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joined Nov 6, 2018

Something just hit me, where's Arisa's dad? She's not the type to not invite one of her parents to her own wedding. Is he dead? Did he leave them? Is he someone who she actually hates? I hope we find out.

Mr. Zilla
Yuri Moyou discussion 01 Apr 23:09
joined Nov 6, 2018

You think their parents will ever be brought up?

Mr. Zilla
Liberty discussion 19 Mar 13:09
joined Nov 6, 2018

I went back to re-read it. This makes so much sense now.

joined Nov 6, 2018

It really is hilarious to me that the first memory she recalls is her puking into a toilet. And this is triggered by seeing her crying. And she calls this "sexy"

Also, make out session right after puking... Can anyone verify whether or not the power of overwhelming love actually nullifies the smell and taste of someone else's vomit? It's a touching moment, but still unpleasant to think about. Not to mention they had sex right after. I highly doubt Mari actually had the energy for that, but I suppose if Arisa focused on giving her gentle and slow messages(inside and out ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) then that could have potentially helped with easing Mari's pain.

I guess sweating the alcohol and toxins out during sexy fun time could actually be a valid, albeit uncomfortable, strategy. Never had drunk sex before, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is a series where being overwhelmingly happy can wipe your memory. I'm not about to start asking questions.

joined Nov 6, 2018

It really is hilarious to me that the first memory she recalls is her puking into a toilet. And this is triggered by seeing her crying. And she calls this "sexy"

Could this be their first kiss as mentioned in Ch.3? "We were both drunk and you forcefully kissed me in the bathroom of a pub."

Now that you mention it, that has to be what it is.

joined Nov 6, 2018

Bonuses too lewd to be translated. Might as well leave them here too since half of them are for this series.

I can't open them once I download them. Is there anywhere else I can read them?

joined Nov 6, 2018

They just got married, and Arisa's memory seems to be coming back. Does that mean this is ending within the next few chapters?

joined Nov 6, 2018

Mari is the one with a brother, unless I'm missing something.

Chapter 5, page 2. Arisa mentions a a manga her brother use to read has ended, not realizing it's been three years.

joined Nov 6, 2018

Also love how quickly mom went from "if I deny it hard enough, maybe my daughter will stop being gay" to showing pictures to her daughter-in-law. Arisa is so powerful.

Where's Arisa's mom, though?

She also said she has a brother.

joined Nov 6, 2018

If this ever does get made into an anime, which studio should make it?

joined Nov 6, 2018

I wish you two.. to fuck already!

You know, premarital sex is disproved of in many cultures. Then again, so is homosexuality. Also, they already had premarital sex a lot. Arisa just can't remember. Well, there goes my point.

last edited at Jan 6, 2019 1:21AM

joined Nov 6, 2018

You think they'll make an anime out of this?

joined Nov 6, 2018

I was getting a bit annoyed at the lack of progress, but these last two chapters have really picked up the pace.