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Citrus discussion 10 Jan 09:45
joined Mar 22, 2013

Showing 2 kisses in the opening is kinda weird. Normally you only tease them in the opening but other than that it was a fine episode. The kiss scene is a bit intense between them but i take it.

I thought so too. After the opening I thought, wow that was almost more romantic kisses than in the whole manga so far.
With the other kiss I felt kind of uncomfortable watching it. But I guess that's how it is supposed to be.

The animation was wonderful, but I hope the friendship between Yuzu and Harumin becomes more of an issue. There's no use denying it: Harumin is so cool.^^

joined Mar 22, 2013

Do we have a tag for role reversals? Because I think this is the first time I've seen a student-teacher girls' romance where it's the student that dominates the teacher (boy student and woman teacher is a different matter).

Yeah, role reversal tag would be nice... Although I doubt it would be seen often...

i think there is a tag reversal we should add it here.

joined Mar 22, 2013

This. is. perfect.

joined Mar 22, 2013

I love the dynamics between the student and the teacher. That alone would have been enough to maintain my interest, the probable abuse-storyline is a bit overboard in this. But oh well, let's see where it goes. I really dig the dynamics.

It's a whole lot of complex feelings. Sensei is trying to understand what's happening, also she has no confidence at all. None has ever liked her back? I imagine she didn't even tell them, because I can't imagine she would be rejected all the time as she is pretty decent (well, life sucks sometimes, you never know).
Then the student, she is forcefull and obviously has a fucked up life (none of your parents want you, wtf? best parents ever). We don't know her motifs, so we are on the same page as sensei.
I also got really bad vibes from the tutor. Maybe student wants to reproduce what is happening to her while being the one in charge. But that would just be too fucked up, please no. But many things actually point in this direction.
Anyway, as it is I hope she ends up living with sensei in the end <3

joined Mar 22, 2013

Do you happen to know when the episodes catch up with the manga?

Here is what I believe how it roughly aligns. (Though as mentioned, note that the drama is an adaptatioin and it adds and removes things.)

Drama Ep 1 - Manga Ch 1, 2
Drama Ep 2 - Manga Ch 11, 14, 3
Drama Ep 3 - Manga Ch 4, 5, 8, 6
Drama Ep 4 - Manga Ch 7, 17, 21
Drama Ep 5 - Original episode + Manga Ch 13
Drama Ep 6 - Manga Ch 27, 36

So for English readers, Drama Ep 1 and 3 should be spoiler free.

Source: I watched and read all in Japanese. Apologies if I'm missing something, though.

I don't think the drama made an alternative closure to the story - it felt as though they told the first half (or quarter or whatever) of the story and ran out of time in the live action, while the manga continued after that point. The ending was fine and not so abrupt because it's basically a slice-of-life story, overall, though. It also leaves room for a second series. The live action series is scheduled to be on-air in a weekly TV program in Tokyo starting in a few days. Fans are speculating if it makes a hit and they might decide to produce a second series.

Oh, so there's so many chapters already? I only read up until Ch8, so... i didn't think there were so many, because the tranlation kind of slowed down.
Edit: wow I just saw how many chapters there really are. Guess I'll have something better to do than sleeping.

last edited at Jan 8, 2018 6:47PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Thank you for those links! Do you happen to know when the episodes catch up with the manga? I kinda don't want to spoil the manga, or read it before looking at the drama.

Ah, I don't know if I like where the drama is going... I guess it can't adapt the story as is, but it kind changes the characters altogether. I guess the starting point and the goals are the same, probably. But making Mikage the reason they friendship stopped is a big thing...

I guess if you watch up to episode 3 you should be safe. There are some additional scenes in the webseries that are not even based on chapters of the manga, though. They could still come later, but for the ones up to ep3 it would not make any sense to appaer in the manga anymore imo.
Yeah, I also kind of disliked how weird Mikage was portraied and Hinata doesn't seem to want to get to know Mikage better in the webseries, but it gets better over time. I think ep4-6 are really heading in the right direction, but those would be with spoilers if you want to wait for the manga. Though there is no telling if manga and live action will be on the same track.

last edited at Jan 7, 2018 7:56AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

I demand a series! ... pretty please?
seriously, this was way too cute and full colour, too. Happiness!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Great, there seem to be some dark layers to this story and I love that the characters have some dark thoughts and doubts. That makes it even sweeter to me.
I also had the thought, "well it's not really a relationship, they are just posing and it's out of pity" and they are actually DEALING with this statement early in the story. It's cool. I know it is the whole deal to this manga, but... the execution just is.. done well, I guess.
Like when sensei was crying of happiness when she met the other doctor. You don't act like that with just a friend, is the first thought that comes to mind. But then... considering what sensei has gone through, it is believable again.

last edited at Jan 7, 2018 5:37AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

I'm so charmed by the art. Cute, but I hope sensei is not too much of a pushover. :D

joined Mar 22, 2013

don't forget lewd forehead kissing
although the age gap is a bit too much for me, this is well done and pretty kyuuuute.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Time to re-read this gem. This never gets old :3
and I really love how laid back all the characters (especially the side characters) are. Such a chilled read. The Good Morning Chapter is kind of my fav chapter even though it has nothing to do with the story xD

last edited at Jan 3, 2018 6:50PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Great, I love the art and student teacher :3
count me in^^

joined Mar 22, 2013

"Why don't you have a boyfriend?" - "Well, duuuuuuuuh!!!!"
wrong question,... :(

joined Mar 22, 2013

I'm just wondering how Kaoru's phone survived the fall? It clearly doesn't have a phone case and I doubt that iPhones can fall a flight of stairs and remain undamaged.

I like your sense for detail xDDDDD

Image Comments 29 Dec 08:53
joined Mar 22, 2013

this artist is so talented :O I love it.

Image Comments 22 Dec 09:11
joined Mar 22, 2013

awwww so nice :)

joined Mar 22, 2013

bulk release? Awesome!!! :D

joined Mar 22, 2013

One of the rare Yuri story where I feel bad for the guy

Yep, same here. We haven't even seen him and I like him better as a love interest than yamanaka-san.
This is probably the story that I like the least from Takemiya Jin. I generally dislike stories where one party is a jerk, but nonetheless everybody desires him/her. :/ kinda poor man's stockholm syndrome.

joined Mar 22, 2013

9 chapters and I still don't get what is going on at all.^^

joined Mar 22, 2013

There is english subs for the first Ep now! :D

here or here too
chances are good that there is more to come :3

Awesome! Really hoping the rest of them get translated.

Also, I'd say the second link definitely has the better subs.

personally I liked the first one better (I don't know if it is more accurate, but I sounds a bit more natural in english), but oh well^^

ep 2 was now also released by this channel
seems like she always releases on wednesdays

last edited at Dec 19, 2017 1:36PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

There is english subs for the first Ep now! :D

here or here too
chances are good that there is more to come :3

joined Mar 22, 2013

Ep 6:
There was this one guy who wanted to walk Hinata home with his umbrella. She didn't want to. Was the guy being rude?

He said nothing offensive per se, but he seemed obsessive about something she was clearly not interested. (Not sure what it was, I'd have to rewatch to make sure.) Plus, as you probably can see his body language was sort of creepy lol. When Hinata (very politely) made it clear their conversation was finished but he tried to continue, Mikage jumped in. Okay rewatched - He was offensive, or at least harassing. He talked about the types of body soap and shampoo she might use hinting about what her skin might feel like. It seems that Hinata was too innocent/naive to notice for a while. The interaction was probably supposed to look comical, but I feel like it went a bit too far to be honest. On the flip side, it makes Mikage's action more heroic.

Thanks a lot.

Yeah, I noticed his body language, but I thought maybe he just was being shy. Mikage was creepy at first, too, lol. But he seemed very persistent for a shy person, I guess. Mikage was so cool there! >:)
Lol, now I heard him say it: "body soap"

last edited at Dec 10, 2017 4:14AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

So at first I didn't like the live action, but I was so wrong. Pity, I understand almost no Japanese. Maybe someone can help me understand, even if he/she also doesn't understand it? xD

Ep 5:
Why were they screaming at the beach?

Ep 6:
There was this one guy who wanted to walk Hinata home with his umbrella. She didn't want to. Was the guy being rude?

Was Mikage already realising her feelings and being jealous?

I got to love their voices. So expressive. Like when Mikage says "Stalker" and after that the disgust just drips from her voice. Bliss. xD
The last episode was great again. I hope they make a season 2. Also hoping to see some more scenes from the live action in the manga, like the cooking class, lol.

last edited at Dec 9, 2017 11:11AM

Image Comments 30 Nov 18:45
joined Mar 22, 2013

Wow, this looks great. The faces look like in the live action, kudos!

joined Mar 22, 2013

I love this one so much. The ending is so sweet, it kind of gives the two of them privacy, which is really classy imho. It could have gotten cheesy or sloppy, but it wasn't. Of course I also would have loved another kiss, but the more I reread this, the more I think, this is just perfect. It's really a special story. :)