to pick up the pieces once the ideal of her sister isn't there as a goal anymore.

The question is which one comes first...

I dunno, dude, but either way, I'm on the edge of my seat. I think we're actually approaching the climax now, and I'm a little nervous because I think, at this point, it can go any way.

IKR! It is so rare that a story has me this uncertain of how it will end, without the writing being just horrible. I do NOT believe that the writing is bad at ALL in this story. I think it is excellent. The ability to keep me on the edge of my seat with, what is essentially a simple romance story, is WONDERFUL!

I reckon if they were to start living together, they'd own a cat (Touko is a cat lover, obv) & a dog or several of them.

Decided to make a fanart out of this.

Melting... too... cute...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Now I want to see the cat meet the chihuahuas and terrorize them a little. Just a little!

Exactly! I'd love to see the cat and chihuahuas meet! (Though, I think it might go the other way around in terms of who terrorizes whom, at first...)

joined Feb 18, 2015

I think it's pretty clear that Touko sleeping on the train is symbolic of her false life, trying to emulate her image of her sister's perfect life she never got to live, with Yuu thinking that, their relationship, as it stands, isn't that bad. They're able to have fun. She is able to hide her true feelings, for now. She entices her into kissing her on occasion to satisfy her own needs at this point without Touko realizing that it is actually Yuu's desires that are being sated as much as her own, because Yuu has gotten pretty tricky like that.

But, at the same time, Yuu knows that this can't continue much longer... Either her feelings will overflow and, in her view, ruin everything; something will happen to further disillusion Touko about her sister's life and throw her into disarray and she proved to her earlier that Yuu isn't the first person she is likely to turn to, which Yuu doesn't want to happen; or the play will finish and Touko will have completed her task, so to speak, and entirely lose direction in life and Yuu will need to try to pick up the pieces once the ideal of her sister isn't there as a goal anymore.

The question is which one comes first...

joined Feb 18, 2015

"Met My Cousin's Sister's Mother's Friend's Niece's Sister's Daughter on a Dating Site"
I win.

So what does that make them?

Someone entirely unrelated to you?

"I met my girlfriend on a dating site"

Nah...too far out there.

That's a modernization of the Piña Colada song, with yuri I presume...

last edited at Jul 17, 2017 9:37PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

Tsundere is a character flaw to be overcome, not a desirable personality trait that makes you cute.

Quoted for truth!

Lily Love discussion 16 Jul 13:57
joined Feb 18, 2015

Fantastic chapter! I love Ploy's teasing of Ice and can't wait for the eventual moment when Ploy is flustered because of her, which I anticipate happening. Just because it's kind of predictable doesn't make it precious!

The most recent pulse is looking pretty grim though...

joined Feb 18, 2015

I'm the type that makes people uncomfortable.

I feel bad, because on the one hand it sucks that Japan is so conservative with LGBT issues compared to many of its allies, but on the other hand I love the dorama that it brings.

Actually Japan was never against LGBT people. After the Americans took over that stigma was created. Japan is also one of the most accepting country's in sex or kings.

What existed prior to the American occupation is entirely irrelevant to modern day stories set in Japan. The truth of the matter is that only in a few areas of Japan are same sex relationships even recognized as remotely legitimate. They are on par with the majority of the rest of east Asia, with the exception of Taiwan, when it comes to this, however. The book "Queer Japan" detailed quite clearly what the experience of the LGBTQ+ population of Japan was like in the later part of the 20th century, which was largely being ignored, overlooked, and politely considered to not exist unless they caused trouble.

However, even before the American occupation, there was an expectation of women that they would "grow out" of that "phase" of their lives, marry, and have children if they "experimented" with same sex relationships during their school years. The "Class-S" literature of the early 20th century in Japan was full of stories where the women graduated and moved on. The behavior wasn't necessarily considered wrong, it was just considered a phase of youth. That is not a particularly positive LGBTQ+ position.

Also... I have no idea what you mean by " most accepting country's in sex or kings." please explain!

As for this story, it could very well be the case that Minami is helping to support her parents if they are that far gone on drugs. It also doesn't say how old she is. (Of course, if the's under 18, it would probably be a bad thing for Iori at this point... With that many tattoos, I doubt that she's that young.)

BTW... Does anyone know if it is Iori that is thinking the line "It's my relatives's hospital though"?

last edited at Jul 8, 2017 11:39PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

"Plain" manager my ass... manager is a 8/10 while Yuria is a 9/10. I call that a close game people. Almost like Warriors vs Cavaliers...

It's kinda implied that Manager is kind of....slightly butch? I could see that being termed plain by a lot of people. Especially by men.

My question at that point becomes "why is the title written from a man's perspective?!"

You could also interpret it as a personality trait having a plain personality type meaning generally serious and not being crazy. And I would assume lesbians see other women thru the eyes of a man to a degree like gay men see a hot guy with the eyes of a woman(half my family is gay and it's very weird going to the beach with a reunion)

I've usually found that straight men and sapphic women have markedly different perspectives when it comes to what they find attractive in a woman.

I'm going to have to agree with Majere. I've actually read some very interesting discussions on how if a girl views (from actions/words/comments, obviously can't get in their head) other girls the same way men do, she's probably faking her attraction to turn guys on because it is so markedly different from how women with genuine attraction to other women behave.

I dont know? Different people behave differently.

Or perhaps it is how she perceives herself? It is clear that she doesn't see herself as being similarly attractive to Model-chan from the way the story is written...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Love that last line tho.

Seriously! That's some confidence there!

Retired at 39? This guy must have had a great job then.

He's a professional boxer... That's why they're moving to Las Vegas... so he can make one last attempt to make it big in his profession before he is forced to retire from BOXING because guys that are over 40 generally don't win a whole lot of fights against younger guys unless their names are things like Muhammad Ali, George Foreman, etc... In other professional sports you retire around that age, or earlier, as well. You don't see a whole lot of baseball, football, basketball, soccer, or hockey players in their 40s.

YO SERIOUSLY WHO WOULD SAY NO WHEN THEY HAVE A CHANCE TO GO AMERICA. This happens a lot in manga but in real life you wouldn't give a shit about your school and friends if you can study in a foreign country

I kind of like having affordable access to health care and a not staggeringly corrupt federal government.

That's a nice dream...

Seriously, aside from the political cluster f#@% this country has become over the past few years, there are plenty of reason for a high school kid to NOT want to move to any foreign country. Maybe they have friends? I really wouldn't have wanted to leave all of my friends in high school. Not speaking the language fluently can be pretty intimidating. It's one thing if you are studying a language and going overseas for a limited time as PART of studying that language, but it is entirely different if you are just moving there.

Queer baiting? Queer baiting.
Good to know I won't have to expect something then.'s at 3 published chapters right now. Are you people wasting your supernatural oracle talents to look into the future and see how ongoing yuri series end or are you just taking the piss because you're jaded and want to sound smart? No yuri marriage with science baby in 3 chapters? Fucking dropped!

There's 8 chapters out.

OOOH!!! 8 chapters and they haven't declared their undying love for each other and stripped each other naked? It CAN'T be yuri then!!! Must be queer baiting!!! In a YURI MAGAZINE! I'm sure the editors of Yuri Hime are looking for material that is full of queer baiting ALL THE TIME so they can piss people off! Right? Right!

Come on! Wtv said in the spoiler text earlier that there was some fairly obvious subtext already and it's only 8 chapters in. Does nobody appreciate slow burn anymore? People LOVED Fluttering Feelings and it was the ultimate slow burn! Their Story is a pretty slow burn romance as well. Nobody accuses those two of not being yuri!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Good chapter.

People who hold a grudge from middle school like that and can't accept a sincere apology are worse than the person who was rude to them in the first place. (And it probably suggests that Yurine hit too close to home with her criticism of her in middle school.)

joined Feb 18, 2015

But Yuu HAS been the one to initiate them hanging out before! Several times. Technically when they were studying together it was Touko who asked Yuu if she was also going to the library, but when the library was full, it was Yuu who asked her if she wanted to study at her house instead of at the library (Chapter 8). There is no indication of who suggested the doughnut shop in chapter 18, but it was probably because of the lack of space in the library again. But the most significant two times were:

1: Chapter 10 when Yuu asked Touko to walk home with her and confronted her about her desire to become a copy of her sister.

2: Chapter 22 when Yuu, once again, asked Touko to walk home with her, then, when Touko was going to part ways, invited her to hang out at her house for a little while because, "If we say goodbye now, it'll probably be a few days until we see each other again. I don't want that."

This one, most likely, will end up being the most important one, since it seems to be leading to what will be considered a date.

I didn't consider those times mostly because they were not exactly them hanging out since they were either school work-related or just Yuu trying to confront Touko about her problems. Although you can say the same about ch 18 since Yuu also agreed to meet because of school work. But I guess ch 8 & 22 where she invited her home are probably the closest to Yuu initiate asking Touko to hang out till now. This chap tho is the first time she ever asked her to hang out just cuz she wanted to see her & not b/c she wanted to confront her or b/c of study session.

But she also needs to tell her about the new ending to the play, so... she does kind of have an ulterior motive this time. (unless she doesn't talk about the play at all...)

joined Feb 18, 2015

Anybody have any idea what she hypnotized the boy next door to do?

joined Feb 18, 2015

Hanging out together =/= dating :/

If it's just normal hanging out, they've done that in ch 18. If you're asking why Yuu had never been the one to ask first, that's cuz she was insistent that their relationship was nothing more than senpai-kouhai, not close friends, not lovers, so there was no reason to hang out. Also, it ties into her chara trait in how she tends to just go along w/ others' plan, rather than doing anything out of her own volition.

But Yuu HAS been the one to initiate them hanging out before! Several times. Technically when they were studying together it was Touko who asked Yuu if she was also going to the library, but when the library was full, it was Yuu who asked her if she wanted to study at her house instead of at the library (Chapter 8). There is no indication of who suggested the doughnut shop in chapter 18, but it was probably because of the lack of space in the library again. But the most significant two times were:

1: Chapter 10 when Yuu asked Touko to walk home with her and confronted her about her desire to become a copy of her sister.

2: Chapter 22 when Yuu, once again, asked Touko to walk home with her, then, when Touko was going to part ways, invited her to hang out at her house for a little while because, "If we say goodbye now, it'll probably be a few days until we see each other again. I don't want that."

This one, most likely, will end up being the most important one, since it seems to be leading to what will be considered a date.

last edited at Jun 30, 2017 12:24PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

Seems to be heading toward a Class S ending.....

You'll need to elaborate on why you think that to convince me... I don't see any signs of either Yuu or Touko having the "it's just a phase" mentality. It's been very clear the past few chapters that Yuu has fallen in love with Touko. If they don't end up together, it won't be a "Class S" rationalization, but because Touko can't handle someone loving her for who she is. Somehow I don't see that as where the story is headed. I see the story heading toward Yuu helping Touko to stop trying to be someone else and allow herself to love and be loved normally.

Does anyone else feel like the recent chapters are a little underwhelming? The story, to me, doesn't have nearly as much impact as it did in the opening chapters.

When this series started, I thought it was pretty similar to the way how each character was a metaphor for an attitude/philosophy toward life in Norweigian Wood (Haruki Murakami novel). But now Touko's character is starting to feel a little bit empty, like she's centered around the obsession with her sister and not much more than that.

I know that's how the author intended it to be, but I feel like Touko should have a bit more depth in her character. We never even see her display any real personality, all traces of her genuine emotions seem to be exclusive to Yuu, and it's kinda of hard to imagine her being free of her sister's shadow when her own personality has been eluding the world for so long. But again, teenagers are highly malleable so maybe that's the direction the series will take.

That's kind of the point of the character at this point, though. If you read the interview with Nakatani-sensei, you'll see that she intended people to have a different opinion of Touko at the beginning than they do now.

last edited at Jun 29, 2017 4:36PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

What... but... what...

Why does Koharu exist in this timeline? I'm so confused.

She was already a baby before Rinko ever traveled forward in time. You see her as a baby in chapter 1. Which makes it unlikely she is Akari's child.

That does make a whole lot more sense! Not to mention that she was a bit too old to be Akari's natural child only 15 years after Rin-chan's jump, since she was older than the one who was about the same age as Rin-chan. Not that this series doesn't play fast and loose with ages anyway! After all, it says Akari was a first year in high school and then she was graduating all of a sudden!

last edited at Jun 29, 2017 3:43PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

Maybe they just have more time than talent? ( ̄∀ ̄)

Don't we all.

Except for the ones who are the other way around and we wish would produce more work.

joined Feb 18, 2015

I don't think it's necessary for Sayaka to say explicitly that she's gay since it's pretty obvious she is and has accepted that fact after she fell for Touko, like she explained to coffee lady. I do agree that sexuality is not the focus of the manga, but saying readers can identify the characters the way they want is a bit wrong because someone could say they see Yuu as asexual and that's obviously not the case. Thing is labels aren't very important here though.

I guess my comment wasn't very clear lol I never claim that Sayaka isn't a lesbian. Was just saying that the manga doesn't bother identifying her sexuality since it's not the focus of the story. & when I say readers can identify the characters however they want, I mean that there's nothing to stop them from identifying the characters. We're free to call Sayaka a lesbian, Maki an asexual, etc. but the manga isn't going to confirm any of those labels since that's not its focus. Seriously, unless we get a sex scene between Yuu & Touko, there will still be people out there claiming Yuu's asexual.

As a married asexual, I would like to point out that having sex has nothing to do with asexuality. Asexuality just means that you do not experience sexual attraction. Asexuals may still have sex (non-asexuals have sex with people they're not sexually attracted to all the time) it just means that they're usually doing it for other reasons.

Some asexuals are sex averse and do not like to have sex at all. Others think it might be fun now and then. The only difference is that all asexuals do not experience sexual attraction.

I'm not saying that Yuu is or isn't, I would just like to clarify this. I would actually say she had more aromantic leanings until recent chapters, but I wouldn't go up to anyone shouting that she's this or that - because it's not canon. I prefer just to experience the story as it is, appreciating all the development as it goes along.

I'm looking forward to more chapters.

With the way Yuu responds to Touko in the various kissing scenes, especially the ones in chapter 16, I'd say there is less and less evidence of Yuu being asexual. Even early on, see seems to demonstrate some sexual attraction, commenting on how pretty Touko is, her long lashes, etc... As early as chapter 6, she says "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't... curious at all. I never claimed to hate it or anything."

What I view Yuu as is demi-romantic. (Someone very close to me happens to be polysexual, polyamourous, and demi-romantic. I need to get her to read this and get her take. I'd bet she'd agree with my assessment. When I read it, I see a lot of her in the character...) Basically, she needs to form an attachment to the person before romantic feelings form. That was done extremely well by Nakatani-sensei!

Chapter 23: I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!!! I am impressed with the way Yuu and [her friend whose name I can't remember] are modifying the ending of the play. I can't imagine that it won't be massively triggering for Touko though, so Yuu had best be prepared to either pick up the pieces or deal with the fall out of the girl she's in love with falling apart before her and possibly refusing her help, because I can't imagine she's not smart enough to figure out why Yuu is doing this!

Hopefully the date will go well and Yuu will be able to resist showing Touko that she's fallen in love for just a little while longer?

From the interview:

Nakatani: The lines between kindness, apathy, and thickheadedness can be very thin.

I LOVE THIS QUOTE! I think I'm going to use it as a signature line!

Ama + Devi discussion 27 Jun 10:51
joined Feb 18, 2015

So, is this just a one shot? If so that's too bad... it has potential.

Yuri Family discussion 27 Jun 10:40
joined Feb 18, 2015

Do like Cinderella, each sister should kiss the young one until the right one is found.

It seems the only fair way to decide...

last edited at Jun 27, 2017 10:40AM

joined Feb 18, 2015

That picture at the end where they're sharing cotton candy is to die for!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Serious question: Since this manga has already been "completed" by some person on Imgur, would you still like us to published a more professional/polished version to DS?

That's like asking if I want ice cream with my cake, or a kiss with my hug? YES! OF COURSE!

Frankly, the imgur versions aren't much better than having scripts next to the original Japanese raws. And I'm not that sure of the translations of them either... (I'll be buying it when it gets published by Seven Seas as well!)

joined Feb 18, 2015

that height difference, though...


My problem is that bottom panel on this page. Look how tall she is! She must be a full 15cm taller as an adult than she is at age 16! Maybe it's just Pure embellishing things in her mind.

Anyways, this looks fantastic.

EXACTLY! One of my pet peeves is when mangaka draw girls who are in high school as growing multiple inches between high school and adulthood. That, for the most part, just DOESN'T HAPPEN! The vast majority of women are done growing by high school, and, other than changes due to weight changes or post pregnancy changes, practically done with physical development in terms of things like their figure. Women mature faster than men! (My daughter reminded me last night that the same is true for their emotional maturity as well... She's a bit of a smarta$$...)

However, other than that, I love the art!

blargh201 posted:

I feel like I've seen a similar plot elsewhere (not a condemnation, just a remark). The other one involved one of the couple dying and their lover went back to meet them in high school. It may have been het, though, the more I think about it....

One problem I have with the plot: what does the future Akira do now that her girlfriend is gone to the past? Can't wait to see where this goes. Black-barred out of caution.

Time travel is always a problem when you think about it, maybe when she gets back (if she can go back) it will be exactly one minute after she left in the future, or even a second later and everything will be changed... There's really no reason to keep Akira waiting because time is only going forward in the past, btw at this point in my reply I'm already confused.

Well this depends if the manga is going to go with time travel or alternate dimensions time travel, I hope it is the second because if it is the first it means that pure has to go back in time and that was already a part of history of her going back to meet her in the past or it doesn't work. I've done philosophy of time travel and I kinda hate time travel stories now.

As someone who writes novels about alternate world-lines and multiple universes, the logical conclusion would be that she would be creating an alternate world-line where Akira met her in high school and it altered her personality. If the technology that sent her here can take her back to her own time and place, it shouldn't impact HER Akira, who is strangely a head and a half taller... This one probably won't meet the future Pure... But maybe they'll stay together from high school on... unlike most high school romances.

joined Feb 18, 2015

I wanted punch the bf out..... Thing is I can kind see where he was coming from but he was still a total dick about it and had a whole me first and only I matter attitude.

Considering Japan's birthrate issues you'd think they be clearing the way for anyone who wants to have a kid to have them.

I don't see why he'd agree readily to his s/o having a child with someone else and being totally shut out.

As poster above said, imagine him being the infertile wife of a sperm donor. That she'd wish this child to be hers too is understandable.

He's as much the father of this hypothetical child than the non-carrying mother of the lesbian couple would be her mother.

But his attitude seemed to be that THEY should raise any child his BF fathered, so it seemed to me like he wasn't interested in the mother's rights at all. He basically seemed to be saying that if his BF fathered a child he wanted to be the one to raise it, not the mother. The fact that they started speaking in English about it instead of Japanese also made it seem like there was a cultural gap involved, or he was trying to exclude the women from the conversation by speaking a foreign language that, while they may have studied it in school, they probably are not fluent enough to follow the conversation well. The polite thing to do would have been to ask them if he could speak with his boyfriend privately about it instead of having the discussion in front of them. This makes him appear rude and thoughtless, and possibly a bit sexist, at least that's how the character came across.

In the long run, Kou-kun had the attitude toward the process that was exactly what the couple was looking for: He was amenable to donating and possibly being involved in the child's life, but was not wanting a parental role. His partner's attitude seems similar to the type of attitude patriarchal society has toward women. He seems to think his partner's body is not his to do with as he pleases. If he, for instance, chose to go to a sperm bank and leave a donation that would be used anonymously by some heterosexual Japanese couple, would he be angry with him? In a way, that is a service to society, especially in a country with a low birth rate problem like Japan. Is the problem that they know the couple and would know the child and therefore he would feel a need to be a father to him/her?

I guess where I really disagree with the argument that the child is as much his as it is the non-birth-mother's, is that Kou-kun is not choosing to have a child with the birth mother as a couple. He is donating sperm so the lesbian couple can have a child. So while genetically, the child is his, it is not his in any social, familial sense. The parents who made the decision to have a family are the lesbian couple. The child would not be Kou-kun's child with that couple any more or less than it would if he donated sperm to a sperm bank and a heterosexual couple with an infertile husband used that sperm to inseminate the mother anonymously. The only difference is that the two women WANT him to be involved in the child's life.

last edited at Jun 22, 2017 11:16AM

Drift discussion 17 Jun 08:08
joined Feb 18, 2015

Evidently the artist is "Kuru" from the slice-of-life autobiographical comic, "SpringRoll's Daily Life"!

last edited at Jun 17, 2017 8:13AM

joined Feb 18, 2015

Why was only 4 pages uploaded when the original had 17? Even if they wanted to cut it in half they could've, considering there's a gigantic page signifying a second part.

17!? What are you reading?

Fair enough. I was only linked the tweets and asked to translate. It'll get fixed...eventually~~~~

It was also just released what you think I just translated and edited this in only a couple hours? Lol
(And judging by the time it was released I would have to translate and upload it 2 hours before it was even made...)

Wow! You're good! LOL! Prescient translation AND art creation!

last edited at Jun 15, 2017 12:47AM