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joined Feb 1, 2013

Have I said how much I love this artist team? First MioxRitsu, and now ChristaxYmir!

joined Feb 1, 2013

Wow, Kyouko in those booty shorts (at that one angle too)... Hawt. But lol, she seriously is a wolf! And then Sayaka in a naked apron and striped panties... I like Kyouko's priorities: food and sexy Sayaka.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Cute yuri porn is cute. Murata is a great artist, and he draws really pretty and cute girls, so yuri allows him to show off the wonder of the Murata female body.

Age 15 discussion 22 Aug 22:06
joined Feb 1, 2013

Well, to begin with... Anna with her bangs pulled back: not many characters could pull that look off, but it looked really cute on her, too bad it was just for the sake of applying the product.

Now, as for the girl-on-girl kiss:.. I honestly wasn't sure if Anna was just imagining it. The end-credits joke only lend more credence to the idea it was in someone's head.

And Ema... I think the girl is suffering from some form of depression. Her sudden mood changes- from carefree and happy to self-loathing- might indicate bipolarity. I get the vibe that she's pretty unhappy deep down.

joined Feb 1, 2013

That is a very pretty colour. I've seen better purple hair--Shampoo from Ranma 1/2, now there was a gorgeous girl with gorgeous purple hair. But you're not likely to get me to see eye to eye with the notion of there being a problem with something being purple.

Design wise, Shampoo might be the definitive purple-haired girl. She's also the only one who's name I could instantly recall from memory if someone asked me about it.

I get what you're saying, and there's nothing wrong with it per se. I honestly didn't have that much of a problem with it, but I get why some people might. The manga is black and white, hence Neko's glorious mop of messy black hair, and the fact that it further contrasts her with Inu and her long flowing sandy hair. So I don't think people so much dislike, rather it's more of a visual 'disconnect' for them.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Could we please get a mini-series detailing the escapades of the older Nekoyama sister? o.o/

I second that she seems like a total dom :B

Totally, she's an admitted m-type. If Inugami hadn't had her fated meeting with Suzu first, then she'd be happy to have the Elder Nekoyama "tame" her (ie dominate XD).

joined Feb 1, 2013

I love this series, Nekoyama and Inugami (as well as Nezumi and Ushikawa) make such a great couple. This manga is more proof that simple, straightforward storytelling works. Purely out of morbid curiosity, I went back and read the most recent chapter of Citrus, and it was the shits, just further proof that Saburouta hates his readers... Anyway, whenever I see a new chapter of I&N on this site, it really makes my day!

last edited at Aug 22, 2015 10:10PM

Their Story discussion 07 Aug 18:51
joined Feb 1, 2013

Um... This was supposed to be a fluff feelgood chapter, right? You know, with the two girl getting closer... So, um... What the f*ck just happened in the last page?

Based on Mophead and the others reactions, this is supposed to be serious. Sorry, but I don't normally associate random explosions in a slice-of-life romcom.

joined Feb 1, 2013

I swear, if this isn't the cutest hardcore yuri-hentai psycho-stalker manga I've ever come across!

Image Comments 22 Jul 16:24
joined Feb 1, 2013

^And I can respect that. Besides, I've come across a few other artists who had a thing for major height difference between partners. It's one of the many things I like about Yuugi/Parsee.

Image Comments 19 Jul 19:10
joined Feb 1, 2013

These two, honestly... With all they're silly flirting, they're the embodiment of adorkable.

joined Feb 1, 2013

It's nice to finally have something involving the Class Rep's family that's just fluffy and cute again. Though... I think the jokes about Nozomi (ie, her not being 'womanly enough') are getting a bit old.

Image Comments 10 Jul 09:44
joined Feb 1, 2013

The cuteness! It burrrns, like kindness!

joined Feb 1, 2013

Wait... so, she's searching for the "Rainbow Connection"?

joined Feb 1, 2013

I was kinda expecting some sort of f-you ending. But I was overjoyed by the reveal that Akira finally broke free of her horrible father, that she doesn't need his approval. And I loved how she went directly after Sae, because I'm a big AkiraxSae shipper.

Image Comments 05 Jun 07:55
joined Feb 1, 2013

^True, but there IS one thing Ymir is better at than anyone else: loving Christa.

Image Comments 05 Jun 07:48
joined Feb 1, 2013

ChristaxYmir is the only true path. Christa is Ymir's waifu, she'll NEVER lose her to some man. I will go down with this ship!

joined Feb 1, 2013

I hate to say this... But Chapter 11 worked better in the anime, sense the whole catnip tea storyline is very visual.

That said, it fits in better in the manga, where Nekomata had realized she has romantic feelings for Inugami, but is just to tsun-tsun to admit it yet.

Marriage discussion 26 May 02:28
joined Feb 1, 2013


Aw yez, tooly, a tale of true wuv

joined Feb 1, 2013

Offensive it is, but not much more than mothers/wives leaving their family to be sex slaves or any number of things degrading tags that can be attached to hentai.

Well most hentai is not vannila stuff, so you can't expect them to be anything but offensive and degrading, rape, mind break, slavery and woman becoming dick loving slut and ntr are the most used things in hentai, you can't read hentai and expect to not find something offensive in most of them.

Listen everyone... Murata might let you down sometimes with his storytelling. But, you won't hate yourself for reading his works. Sure, he might infuriate you with how he mixes yuri and het, but there's nothing horrific or misogynistic (relative to other mangaka) about his works, just smut.

Murata is pretty tame, especially compared to authors I've come across, like Z-Ton or Dahooch, where every other thing they do could involve body horror or sexual slavery.

Collectors discussion 06 May 15:34
joined Feb 1, 2013

Honestly, these two... They're both such dorks. But then, they're basically the definition of "adorkable" as a couple.

I always enjoy reading the new chapters of this. The storytelling is great, and it's probably the best "non-moe" art style I've seen on a consistent basis. Can't wait for more chapters.

joined Feb 1, 2013

That's Saida Nika for you, bringing all the yuri feels in her great work. This was great. There should be more stories like this, featuring cute short-haired tomboys/sporty girls.

joined Feb 1, 2013

When it comes to Maruta... I hope for the best, but I prepare a letdown. Honestly, the fact that there's no rape, misogynistic violence, sexual slavery/blackmail, body mutilation, mindbreak, or other BS makes Maruta one of the better mangaka that I've come across... I really liked the het he did with the girl who's always eating udon.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Loved the revelation about Miki and Yakiji, especially the way Ms. Cow "attacked" Ms. Mouse the moment she held up the red tie. And yet, Hoshikawa will always be Nezumi's waifu.

And as Tsundere as Nekoyama is, Ms. Cat is still way more dere for Ms. Dog. I mean, if she didn't actually like all the affection, she wouldn't be there spooning with Inugami at the end.

joined Feb 1, 2013

And so, it ends... Considering this was a proper series, and not a collection of stories ("Oddman 11" is the only other Dowman work I can think of that's episodic), I think it did a good job of wrapping things up. I'm glad I came across this series- it's perhaps the best example of what a good storyteller he is, rather than relying on shock value or violence alone to carry the story. I really enjoyed this, and I recommend it to anyone who's curious about it... My first post goes into a far more in-depth review of the series (up to that point). Anyway, great story!