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Citrus + discussion 15 Nov 11:11
joined Dec 18, 2013

From citrus+ first Volume

I'm Back Kumagoro

Haaa, I'll go home when my clothes are clean

joined Dec 18, 2013

There's five volumes in all, and we've just started volume 3, so still quite a fair bit.

So the series page is wrong? Is showing we are in Volume 4.

I thought it was a fun batch of chapters, Dad is an asshole but he's culling (so to speak) the fake lesbians on Yurika's harem while the rest of the school becomes gayer by the minute, and more notoriously; Yurika feels offended by her dad's actions. Showing off her subconcious lesbian.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Fun doujin. I loved that everyone was reasonably in character.

Citrus + discussion 04 Nov 16:37
joined Dec 18, 2013

The bonus for the first volume have been revealed

Interestingly, the A5 limited cover is an update of the original cover for Citrus Volume 1

Oh and twitter thinks that the hand holding the volume with the american cover, is Sabu's hand.

Lastly, have a cute fanart of Mei and Yuzu's kid by Glidesloe

joined Dec 18, 2013

I demand a mom spinoff. Ideally, one about Chizuru dating the other two.

last edited at Oct 30, 2019 10:40PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Holy crap, I never expected this.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Wait, so a "you're prettier without your bangs down" that's not combined with "other people think you're attractive now so go back to the old way because I'm jealous"?

Is that even legal?

I mean, things could still change in the coming chapters.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Nope, Nemo didn't use glasses.

There are rumors that is Kawamoto, the girl that Tomoko inadvertently molested in Middle School.

joined Dec 18, 2013

So, this art was made for the recently released Novel Anthology

Any guesses on who the black haired girl in the back is? She's wearing the same uniform as the others, so she can't be Yuu, and the only major character missing there is Asuka, but she's not black haired.

joined Dec 18, 2013

So who will get busted first, Negom or Itou?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Dark Itou has awakened.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Fun fact, Itou did tweet about babysitting her niece earlier this year.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Sakurako only wanted to ogle Kasumi while she tried new bras, didn't she?

Citrus + discussion 20 Oct 13:45
joined Dec 18, 2013

This is ridiculous--it's not about Mei being a "sexual predator," it's about her having once been an exceptionally mature and publicly confident person, someone who was not afraid to speak her mind or to confront others.

Doing as she was told without question, isn't something I'd call mature or independent. Because she only questioned Yuzu and her friends, when it really counted, she never stood up by herself.

Besides, people becoming bumbling idiots when talking or acting their feelings is something that happens.

My complaints are not primarily about Mei's sexual persona but about her behavior as a person in general. Whatever her changing attitudes toward physical intimacy, the nervous, inarticulate Mei of Citrus+ is currently a pathetic shadow of the fiercely independent person who Yuzu originally fell in love with. (Her performances in front of the student body and the school board seem like mere callbacks to the character she originally was.)

But Yuzu didn't fell in love with Mei because she was independent or fierce, she fell in love with her because Mei was a scared little girl who wanted to have her dad back.

Waaaaay back in Chapter 24 of the main series she and Yuzu were positioned to move forward as a couple, with Mei as the more grown-up but emotionally repressed one and Yuzu as the impulsive, emotionally candid one.

This is exactly how they're being handled now. en emotionally repressed person has a long way ahead before they become actually comfortable to enact their feelings.

But since that point Sabu never really figured out how to portray them as two separate individuals who are fundamentally together. This recent "I want to start from the beginning" business is just the latest in long line of dodges that serve to postpone the presentation of Yuzu and Mei as an actual couple.

So the emotional support for each other they show up on eavery chapter doesn't count as being a couple?

Citrus + discussion 20 Oct 12:59
joined Dec 18, 2013

I feel like the people saying that Mei has regressed have, at the very least, misunderstood her character. She was never a "sexual predator", she was simply mimicking what she had seen (and done to her), "monkey see, monkey do" if you will. From the start, it was stated that she never enacted on her desires, always only focusing on being the obedient girl she assumed it was what it was expected from her.

Now thanks to Yuzu and everything they went through, she's finally enacting those desires, but she has absolutely zero ideas of what she's supposed to do, so her idea of taking things one step at the time is because she's learning on the fly alongside Yuzu. If anything, both of them are showing a maturity they lacked in Citrus, with Yuzu learning to be less impulsive and reigning in her overwhelming love for Mei, while Mei is slowly embracing and growing comfortable with showing her affection, while juggling her responsibilities as future chairwoman of Aihara Academy.

Yes, Sabu could have them making out and fucking like rabbits but that would be completely out of character.

Citrus + discussion 19 Oct 17:58
joined Dec 18, 2013

I've always found doing that to be pretty obnoxious and sometimes making hard to recognize the answer to the quote.

Citrus + discussion 19 Oct 15:01
joined Dec 18, 2013

I feel some of you are overexaggerating things. Like, Sayaka and Miyabi aren't even causing that much of a turmoil for Yuzu and Mei so calling it drama is uncalled for.

Personally I liked this chapter. We've known for a while that Mei has absolutely zero idea of how handling emotions, so she becoming a shrinking violet every time the Yuzu train hits her with cuteness is very in character. And not only that, she's clearly struggling to be mature about the whole thing and keep things relatively low profile to avoid causing needlessly conflict at school.

Sayaka's beef with the new rules is a reasonable stance to have for someone that is a "mini-Mei" of sorts, valuing customs and rules more than anything, but the fact she got her crush/gf enrolled at Aihara's precisely due to those values, makes for an interesting dynamic.

And yeah, Sabu definitely used Matsuri to acknowledge the criticisms about the lack of steamy action.

Citrus + discussion 19 Oct 08:39
joined Dec 18, 2013

So what if the school let the students having a bit of liberty ? In what kind of era did you live in ? Bonus point with the fact that even her friend found she is too blockhead and doesn't care.

That's precisely the point. Aihara Academy is supposed to be a school for rich, sheltered girls that know no better than just do what they're told.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Anyone else has heard that this author is married to the "Komi can't communicate" one?

Citrus + discussion 18 Oct 13:05
joined Dec 18, 2013

Another signing event with Sabu, this time to commemorate Citrus+ first volume's release

Citrus + discussion 17 Oct 18:24
joined Dec 18, 2013

I mean, people were complaining about the conflicts in Citrus being resolved too fast and without consequence, so I for one, I'm interested to see an actual fall out to them.

Ogino Jun discussion 17 Oct 18:15
joined Dec 18, 2013

Profiles for Gamma's Yuri and Miyuki, from Ogino's fanbox and translated by /u/

Also, he's getting a new serialization in Yuri Hime

Gamma discussion 17 Oct 18:13
joined Dec 18, 2013

Profiles for Yuri and Miyuki, from Ogino's fanbox and translated by /u/

Citrus + discussion 16 Oct 11:26
joined Dec 18, 2013

Seems like there will finally be a new Citrus+ chapter this month

And seemingly, a new gay girl is being added to the cast

She's one of the newest student council members and has been in the background of some chapters

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, I can appreciate Nikaido being gayer in this version.