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Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

So I've been watching the 100 and its pretty good despite a few annoyances, like how Abby treats all kids like they children and trying to say they arent soldiers... if anyone isnt a soldier it's the guards lol, they have zero actual combat experience.

joined Apr 8, 2013


todays twitter timeline is pretty enjoyable because mine is mostly liberal americans. look elswhere though, whoa the homophobia :(

I'm closeted gay live in homophobic country so this news makes me extremely happy. There is hope! Not in my country though! cry


joined Apr 8, 2013

Wasn't there a pastor who said he'd light himself on fire if gay marriage got legalised?

I hope he sells tickets!

At first I was a little conflicted about this, but after I thought about it, I decided that it wasn't the samething as the federal government trying to take over the rights of the states (civil war). It's just righting a wrong.

So paint me like a rainbow and call me happy. :D

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Who is clexa and what show are you talking about?

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Just finished season 2 of orphan black. The show has so many layers of fucked up lol. I love it.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Yeah well, the woman of his dreams confesses and says she will love him, whether he's in a guy or girl body and he/she REJECTS her because he/she fell for jerkface guy who put him in that situation in the first place? It made me want to scream! I guess the author, when the series was axed, put a giant middle-finger to his readers because they voted down his series.

He provably sucked as a writer (to the japanese) and so his manga didn't do so well and it got axed, then the middle finger ending happened.

Kitsune Spirit
Image Comments 23 Jun 11:38
joined Apr 8, 2013

Aki: It's based on real life, the tiny one actually did eat that much, check out Alextasha's link xD

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

I just marathoned orphan black season 1. What an amazing show, even without the yuri bit its fantastic. Season 2 marathon tomorrow!

And I loved Kenzi in lost girl.

Gravity between us and her name in the sky ill have to check those out, the descriptions alone sounded wonderful!

last edited at Jun 23, 2015 1:15AM

Kitsune Spirit
Magan&Danai discussion 22 Jun 15:10
joined Apr 8, 2013

Edit: Ok now it's working for some reason... dunno why it decided to start working.

Their newest pics lol. Art imitating life. xD

last edited at Jun 22, 2015 3:12PM

Kitsune Spirit
Magan&Danai discussion 22 Jun 11:26
joined Apr 8, 2013

Could someone post an english guide on how to sign up for that weibo site they post there photos on? >_> Everytime I go there it asks me to login. >.<

Kitsune Spirit
Image Comments 22 Jun 11:19
joined Apr 8, 2013

L.O.L. "My paycheck might be gone, but at least she's happy." xD

Kitsune Spirit
Image Comments 22 Jun 11:17
joined Apr 8, 2013


Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Asuka ftw!!

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

So she looks younger than her 34 years and she's a smoker?

Sorry, biology does not work like that. Smoking prematurely ages the skin. She'd be lucky if she only looks 34 instead of older. Oh, and excessive alcohol consumption also accelerates the aging of skin, so she should really look like an old shoe by now.

Depends on the person and how long they smoked. I'm older than she is, I drank quite a lot in my 20s, and smoked some as well and people still think I'm in my 20s.


As an aside, I wonder how much legal recourse lezhin has in sueing people outside of their country. Seems like it would cost them more than they would get out of the lawsuit.

last edited at Jun 22, 2015 12:39AM

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

That was... interesting. Not sure how "rape" was assumed especially not without any context.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

The way the guy in the blue shirt is drawn makes me lol so much.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Wolfsbane winter sounds like it will be good and broken wings sounds like it will be silly.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

That dmzj site has a 404 now :(

Kitsune Spirit
REAL Lesbian Manga 17 Jun 10:50
joined Apr 8, 2013

I think Ashley is wanting more yuri without the closet ever being mentioned... And Japan didn't have Christianity beating them over the head with anti-gay stuff, they were just sexually repressed.
To let people you know you're gay is to let them know what sort of sex you like, and sex isn't something they talk about in public.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

I think Defiance should go on the list. The white scaley hairless aluens are either all female or they are femaleg-leading adrogynous. Or the two might juat be lesbians; I'm not really sure which.

Also there's a short lived romance between Kenya and Stahma (another alien).

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Sounds terrible, but it's a parody/comedy, so it might be excusable lol.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Yeah I would love a romantic comedy about two girls in love.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

I'm usually one to defend a story like this especially from Takemiya Jin, but even in light of Nya-chan's points this is still a bit hard to suspend belief for. Not so much about the moving on part, since honestly not that many people end up long term with their first love (something Jin's touched on before) but the giving up and walking away part. Especially since there are quite a few yuri stories on the reader where separation is not enough to cause a breakup.

This! I am an utter Takemiya fan-girl and I really did not like this one. The moving girl is just like "Oh well, Im moving so were not going to be together. And I'll find happiness!" But you have it right there... you even said you didn't want to walk to the station to end! It seriously made me want to facedesk for real lol.

She's an idiot, and I feel bad for her girlfriend who got dumped because her SO moved to Tokyo.

Just ugh. I award her the withered stem of a lily for a score lol.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Flowers is a VN (still in Japanese), the art is amazingly beautiful, and from what I hear, the writing is just as good as the art. Theres going to be four "volumes" following the seasons, with Spring and Summer currently out.

Kitsune Spirit
Magan&Danai discussion 11 Jun 21:10
joined Apr 8, 2013

Our pool of yuri is very small compared to whats over in asia.