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joined Sep 27, 2017

Neji's art style is improving, I can see it

I honestly prefer the more rough edged art style. I very much dislike when artists start to do that popular thin lined super clean industry standard look. It makes all manga start looking the same to me. Gimme your flavor! Gimme your uniqueness!

Well said! I like my fave manga artists cos of their own established style of drawing. While this is good, I think Neiji’s usual messy, draft-y art is great and very distinct.

I strongly think this one-shot still looks very uniquely like Neji's art style, and I'd be able to tell whose art it is from a mile away. I don't think using popular techniques ruins an artist's style, or makes it look "all the same". I honestly think it's a weird and possibly toxic take to say it's bad that an artist is improving, trying different techniques, and trying to progress their art in different directions.

Image Comments 06 Apr 21:24
joined Sep 27, 2017

^I know Wonder Egg is an original, just an example of why I think the studio can be good.

Also well to each their own. I loved the adaption of Babylonia, it adapted a story I very much enjoy in it's entirety, and it fully realized the fights that were previously only described through visual novel format, with what I thought was great animation. It's something that gives me faith in Cloverworks, even if they have some mess ups like Promised Neverland. Fine of course if you disagree with me, as we can just agree to disagree and move on. Hopefully Cloverworks makes something you like in the future.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Sacrilegio!! I would prefer milktea or choose the beberage u.ú still i cant denied that is a genious

Or varieties of milk. I'd probably use an Android like this for almond milk for my cheerios (I can't drink regular milk/funnily despite my name).

last edited at Apr 6, 2021 6:42PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Was programmed to be slightly violent towards the professor.

looks at page 4 Yeah no, I think the professor's fucking dead.

She'll be fine lmao

Image Comments 06 Apr 17:14
joined Sep 27, 2017

People talking about the gills being painful during sex or not. I'm surprised nobody is bringing up the show "The Boys". I'll provide a spoiler warning for the first season, and a Trigger warning for sexual assault. There's a character in said series, he has really disgusting side gills (nothing like these), and there's a scene where a woman rapes him while painfully digging her fingers into said gills/inside of them. It's an extremely painful experience for him. It's one of the most disturbing and disgusting scenes I've seen in media. Though that entire series is disgusting and disturbed.

However maybe there's a situation between Ame and Gura where it could be tender, if done right. Guess it ultimately depends on the writer.

last edited at Apr 6, 2021 5:55PM

Image Comments 06 Apr 15:01
joined Sep 27, 2017

I think this ship might be a thing also because of them both being Fire pole-arm wielders from the same region.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Well I see big issue with AI, because it's said she has many many sex partenrs

Well many unknown partners? Or many partners within the series? I feel like she's only mentioning that she has sex with many characters within the story, but maybe she has sex with unknown parties as well. I'm also tired, so I might be forgetting some details, apologies if I am.

last edited at Apr 6, 2021 7:54AM

joined Sep 27, 2017

I've yet to read a yuri series addressing the subject of STDs anyway.

It's manga world. Except colds, none ever gets sick (unless it's the whole point of the plot, like a character is dying from something specific).

I think the same thing could be said for most stories and media tbh. Unless there's a point to a character getting sick, going to the bathroom, so fourth, it's often not included within the story/happens off "screen/page". With STDs, for example take a lot of HBO (and many other networks like Starz) adult shows, the characters are CONSTANTLY fucking, and fucking everybody, basically nothing ever comes of it in regards to STDs and the like.

Also yeah unless getting crabs or the flu or something is a topic the author wants to delve into, and dedicate time to a narrative about said subject(s), I don't really see why they'd need to include them. After all you can only include so much in a story, and you generally need to choose what you want to focus on. Which I'm sure you're well aware of already.

last edited at Apr 6, 2021 7:52AM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Fegr posted:

Here you go:

Thanks. I see that some of them had a least 5 different partners, like Kuyou and Takako.

Good thing it's not reality. Or STDs would become a real risk.

I think it depends? I was having a conversation with a friend recently and they were telling me that while STDs are a risk they're not always as much of one as people might commonly think. Though it is good to always be safe, and not risk things/use protection/do tests. In the case of this series, I think a lot of people having sex with each other were first timers, and then having sex with other first timers. So a bunch of different partners, but I think it was all contained to a relatively low risk group. Though I might also be completely here wrong, that's also possible haha

joined Sep 27, 2017

I actually really want these two to get together properly, and progress past the casual thing they have going right now.

"little sad yet little satisfying relationship" is so true, but ya, these two deserve happiness past their unrequited feelings they've held for years

Yeah I agree that the relationship is at least bittersweet in a way, and that they both deserve happiness. Even if this current relationship they have is only a brief respite while they're sorting out their heads and emotions, I hope they find happiness with each other or with someone else that loves them for who they are. Fingers crossed that the author takes things in a positive direction for both of them.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Round two coming up.

Interesting to see that these two are still "together", would have expected that to be just a one-time mistake. Well, considering their situations, I can see why they'd keep this up, though.

I wouldn't even call it a mistake personally. Sometimes companionship is nice to have even if it's not long lasting, or even if it's only a one-night stand. Connecting with another human being is something I think we all need at different times, even if it's not sexual and it's simply a hug.

joined Sep 27, 2017

More like "default official protagonist" - they have to pick one anyway for the purpose of official comics and whatever, and this IS West Taiwan we're talking about at the end of the day.

Even still, they could switch it up sometimes. Only using the male protagonist for all of their promotion and side content is unfortunate in my opinion. Lumine has a cute design, and her JP VA is Aoi Yuuki (one of my favorite VAs).

Image Comments 06 Apr 04:52
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Yeah Artifact RNG hell is real.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Who are these characters and why are they having sex?

Bold of you to assume this manga has a plot.

Wait, there's a plot?

I'd honestly love to know how the conversations between the author and the editor go when the manuscript is submitted each month.

Editor: Is there more sex?

Author: You know it.

Editor: Nice.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Who are these characters and why are they having sex?

Bold of you to assume this manga has a plot.

I'm pretty sure new characters showing up and joining in on the sex is the entire plot haha

joined Sep 27, 2017

I kinda like the fact that Ataru is looking quite average. Not ugly, not cute. Just normal.

She's not goth but I think her looks are in a similar vein as to why I find goths hot. Also freckles are something I always love seeing on characters. She's not sexualized or cutesy, but she's still got hot points to people like myself.

Image Comments 06 Apr 02:55
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Eh I think at least Wonder Egg from Clover Works has been good, and personally I enjoyed the adaptions for at least Fate/Babylonia, Bunny Girl Senpai, Slow Start. I know A-1 and Clover Works are a mixed bag though, and I know there are plenty of people currently pissed with Cloverworks for messing up Promised Neverland. Which is understandable. I know people are mixed on Horimiya since it had to cut a lot. I think with A-1 at least recently people enjoyed the Kaguya adaption.

Image Comments 06 Apr 02:38
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Seriously or joking is Shion trying to destroy it?

Image Comments 06 Apr 02:35
joined Sep 27, 2017

This looks like it's going to go from a wholesome hug to some kink sex really quickly.

Image Comments 06 Apr 02:31
joined Sep 27, 2017

Well the fart commenting is pretty crass with this otherwise cute art haha

joined Sep 27, 2017

It wouldn't be an Ikeda Takashi yuri if there wasn't at least a little bit of angst now would it? Interesting to see where this casual relationship goes, if this will change anything in the long run.

TBH I think that's just life. Life is full of hardships and difficult emotions, so I think it's realistic to include at least some of it in stories. Plus the author didn't go over the top with the angst here, and it feels grounded to me.

Image Comments 06 Apr 00:35
joined Sep 27, 2017

So soft and cuddly.

Image Comments 06 Apr 00:06
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Yeah I really hope the new season produces a ton of Yuri.

joined Sep 27, 2017

When I searched for the Baka-updates page for this manga I got a warning about child sexual abuse imagery being illegal. Which is weird considering this manga is pretty tame.

Ahahahaha, what the hell?

Image Comments 05 Apr 22:58
joined Sep 27, 2017

^I agree.