Forum › Posts by candy76041820

joined May 22, 2013

Find myself loving this manga more and more on every release.
(The anime too)

Yeah. You even changed your avatar for it, didn't you.


Come to think of it, I found myself laughing badly at one version of subtitles, where they mistook the "justice" with "just this". I think their line-dumper needs to attend English classes.

joined May 22, 2013

Gah!! Friendship is excellent!

you might even say

it's magic

Friendship is danmaku.

Bulletwall is firepower DA*ZE!

joined May 22, 2013

Find myself loving this manga more and more on every release.
(The anime too)

Yeah. You even changed your avatar for it, didn't you.

joined May 22, 2013

ANYONE EVER HEARD THE REMIX MELODY BY 发热巫女~ず WITH A SIMILAR TITLE (= When I Wish Upon A Star, from Re: Distance & A Blossom)??

last edited at May 6, 2014 9:14AM

joined May 22, 2013

Eat Saeki and get a change of flavor?

joined May 22, 2013

Nicely done with the puns, I'd say.

joined May 22, 2013

Credit page jokes from YP never fail.

joined May 22, 2013

lol... not all r's are l's though. So just transliterating every r as l is incorrect. But let's not derail the thread with grammar talk. :)

Nope. It has nothing to do with English. I used that pic just to show how bad the Japanese speakers would be at using R's, thus L* should be better than R* when used to express Japanese Kana pronunciations.
Or rather, it's more like a habit? ('cuz the first thing I'm gonna do with a newly installed Japanese IME is to adjust the key settings from R* to L*.)
But enough of that unimportant details. I haven't started using "Miss-Dog(god)dess" and "Miss-CatM(oun)t", you know XD.

Image Comments 02 May 03:55
joined May 22, 2013

Non-antialiased font.

Image Comments 02 May 03:54
joined May 22, 2013

Come to think of it, I wonder how the two crossover series here are now. Are they stalled?

Image Comments 02 May 03:53
joined May 22, 2013

Ah, I've seen this before.

Image Comments 02 May 03:49
joined May 22, 2013

That's the most correct thing to do. Trust me.

Image Comments 02 May 03:48
joined May 22, 2013

Fate, you are an idiot.

joined May 22, 2013

And why does Candy keep replacing r with L?

Find out next week on SOAP!

Also Inugami looked really really cute in glasses... and she's starting to channel Moe from "the real her" xD

You will like it written in L's if you are to read the language yourself. LA-LI-LU-LE-LO, like this.

last edited at May 2, 2014 3:47AM

joined May 22, 2013

And the ED pic is drawn by Fujieda Miyabi. Seems they are having a drink in the amber teahouse, with Kotooli Salasa in the background.

Omg I did not notice, haha that is awesome. Sneaking in her characters even on that endcard. :D


just assuming, is it he?... why are we talking in spoiler mode?

Nah, just in case anyone hasn't watched it yet.

And "He" seems to be right. Together with his male friend, Minamoto Hisanali.

last edited at May 2, 2014 2:58AM

joined May 22, 2013

And the ED pic is drawn by Fujieda Miyabi. Seems they are having a drink in the amber teahouse, with Kotooli Salasa in the background.

Omg I did not notice, haha that is awesome. Sneaking in her characters even on that endcard. :D


joined May 22, 2013

Light cruiser Tatsu y a?? (on P5)

joined May 22, 2013

I wish the anime episodes were longer than 3 minutes!!

Then the will outrun the original 4-panel, and start making things up. See also: Naruto.

How about 5mins? I would've loved 13mins (like the on-going Mangaka-san to Assistant-san), long enough to satisfy.
(Still, I feel like 4-komas work best when short)

That'll be good. 3min is indeed too short and feels too packy.

Anim ep4, Nekoyama looks just like Matoi Lyuuko when she puts a pair of red top-border-less eyeglasses on.
And the ED pic is drawn by Fujieda Miyabi. Seems they are having a drink in the amber teahouse, with Kotooli Salasa in the background.

joined May 22, 2013

You just did it on purpose, didn't you.

Image Comments 01 May 06:09
joined May 22, 2013

Ah. Personal Color.

Croquis discussion 01 May 02:24
joined May 22, 2013

Are the two of your winning points made up of muscle? XD

And why am I feeling about some pages being missing?

last edited at May 1, 2014 2:26AM

joined May 22, 2013


And to think reading a Gundam reference here is...

joined May 22, 2013

ALL the licensed series. Don't backtalk me: Copyright sucks.

(unless you're a writer, artist or publisher, of course)

I am a writer.

Sorry, I should have specified "writer who wants to make a living at their craft and not have it ripped off by any entitled kid who thinks that just because they want it, it should be free". But that wouldn't have been as concise.

There are problems with modern copyright for sure, largely to do with ridiculous length of terms and restriction of fan-created works, but the existence of copyright is not one of those problems. The fact is, it's one of the things that allows professional writers and artists to actually make a living so it needs to exist in some form, even if that means you actually have to pay money for books.

Yeah, you sell books for living. But that's got nothing to do with copyrights.

joined May 22, 2013

Its really not that baffling if you know how different Asia is to Western countries. Objecting an arranged marriage in a conservative country such as Japan could possibly lead to a family fallout. My family doesn't do arranged marriages anymore, but if I was in such a situation, it would be quite difficult for me to decline. Not to mention that is a girl I'd be declining for.

Really? the only one who got mad when i told my dad no to arranged marriages cus i like boobs was my dad, and he ran away from being my dad years ago so i didn't feel too broken up about it, then again my personality dictates: freedom>all

... No offense, but are you a "he" or a "she"?

im a girl, why?


joined May 22, 2013

ALL the licensed series. Don't backtalk me: Copyright sucks.

(unless you're a writer, artist or publisher, of course)

I am a writer.