Forum › Posts by Symphogeah

Happy Nest discussion 26 Jul 04:20
joined Sep 21, 2015

Seriously, Amemiya is such a scum.. I with MC would fall for a better person...

Why do people hate on sexually promiscuous women, just because they love freely. This 2018, damnit women have just as much, of a right to sexual expression as men.

NO, nonono don't twist my words, I don't hate people who sleeps around, I hate people who plays with other person's feelings... She hurt the girl that rainy day, she made up some lie about having a girlfriend to get rid of her, she was playing around WITH HER. That's different than sleeping around while you make clear that you have no girlfriend nor want any sort of relationship. I mean, the way she just used and got rid or people when she didn't need them anymore (like the girl who accompanied her and she used her as a bait) shows us how she doesn't give a fuck about anyone but herself.

last edited at Jul 26, 2018 4:25AM

Happy End discussion 26 Jul 03:19
joined Sep 21, 2015

Troid said: (Uploader)

OrangePekoe said: (Uploader)
@Troid, yeah, I didn't love any of the cover options - fixed now, thanks for pointing it out.

You both knew everything from the beginning, didn't you... You were fooling around with our feelings lol.

last edited at Jul 26, 2018 3:36AM

Happy Nest discussion 26 Jul 00:24
joined Sep 21, 2015

Seriously, Amemiya is such a scum.. I with MC would fall for a better person...

Image Comments 25 Jul 11:46
joined Sep 21, 2015

deltahalo241 she did and that's exactly why she said she didnt even need Cotaro to mess up to realice what was going on.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Seriously, Mira? and this is before Rebelion...

last edited at Jul 25, 2018 2:19AM

joined Sep 21, 2015

Like, you have your way with a drunk girl and the day after she doesnt remember.. and you fucking get angry after that? You shouldn't even touch a drunk person in the first place, for God's sake!!! Lol.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Hello, I asked it a some pages back I got no answers...

So this manga has 2-3 pages, about a girl taking advantage of other girl when she's drunk. But later it is revealed that she waits for her to sober up before doing anything. It maybe a Touhou or Pre-cure doujin, my memory is hazy.

There must be a lot with those plot-twist, so maybe you could try searching for the drunk tag? I did but didnt find a 3 paged one, but I found this one

last edited at Jul 24, 2018 7:28PM

RE13 discussion 24 Jul 18:50
joined Sep 21, 2015

Best Friends? Seriously?

joined Sep 21, 2015

Which god do I have to pray to have this happen to me, I wanna be a guy for a day not forever but maybe on those bloody days were it sucks to be a girl.

0320 discussion 23 Jul 22:29
joined Sep 21, 2015

Darling? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

joined Sep 21, 2015

Well.. that's something new at least.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Rainy Devil Scans is working on it too, but in spanish...

Yeah I speak spanish, I was gonna come say I found it in just now, thank you.

last edited at Jul 23, 2018 2:11AM

joined Sep 21, 2015

Symphogeah posted:

This'd better not be some subtext ya hear me

_______________________________Is not, don't worry__________________________________

Please teach me, sempai... Raws where?

joined Sep 21, 2015

This'd better not be some subtext ya hear me

joined Sep 21, 2015

Sequel to what?

Finger Love discussion 22 Jul 12:31
joined Sep 21, 2015

Damn, that title made it for me.

Koi-Musubi discussion 21 Jul 23:40
joined Sep 21, 2015

I'm sorry. Maybe I was too rude 'cause I didnt like what I read, I admit my words were pretty violent like a hater. I apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings.

Koi-Musubi discussion 21 Jul 18:14
joined Sep 21, 2015

What are they doing there? That pose would be if she has a dick or anything... And She's acting like those violent males in yaoi or shoujos... Sick.

last edited at Jul 21, 2018 6:16PM

joined Sep 21, 2015

Sequel when?

I think the HonoMaki's already on the site are actually "sequels" to this one.

You mean the soft SM doujin that was the creator of the insane amounts of sex tag?

last edited at Jul 20, 2018 3:45AM

joined Sep 21, 2015

Why does this make me sleepy?
It's the total opposite of the hot comment section lmao.

The exhaustion that comes after you get off to something, perhaps.

joined Sep 21, 2015

WHAT... IS THIS A DREAM??? Itou Hachi couldn't hold back, since s/he couldn't put this on the original story s/he made a doujin of her own series?

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 9:29PM

joined Sep 21, 2015

The high schooler is totally gay, I mean, to try to have your way with an older woman the first time you meet (then the boyfriend said "you can't let another person push you down talking about the girl), and then stealing a kiss at the end... this aint even het! FULL YURI.

last edited at Jul 17, 2018 5:38PM

joined Sep 21, 2015

This is the whole conversation, it might be useful for those who don't want to see the gore and stuff.

S: Come in
Y: Aha... you could tell easy, Sae-chan.

S: Yeah, the only one who visits me is Yuki-chan, right?
S: But I'm fine with that. I don't want to see anyone from class.
Y: Sae-chan...

S: Yuki-chan is my one and only friend, isn't that right?
Y: Yeah, but everyone else is your friend too, right?

S: Yuki-chan... pull back my sheet.
Y: ...okay.

S: You're not surprised by my body, huh?
Y: Well.. yeah.

S: Wanna try touching?
Y: S-sure.

Y: It's all smooth...
S: Even though you were looking lower, you went for the shoulder.

*Another day

S: Yuki-chan, look. How is it? This time "there's nothing bellow my stomach", what do you think I should lose next?

Y: Sae-chan... did you do that yourself?
S: Yep, without surgery or anything. I just got rid of it on my own

Y: Why.. would you do something like that?
S: Cast away to become complete. Do you understand what that means? Because humans covet things like money and whatnot they suffer.
S: I dont have anything I'm good at to begin with, I don't have any friends or hobbies. I don't even have anything in this room.
S: I have nothing to be dissatisfied with. So if I try getting rid of my body, how happy could I become? I decided to try that out.

Y: Do you really not need anything?
S: I don't.
Y: Then... I don't have to come anymore?
Y: Wait, Sae-chan? Sae-chan! Sae-chan!

Y: (On that day, sae-chan stayed rolled up like that)

*Another day

Y: Sae-chan, Sae-chan... I'm sorry, lets make up. I'm sorry, I wasn't serious about what I said yesterday.
Y: See? I came again today. I wanted to see you.

S: Really?
Y: It's the truth, Sae-chan.

S: I said cast away to become complete, but I knew that having nothing wasn't happiness.
S: Since Yuki-chan was here for me, I was awful for saying that.

S: If Yuki-chan is here, I don't need anything.
Y: Th-thank you...

S: It's fine if I have at least one thing to cherish right?

*Now without clothes

Y: This is a bit embarassing.
S: You've seen me naked body, haven't you?
Y: That's true, but...
Y: (Huh? Is this.. I wonder if Sae-chan is trying to eat me... it will probably be painful)

S: Gufutokuku is the idea that we seek and seek only to adquire suffering. (budist?)
S: I wanted to get beyond that and be at peace... it was no good.

S: I'm not that strong, I wanted Yuki-chan. If I throw away everything but you, I will be happy.
S: Yuki-chan.

S: I'm sorry. It hurts, right Yuki-chan? But it's all right, I will cover you up.
Y: (It's warm... the pain is going away)

S: Shall we become one?
Y: (Become one.. with me)

Y: Hah, hah kahah and etc.
S: I'm sorry, it hurts right? You hate me now, don't you...

Y: Sae-chan... I'm not angry at all. You're just clinging onto me, right? So... don't be afraid.
Y: Hey Sae-chan... will you... ehehe this is a bit embarassing. Say, will you... kiss me?

S: Yu... Yuki-chan... I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I didn't want to... I just-
Y: It's okay... I just wanted to. That's all.

Y: (I'll see you again someday, Sae-chan. At that time, let's talk until we're sick of it.)


Well I tried something interesting, I coppied the whole conversation, try reading it without seeing the background and you can see the story for what it really is!! It's just two girls who are in love with each other, and the conversation in the part when she "eats" her sound like a normal conversation they would have if they were having sex.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 10:13AM

Yuurii discussion 17 Jul 16:13
joined Sep 21, 2015

I also read Sae and Yuki.... A common denominator among the three stories: hospital bed and making memories...

How dare you

Yuurii discussion 17 Jul 15:58
joined Sep 21, 2015

The last story.. I mean come on, only half a year and her friends and family already forgot about her? She wasn't even dead only in a coma where "they didn't know when or if she would awoken"... I've lost family and friend and I cried them for years, I have had people struggling with diseases for months too and I wouldn't forget them only in HALF a year come on... And that thing about "not wanting her to come back" must be bad translation or her family is messed up.