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WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:25
joined Jan 13, 2016

So don't think too much. Maybe you can do something for her next time just to make up for this if it will make you feel better.

Well i hope she wont misunderstood my failure to attend.. well its hers to decides after all....
Thanks... i already felt better.. /big hug/

Good. I hate when people break promises with me but as long as they sincerely apologize for it then i'm happy and cool with it. Breaking too many promises with the same person is bad though.

I'm relieve now that you feel better. A big hug to you.

last edited at Apr 17, 2016 11:26AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:15
joined Jan 13, 2016

No... this is sth made me feel bad as a friend, nothing to cry on...

Well, i joined a community here years ago, and we had good relationship to each other. Last year, a new member joined, did sth terrible and the community was splitted into two groups. Some old member, followed the trouble maker and formed another gang. I keep good relationship with the two groups, that a friend in that new group invited me to her weeding blessing at local church which was held todays afternoon.. She told me to keep it as a secret fm the first group.

Well from the very beginning i hate attending ceremonial things, added the community problem, i am in a complicated situation.. but i promised to attend it...
But, today... i completely forgot abt it... i just realized it just a couple hours before now after seeing an fb update.... Wtf...

I think it is ok. I wouldn't worry too much about it. It wasn't like you didn't go on purpose. Attending other people's wedding is your choice too. You can apologize to your friend about it.

I already texted her my apology, as i think she must be busy now...
Oc to attend or not is my decision and she is not a very close friend, but i made promised...

And i never this forgetful before... i was confidence enough that i dont put it in my reminder list... my bad memory and i... maybe i should eat more bananas from now on...

It is ok. I understand it is not easy to break promises. I'm also one of those don't like breaking promises too but i understand you in this case. You forgot about it but also have apologized. That is important. If you just let it be like nothing maybe it may be a problem.

So don't think too much. Maybe you can do something for her next time just to make up for this if it will make you feel better.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:11
joined Jan 13, 2016

You really love ice cream. I definitely have to come eat ice cream with you someday lol. Your friedge probably contains only ice cream.

Nah.. i am on diet... i cheat sometime, but ic in my refrigerator is not mine... my fingers will be cut if i steal it...

You're on an ice cream diet? XD

Hey Raimvl :3

Hey Martian! I'm glad to see you this morning. Thanks for the new nuckname haha.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:05
joined Jan 13, 2016

You really love ice cream. I definitely have to come eat ice cream with you someday lol. Your friedge probably contains only ice cream.

Nah.. i am on diet... i cheat sometime, but ic in my refrigerator is not mine... my fingers will be cut if i steal it...

Now it's you and your diet. Ice creams are really really good. Are you sure you want to skip them?

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:02
joined Jan 13, 2016

No... this is sth made me feel bad as a friend, nothing to cry on...

Well, i joined a community here years ago, and we had good relationship to each other. Last year, a new member joined, did sth terrible and the community was splitted into two groups. Some old member, followed the trouble maker and formed another gang. I keep good relationship with the two groups, that a friend in that new group invited me to her weeding blessing at local church which was held todays afternoon.. She told me to keep it as a secret fm the first group.

Well from the very beginning i hate attending ceremonial things, added the community problem, i am in a complicated situation.. but i promised to attend it...
But, today... i completely forgot abt it... i just realized it just a couple hours before now after seeing an fb update.... Wtf...

I think it is ok. I wouldn't worry too much about it. It wasn't like you didn't go on purpose. Attending other people's wedding is your choice too. You can apologize to your friend about it.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 10:41
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.. :)

Lol. Good evening to you. Sounds like you had an exciting evening..

Nothing exciting.. i screw up today... bad day...

Edit: there is sth exciting, actually...
I saw this at dept store.. ;D

You really love ice cream. I definitely have to come eat ice cream with you someday lol. Your friedge probably contains only ice cream.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 10:36
joined Jan 13, 2016

1.2.3...ahhhhhhhhh sniff sniff like that will feel better.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 10:34
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.. :)

Lol. Good evening to you. Sounds like you had an exciting evening..

Nothing exciting.. i screw up today... bad day...

Work related? Should i comfort you lol?
It is alright. Everyone has her bad days and screw days.

I screw up many times, but never like today..

Don't let it pull you down too much. Everyone makes mistakes. You just have to learn from your mistakes to do better next time. If it makes you feel better you can cry or scream as loud as you want here and i'll just listen to you from this side of the world.

last edited at Apr 17, 2016 10:34AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 10:28
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.. :)

Lol. Good evening to you. Sounds like you had an exciting evening..

Nothing exciting.. i screw up today... bad day...

Work related? Should i comfort you lol?
It is alright. Everyone has her bad days and screw days.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 10:09
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.. :)

Lol. Good evening to you. Sounds like you had an exciting evening..

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 05:39
joined Jan 13, 2016

Żźzzzzz....crazy sleep

Nv u..

I kept waking up every darn hour. So i ended up with too many dreams as well. My body is all sore too.

last edited at Apr 17, 2016 5:39AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 04:54
joined Jan 13, 2016

Żźzzzzz....crazy sleep

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 19:41
joined Jan 13, 2016

I found that when being told to describe how they picture a lesbian, most guys will describe a typical butch to you. xD I mean, some (coughhomophobescough) will get offensive and say lesbians are just fat man-girls with short hair and disgusting habits, but a lot seem to think, that lesbians are all sort of tomboyish. I'm not the least bit a tomboy. xD I'm so girly, you could probably use me as a poster child for being a feminine woman. xD It's just a very far spread stereotype a lot of boys believe, so I really have seen a whole lot of surprised and disbelieving male faces when I told them, that I'm actually a gold star and not the least bit interested in them. xD

That description of a lesbian though...It's pretty much how most people will describe a lesbian, not just boys. To them, a lesbian is just a girl who wants to be a boy. They won't believe that someone's a lesbian if she's very feminine. Dx


So she was like the whole package. I can already imagine how attractive she is xD

Oh hell yeah. xD

Lucky you xD

What about you then? What is your type?

Hmm I don't really have a type, but I'm usually drawn to smart people. But most of the time I don't know what got me interested in a person hahaha...

Same here. I'm also drawn to smart people. They are very interesting. I would like to date one lol.

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 7:43PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 19:28
joined Jan 13, 2016

Nah, most guys were still taller than her, even if only a little bit. xD I remember she was so insanely popular. The girls were all over her cause she was like a handsome guy, who actually understood girl stuff and guys were all over her, because they knew they could hang with her like she was a dude, but also talk to her about girls and actual emotional stuff and not get laughed at. It was like she came to the uni and immediately got game. Meanwhile, there was me, just your typical femme lesbian, trying to convince guys that I actually am gay and not just looking for an excuse to get rid of them. I guess they all got the message when Luce and me actually did end up together. Lol. Okay. Nostalgia mode's off now. xD

So she was like the whole package. I can already imagine how attractive she is xD

Yep. Even if they don't physically look that attractive but always talk with a smile will make them very attractive to me.

So, you're more of a personality kind of person, no?

What about you then? What is your type?

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 19:25
joined Jan 13, 2016

Nah, most guys were still taller than her, even if only a little bit. xD I remember she was so insanely popular. The girls were all over her cause she was like a handsome guy, who actually understood girl stuff and guys were all over her, because they knew they could hang with her like she was a dude, but also talk to her about girls and actual emotional stuff and not get laughed at. It was like she came to the uni and immediately got game. Meanwhile, there was me, just your typical femme lesbian, trying to convince guys that I actually am gay and not just looking for an excuse to get rid of them. I guess they all got the message when Luce and me actually did end up together. Lol. Okay. Nostalgia mode's off now. xD

So she was like the whole package. I can already imagine how attractive she is xD

Yep. Even if they don't physically look that attractive but always talk with a smile will make them very attractive to me.

So, you're more of a personality kind of person, no?

I think so. But i'm so complicated that i'm also confusing myself about everything haha.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 19:07
joined Jan 13, 2016

She was about 2 centimeters shorter than me, so around Su's height actually, but she was broad. And I don't mean fat, but she was naturally build like a guy. She had really broad shoulders. When she stood in front of me, I could actually completely hide behind her if I just bent my knees a little. xD And she was naturally protective as well. Being with her felt a little bit like dating my brother, which sounds completely wrong, I know, but what I'm saying is she made me feel safe and that was just awesome.

Ah, I see. I already imagined her having a body build like a guy, only way taller. Now I understand why you said you wouldn't mind if she suddenly pops up right now and protect you xD

Just lips are not attractive to me. It has to smile with it to get my attention.

So you are attracted to a person with a nice smile

Yep. Even if they don't physically look that attractive but always talk with a smile will make them very attractive to me.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 18:58
joined Jan 13, 2016

I'll check the songs! and omg Martian I know Kenshi Yonezu!! his songs are really cool :D!! and sekai no owari... I know one by Miku that was like that I think? really dramatic :\ I used to listen to it when I got heartbroken in high school... omg... I cried to it I think... really loud... it was the first time I cried so loud XD I couldn't stop ahahah ^-^''' it's kind of funny now :P

Yes! His songs are really cool. xD I like Sekai no Owari because their music is interesting and kind of unique compared to other japanese music, my personal favorite would be Maboroshi no inochi and Akuma to tenshi. That song must've really touch you to makenou cry like that. The power of music xD

Well with the exception of my three years old niece butts. I love to play with my niece butts. I told my sister how adorable those butts are and she agreed with me hahaha. Oh my niece little butts...hehehe

Adult butts are not that cute to me lol.

I have to agree, not all adult butts are as cute, soft,and smooth as a baby's butt

I like a person's smile. I'm not sure if that is considered a body part.

I think the lips would be a body part, but not the smile...I gues o.o

Just lips are not attractive to me. It has to smile with it to get my attention.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 18:53
joined Jan 13, 2016

Martian i googled Indonesian people pictures and saw some very interesting photos of Indoneasians. I even saw a picture of two almost naked butts staring at me too.

What kind of pictures? Hahaha I didn't know you're a butt person mvl xD

No i'm not a butts person. It's like looking at worms and caterpillers. Well i don't mind looking at my special someone's butts but strangers' butts are like bugs to me.

Yeah, same. But like I must see their full body just seeing one part is like -.- it's like when guys send pictures of their penis; though no one has sent me a picture of only their penis before >.> at least it wasn't erect -.-

Well i hope no boy will ever just send you a photo of their private part. Gross!

he showed me a photo of him naked waist down... and I had the stupid reaction of laughing uncomfortably which didn't really get the message across because he told me he wanted to do something funny to cheer me up. Thank goodness I don't talk to him anymore

Oh my lord haha. That was stupid of him sending his nude photo to make you laugh. What if you cried instead?

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 6:54PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 18:51
joined Jan 13, 2016

KittoKatto the butt fanatic needs to get in on Martian and mlv's conversation lol.

They need to defend their favorite body part. We don't like that body part. It is like germs, bugs, or worms to me.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 18:48
joined Jan 13, 2016

Many of us when you see bugs, worms or caterpillers you would want to run away. When i saw those butts i quickly moved down to other pictures. That is why i compared those butts to bugs. They're not my favorite body part.

Ah, I see. That's why. Butts aren't my favorite body parts either I'm more into shoulders(?)

Well with the exception of my three years old niece butts. I love to play with my niece butts. I told my sister how adorable those butts are and she agreed with me hahaha. Oh my niece little butts...hehehe

Adult butts are not that cute to me lol.

I like a person's smile. I'm not sure if that is considered a body part.

I don't spend every day learning and researching about different cultures but i like learning making friends with people from different parts of the world and learn about their cultures.

I do think that making friends with people from other cultures and interacting with them are the best way to actually learn a culture. Blend in with the locals xD

Yep. I agree.

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 6:48PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 18:42
joined Jan 13, 2016

Martian i googled Indonesian people pictures and saw some very interesting photos of Indoneasians. I even saw a picture of two almost naked butts staring at me too.

What kind of pictures? Hahaha I didn't know you're a butt person mvl xD

No i'm not a butts person. It's like looking at worms and caterpillers. Well i don't mind looking at my special someone's butts but strangers' butts are like bugs to me.

Yeah, same. But like I must see their full body just seeing one part is like -.- it's like when guys send pictures of their penis; though no one has sent me a picture of only their penis before >.> at least it wasn't erect -.-

Well i hope no boy will ever just send you a photo of their private part. Gross!

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 18:31
joined Jan 13, 2016

No i'm not a butts person. It's like looking at worms and caterpillers. Well i don't mind looking at my special someone's butts but strangers' butts are like bugs to me.

Why worms and caterpillers? Haha that's a first, comparing butts to bug xD

Many of us when you see bugs, worms or caterpillers you would want to run away. When i saw those butts i quickly moved down to other pictures. That is why i compared those butts to bugs. They're not my favorite body part.

I googled images and just a lot came. Yeah i saw a lot of traditional clothes. I was so excited to talk about what i found with you! Hehehe. Learning about other cultures is interesting and exciting.

Learning about other cultures is interesting and also fun xD
Do you like learning about cultures mvl?

I don't spend every day learning and researching about different cultures but i like learning making friends with people from different parts of the world and learn about their cultures.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 18:11
joined Jan 13, 2016

Martian i googled Indonesian people pictures and saw some very interesting photos of Indoneasians. I even saw a picture of two almost naked butts staring at me too.

What kind of pictures? Hahaha I didn't know you're a butt person mvl xD

No i'm not a butts person. It's like looking at worms and caterpillers. Well i don't mind looking at my special someone's butts but strangers' butts are like bugs to me.

Martian which city are you from? Bali?
The clothes are very bright and colorful. How pretty!

I'm from a less well known city compared to Bali, that's located only a few hours away from the Philippines ;D
I don't know which clothes you're looking at, but we have a lot of different traditional clothings here xD

I googled images and just a lot came. Yeah i saw a lot of traditional clothes. I was so excited to talk about what i found with you! Hehehe. Learning about other cultures is interesting and exciting.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 17:55
joined Jan 13, 2016

Martian which city are you from? Bali?
The clothes are very bright and colorful. How pretty!

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 17:53
joined Jan 13, 2016

Martian i googled Indonesian people pictures and saw some very interesting photos of Indoneasians. I even saw a picture of two almost naked butts staring at me too.

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 5:54PM