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Image Comments 27 Oct 04:46
joined Aug 10, 2015

^Because reina is in love with her teacher and kumiko ends up dating her Childhood friend( i think his name was tsukamoto) there was nothing between them to begin with

joined Aug 10, 2015

Hey you went too far with that insult

yeah i think i overdid it, i wasn´t trying to say that is bad just that is dumb in a good and funny way

joined Aug 10, 2015

this one already reach "we can´t draw love" levels of dumbness but i can´t really hate this one is fun on its own way

joined Aug 10, 2015

That's why I am not a shipper.

fair enough there´s two types of people in this world the people who ship and the people who doesn´t and that´s fine

joined Aug 10, 2015

My main problem with the Nibutani/Dekkomori pairing is, and I don't care whether you want to ignore this, that the source material still matters. If they ever finished the story, the conclusion would have to be mostly the same to the novels. There is simply no way they would ever give Nibutani an openly gay ending. Therefore it can never go beyond subtext or bait.

that´d be true if we were talking about canon character from the novel like kumiko and reina from euphonium, people knew that there was no way that they´d end up together, because in the novel kumiko ends up with tsukamoto, but it´s a different case with dekomori she was tacked on the story, there´s no source material for her, writters don´t have a storyline to follow, they can writte anything they want. If at the end of the novel nibutani were to find a boyfriend like kumiko that´d be a different story because in that case the writtes have to follow the novel, but i don´t think that´s the case so at this specific case the source material doesn´t really matter

I mean we all know that no there´s no way nibutani and dekomori end up together(mostly because at this point the franchise is over) but that has nothing to do with the source material, like @TheLostLight already said that just how kyoani works being maid dragon the only exception. That being said the anime does have strong subtext that´s a fact, there´s strong evidence that nibutani and dekomori may or may not be in love, but come on dude we work with less than that nico and maki barely talk at the anime the subtext between yui and azu-nyan is barely noticeable if you don´t use your yuri goggles. If your logic is "if is not on the source material fuck it " you´re pretty much skipping 30% of this site content

Image Comments 23 Sep 14:12
joined Aug 10, 2015

sayaka is like
-do it pussy, you won´t-

Image Comments 23 Sep 13:57
joined Aug 10, 2015

@Swag Wagon if this were melee peach she ´d be whoping the floor with both samus at the same time

joined Aug 10, 2015

the only thing that can make this even better is one of the girls saying "no one can just deflect the emerald splash"

joined Aug 10, 2015

Kurogane's lesbians bizarre adventures.


KuKe's Bizarre Lesventure

bloody streams starts playing

joined Aug 10, 2015

cielos que norteño,jpg

Image Comments 03 Sep 21:32
joined Aug 10, 2015

hijos de su puta madre esta mamadisima

joined Aug 10, 2015

on page17
ayumi was like "daga kotowaru"

Image Comments 27 Aug 22:23
joined Aug 10, 2015

vomit on the sweater already mom´s spaguetti

joined Aug 10, 2015

this chapter made laugh like crazy, not for the chapter itself but because it made me remember a post i read a while ago saying that this manga is not just a boob groping fan service manga like homura subaru s works

joined Aug 10, 2015

i really really want to like this manga, the art is good the chapter 0 really got me, but after that everything went downhill,
what the fuck happened on chapter 1? that didn´t make any sense
how about the kiss, are they gonna leave it like that?
why koshiba is not creeped out by sahoko s suden obsession with her?
how about being popular, did sahoko forgot about it?
is she really ok being surounded by "boring" people as she called them on chapter 1?

joined Aug 10, 2015

People want to go too fast but precisely the relationship between them will evolve and I think in the right direction, yori has understood that kino does not know what true love means and she will help her ^^

i don´t see their relationship changing that much at this point, the only thing left is they getting together,
i have to agree with Serenata ,right now is the perfect time to introduce a new character or plot to avoid getting stale

last edited at Aug 23, 2019 10:25PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

mmm i don´t quite like this scenario, right now i can only see two ways this could turn out considering yori is on her third year
first himawari takes too long to realize her feelings, yori graduates and we got a card captor sakura ending

second this turns into a kase-san tipe of manga

joined Aug 10, 2015

wow something actually happen and it wasn´t a secret from everyone, i didn´t see that coming

last edited at Aug 12, 2019 9:45PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

chapters like these stop me from ending it all
so cute, and people still say that is not yuri

last edited at Aug 10, 2019 4:12AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

When it comes to taking a rash, stupid decision like killing someone over their opinion on an anime, I ask to myself "would Bocchi be happy if I did that?". If the answer is no, then I don't do it.
So fear not, this forum is safe for people who didn't like the Bocchi anime.

Are you sure about that?

Bocchi: Only those willing to sacrifice people can be strong. strong face
Sotoka: Wa-ha-ha, onto the blood-sacrificial-altar~
Aru: Aru Aru Death Beaaaam!

Anime is serious business.

the bocchi gang won´t accept detractors or non believers of the anime

joined Aug 10, 2015

From the various hints dropped through the story - including how both of the siblings react to the topic, and the passing reference to how Uta was when she first moved in with Reiichi and Kaoru - it's fairly apparent that their parents are pretty terrible at, well, being parents. When you're effectively having to adopt your kid sibling just to give them a healthier home than your parents did... yeah.

okay fair enough but the key word here is "hints"
all we know right now is

  • 5 years ago kaoru s mom and uta s mom were involved in a accident that result in the dead of kaoru s mom and utas mom losing her license and going abroad to be able to practice medicine

  • she did it without telling her husband or kids

  • we know that uta s worst moments were 5 years ago

  • we know about uta s mom bad personality

to me the logical conclusion is that from the beginning uta had a bad relationship with her mom, and when she left without a word after the accident with kaorus mom she felt abandoned, angry, lonely and she also felt that was her mom s falut that kaoru s mom died that´s a lot for a kid to handle

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 8:58PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

If she was over it she could have stay

this is not card captor sakura my guy, asking for that is way to much

but instead she decide to go back tothe reason she came here. It's not immature but that's sound plain stupid on paper.

maybe dealing with being in love with her brothers wife was more painfull that her problems with her family, we don´t actually know why she hates her mother it might be something petty.
(well actually we don´t really know much about the story after 25 chapter but that´s another issue )

Also only time know if Kaoru will not be interested after the whole Reiichi cheating problem.

at this point of the manga anything can happen really, but if uta and kaoru end up together at the end this is going to be netsuzou trap but even worse

joined Aug 10, 2015

Now these two are a couple and their friends are practically married but not really XP
Oh no... I just thought that this manga might become:

"Haru and Fuyu are dating"
((((((((("It's a secret to everyone")))))))))))

NO GOD PLEASE NO. anithing but that

last edited at Aug 5, 2019 8:01PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

That sounds like a massive spoiler. Either that, or you're crazy.

there´s 5 chapters already transalated on spanish

last edited at Aug 5, 2019 7:52PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

white album?
(i needed to say it sorry, not sorry)

last edited at Aug 3, 2019 12:38AM