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joined Nov 15, 2017

I feel like the author didn't really write Rin all that well. She seems much more cold. Or maybe that's just me?

Well it was pretty cold outside whenever they went camping, so it makes sense really.

joined Nov 15, 2017

One thing I love about Ajiichi is how she manages to make some changes, no matter how small, to the character's relationships in each chapter. You never feel like a chapter is filler, even with an obligatory swimsuit chapter like this. There's always some forward movement, and it makes reading it all the more enjoyable.

Image Comments 06 Oct 00:57
joined Nov 15, 2017

TeruMoko it most certainly is. Check the artists other works for another good one.

Image Comments 06 Oct 00:47
joined Nov 15, 2017

I love that it loops.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Wonderful. Simply wonderful.

joined Nov 15, 2017


joined Nov 15, 2017

Normally I hate this part of dramatic romances. It just feels like a cheap way to stretch out the eventual conclusion. But this hurts way more than I thought it would.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Is this a common occurrence for Nico? I know this has happened before. Being Nico really IS suffering.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Yes it’s here!! One of the only vanilla watamote doujins in existence 10/10

There are vanilla incest doujins with Tomoko's brother.

One of the only good vanilla WataMote doujins in existence, then.

^This. I still think of Tomoko as bi because, with the amount of thought she puts into both dicks and boobs, how can she not be, but it's nice to get some good vanilla yuri from her, especially now that the focus of the manga has shifted so drastically from its early days.

I will say the one thing I'm not sure about is Tomoko saying she loves Yuri back. That seems mildly out of character, and it would fit a lot more if Yuri was a bit less pushy and said she would just give Tomoko time to think about, you know, the whole "I'll wait for your love" sort of thing. Tomoko is only just opening up in the manga, so it feels out of place here.

last edited at Sep 28, 2018 11:33PM

joined Nov 15, 2017

I know nothing about kancolle, but this was hilarious.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Bus driver yuri is not something I knew I needed until now.

joined Nov 15, 2017

The art is good, but what's with the setup? It reads like a bad porno scenario.

Himitsugoto discussion 19 Sep 21:30
joined Nov 15, 2017

I'm a fan of biting, but I was kind of taken aback by Callie biting Marie like that. Of course, Marie biting back in the way that she did was pretty great.

joined Nov 15, 2017

On a happier note, I really love this story so far. Reluctant yuri is not something I see done very often in a more serious context where the reluctant persons unknown sexuality is not the central focus of the story. In this case it really feels like the MC is struggling to find what she wants, both in securing what she considers a "successful future" and what she wants out of a relationship, and how these two elements collide, while not being driven by any kind of gay angst undercurrent, really make for an interesting tone and story.

joined Nov 15, 2017

There's nothing wrong with the life choices of Tomoko and Michiko. One wanted to get married, have kids and live a happy housewife life, and that's exactly what she's doing. Give her some respect. The other one had a boyfriend and was doing fine with him: they had a good relationship, and planned to tie the knot some day... but then she got pregnant and they had to speed things up. Not the ideal, but not a problem either: she's obviously very happy with the whole deal. The angry rants I've been reading are every bit as uncalled for as Takabe's nagging and scolding -- that sort of attitude alienates you from your friends.

And I have to say I don't understand the rabid hate some of you have against motherhood and children. Calling mothers "breeding cows" and their children "piglets" is very offensive, you really need to tone down that aggressive streak. (Also, you fail biology forever.)

This. It is super weird how people in this community can't fathom the idea of a woman wanting to be a mother. You guys know there are even lesbian women who give birth via in vitro fertilization right? Most women aren't coerced into giving birth against their will. Parenthood is a strong biological desire that completely overcomes any kind of disgust you might feel at the idea having a living being "leeching" off you for 18+ years of your life, and at some point in your life, you'll either feel that desire yourself and go out of your way to have your own child, or you regret not having one when you're much older and it's too late.

And on the subject of pregnancy killing their friendship. This is how friendships work. People change, and when the basis of a friendship is incompatible with that change, then nothing can be done. Pregnancy isn't the only thing that does this. I had friends in high school who I have not talked to since graduation, and really have no plans to do so. It's been five years, I've moved on and made new friends, everyone does.

last edited at Sep 18, 2018 11:45PM

joined Nov 15, 2017

I absolutely adore how well the themes from the games play into these doujins. Lillie having to rely on the player for protection while at the same time wanting to be able to protect herself and be independent while not losing their friendship is such a wonderful thing. It definitely helps that Lillie is pretty clingy in game. If you pick a female character and have a good pair of yuri goggles on hand, it's a pretty wonderful experience, and it's only natural for it to be expanded on in this way.

joined Nov 15, 2017

This was goddamn adorable and I can't wait for more.

joined Nov 15, 2017

I wrote like two drafts of this comment before I just decided to follow what everyone else is saying. It's fiction. Who cares? If something bothers you, move on. You're not gonna forcibly change the minds of people who like it, so why bother? Also remember that most of the world demonizes gay relationships in general. What we do here is already under scrutiny from people who have no intention of changing their views any time soon, so who cares if we get a little bit depraved now and then. Even if we didn't, they would still lie and say we did.

I'd also like to say I'm sorry for your experience on that forum. It sucks trying to defend someone's right to do something, only to be told by people who don't understand anything about the legal system that you should join them in a cell. I don't think we're like that here. We're pretty tolerant of each other likes and dislikes, kinks and whatnot. Sure a spat breaks out in the comments of a work now and then, but it's pretty uncommon for it to be anything more that a few comments after the first chapter. Usually it takes a really specific set of circumstances for something larger to happen, and the admins usually step in to help steer things back on track. As a guy who came over here after drifting away from the mass of putrid ooze that is the furry community, I am super happy here. Everyone is so relaxed. It's great.

As a side note, I am a fan of age-gap, and am actually super happy that people here can take stories like that seriously when they ask to be, rather than just writing it off as depravity like many other parts of the internet.

last edited at Sep 12, 2018 10:11PM

joined Nov 15, 2017

Can any lesbians on the site confirm whether or not lily flowers really sprout up like that in these situations?

last edited at Sep 10, 2018 11:55PM

joined Nov 15, 2017

This was really good. It was super in character of Tomoko to be super awkward and uncomfortable from Yuri's advances, but also interested enough to gather the strength to take the situation further. Good job to the author for writing something that feels like it could come from the manga.

last edited at Sep 9, 2018 12:50AM

joined Nov 15, 2017

It's often the simplest things that bring the most happiness.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Wonderful. Kill them with kindness, as they say.

1 x ½ discussion 05 Sep 21:21
joined Nov 15, 2017

I curse the internet for making me growing more immune to weird shits. I honestly think it is gross mother x daughter, but now it has simmered down more than before. I still don't like it, but I keep clicking next!

Just admit that you're into it. You can't possible hate it if you've stuck around this long.

joined Nov 15, 2017

This one is very good. But I don't like that "X" the author puts in their eyes. It feels off...

You mean the thing to denote being knocked silly, that appears in exactly 1 panel? And isn't likely to be used very much if ever again? I can't really see how something drawn in 1 out of like a hundred+ panels is a big negative.

No, don't you get it? It's foreshadowing that every character is gonna die by the end. It's so clear, how could you not see it?

joined Nov 15, 2017

You know what. I'll say it. More yuri works with characters working in the adult entertainment industry would be a welcome addition.