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joined Jan 27, 2019

Y'know, I completely understand the comments about this being frustrating — but damn, girls being useless at each other is such my jam. I guess it's something about the tension.

That said, I kind of expect this Eli to wake up some time later and realize the true nature of their relationship, but possibly only after they've moved in together, gotten a joint bank account, and adopted three kids and a dog

joined Jan 27, 2019

Just reread chapter 20 — and it's hilarious how, immediately after the chapter directly stating that Nico's bust measurement is 71, her profile still has her fudged measurements.

That said, I love the original conceit of School Idol Diaries — that it's sort of an exchange diary, that each of the girls is writing their own feelings about the random events as things go on, and the text version even had other girls' comments afterwards. It's a concept that almost immediately falls apart, of course; I think the text version stops making sense as soon as Kotori says "Instead of Umi being dashing, I kind of want to see her defeated and looking up at me through crying eyes — kyun — but I could never tell her that!" And even here, Nico in particular is being way too honest for me to believe that she knows that anybody is reading these. Ah, well.

last edited at Jan 20, 2020 12:59PM

joined Jan 27, 2019

Mm, candy gal X smooth bookworm. A well-established ship (they're at least besties in the Theater comics, anyway) that doesn't get enough love.

Matching discussion 20 Jan 03:15
joined Jan 27, 2019

The (apparently) canonical answer is in the School Idol Diaries, the manga chapter of which is Season 1, Chapter 9, "Rin and Kitties" (here: ).

Short version: it started after she and Hanayo found a newborn litter of kittens trapped under a shed in a snowstorm; they managed to save some of them, and Rin wanted to adopt them, but found out that she's allergic to cats. Sad. (The surviving kittens were placed with a relative of Hanayo's in the country.) But because of talking to the mom cat and kittens so much, Rin apparently never stopped meowing.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Why does Maki and Nico always seem to be squeezed into every Love Live doujin somehow even when it's not about them.

To actually answer this question, I think it's a matter of story mechanics. When you want to explore a single character, one of the most effective way is by writing also about their "foil" — another character who shares some traits in a contrasting manner. (This is part of why rival or lancer characters work so well.) When the story is about a relationship, it's convenient to do the same thing, to compare to and contrast with another couple. NicoMaki is a relatively straightforward relationship, in their tropes of Tsun-to-Tsun combat and such, and they come from the fandom pretty much preformed and ready to pop in; you want to spend your time as a writer on the coupling you actually set out to explore, so not needing to spend effort establishing a relationship to compare against is a win.

RKGKMDK discussion 20 Jan 01:29
joined Jan 27, 2019

Well, they're both low-hanging fruit, as far as concepts go; KyouSaya shipping was instantaneous, and Mami/Charlotte shipping started pretty much as soon as the witch life cycle was revealed.

Image Comments 20 Jan 00:37
joined Jan 27, 2019

I feel like Dai/Yuuka only makes sense under the fan theory that Yuuka is what you get when a fairy — well, ascends (or exalts or ennobles, depending on your opinion of the process): that fairies, as embodiments of nature energy, can become something more if they dedicate themselves to something and gain sufficient power. In other words, Yuuka is the destination that Cirno is headed towards.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Mika has strong big sister game. (And you can practically taste the defeat at "You can call me Arisu" — "My name is Tachibana" is practically her catchphrase.)

joined Jan 27, 2019

But whats up with the last page? I too don't understand any of the last half.

Whats the switched from juice to wine group mean? Is she referring to herself as the wife of the house? Seems an odd way to call yourself. Whats the letter and why does neither Kotori or her mom need it any more?
Why did she need to borrow money of Maki's mom?

It's a little convoluted, but — well, remember the beginning, how Kotori just woke up, unclear on how she and Eli got there, but mentioned smelling alcohol? Yeah, I think it's implying that Kotori's mom swapped their juice for a sweet wine so that they'd get drunk and, well, this would happen. It seems to be a gambit to keep Kotori from her overseas study, and hence to keep µ's intact, and then use µ's to keep the school open, with financial support from the Nishikinos. (At least, that's how I'm assembling the puzzle pieces.)

last edited at Jan 19, 2020 1:30AM

joined Jan 27, 2019

Yeah... she was, effectively, using her own consciousness/soul (gem) to puppet Sayaka's corpse. If I understand it, Kyouko's justifying it to herself as maintaining the body against the hope of recovering Sayaka's soul and reversing the witch transformation — hence the eating (and excreting), since she doesn't have access to hospital-type IV support. (Ironically, Sayaka was the one with magic that could do that, if I get everyone's affinities right.)

Image Comments 17 Jan 12:32
joined Jan 27, 2019

It's worth noting that some kinds of birds can perform parthenogenesis, where a female lays a viable egg without fertilization, often after essentially going through the motions of mating with another female; the child is a clone of the mother (give or take any mutations).

I don't know if Corvidae are among those kinds, but this process would explain the tendency of Touhou kids to look like miniature versions of their mothers.

Image Comments 15 Jan 20:54
joined Jan 27, 2019

The implication of giving the ribbon is "something to remember me by", and I'd wager the setup here is one I've seen elsewhere, where the highborn young heiress is set to be omiai-ed out once she graduates.

Even without that fillip, she doesn't want keepsakes, she wants Dia — and if she can't have the latter, there's no sense in having the former. Kinda better to make it a clean break.

last edited at Jan 15, 2020 8:54PM

Image Comments 15 Jan 01:45
joined Jan 27, 2019

Actually, Eli probably just has pelmeni breath.

Image Comments 10 Jan 15:24
joined Jan 27, 2019

Shanghai's size and, to be honest, anatomy, are pretty variable in fanworks. It's common for her to be depicted as something close to a Barbie-sized BJD, but the games seem to envision something closer to one of those creepy Victorian porcelain dolls.

Anyway, the bigger she is, the more effective the Artful Sacrifice, right? (For the confused, "Artful Sacrifice" is Alice's move where she makes the dolls blow up; she fills them with gunpowder, you see.)

Image Comments 10 Jan 14:59
joined Jan 27, 2019

@blopa This image predates Undefined Fantastic Object, sadly. (Danbooru's copy of the original was posted in 2008; becoming a nun stopped being the safe option in 2009.) Given that Nitori didn't make the list, it probably goes back to before Subterranean Animism.

@BV And that's probably the answer to your question, too, unless you're thinking of Flan or one of the less-explored options. (Yuuka? Sakuya? Youmu, maybe? I mean, these are all ships I've seen, so...)

last edited at Jan 10, 2020 3:06PM

Image Comments 10 Jan 14:45
joined Jan 27, 2019

That's— a really weird take, tbh. Forbidden Scrollery changed Marisa's characterization not one whit. You could make an argument that Wild and Horned Hermit portrayed her as devoted to Reimu, but I think that's an artifact of the whole manga being structured around the shrine (and Kasen's disdainful view of Reimu).

Anyway, ZUN is still writing everything official, so blaming a work-for-hire artist for character changes, or worse yet, fandom trends, is kinda gross.

joined Jan 27, 2019

The thing that makes the relationship between Mika and Miria less squicky to me is that, while Mika plays up the whole "sexy gal", woman-of-the-world, playgirl image – on stage and off – she is in fact quite innocent. (This is mostly played in the game commus and the comics in how much she'll kind of self-destruct in romantic situations, and how Rika thinks she has all kinds of experience that she just doesn't.)

joined Jan 27, 2019

I'll be honest – the trans Honoka is great, but for my money, the best thing here is the loving view of dealing with a partner's narcolepsy. :-)

joined Jan 27, 2019

I think the meaning there is less "apps in Twitter" and more "apps for Twitter".

Also, A++ for the extended Grappler Baki reference.

joined Jan 27, 2019

To answer this question super-late, that's Reinforce — the guiding intelligence of the Book of Darkness — and Nachtwaal, the personification of the corruption of the Book of Darkness. The A's movie, which this seems to be set after, changed the plot around a bit from the series, making the Book's corruption more of a character and less of a boss monster. The snake is there 'cos Nachtwaal has snakes.

Starry Rain discussion 02 Sep 20:59
joined Jan 27, 2019

Kinda nice to see her paired with someone besides the asshole slacker, lol.

Yeah, this way she's with the other asshole slacker. We just need some Kirari X Syuko for the triple crown.

I'm mostly kidding; this is a great story and a believable relationship.

(I also can't believe that I hadn't considered that, while Kirari definitely has a fixation on little and cute things, she's large enough that every other idol can fit in that category. This realization has me wanting to see her pick up and cuddle Takumi.)

joined Jan 27, 2019

It's always a little weird when you realize that a translator missed a reference that you caught — but that last page's mention of "Marvel Phantasm" is probably meant to be "Marble Phantasm", a Type-Moon reference.

(I'm not complaining; translation is hard, and nobody's going to catch all possible references and memes. It does remind me of the old TokyoPop translation of Sailor Moon; at one point, a character reads or quotes W. B. Yeats "The Second Coming" — y'know, the poem that goes "Things fall apart; the center cannot hold / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world". But the (pro!) translator didn't recognise the Japanese translation that Takeuchi was using, so just translated it back into English literally and came out sounding a bit like a Google Translate round-trip.)

Image Comments 25 Jul 11:35
joined Jan 27, 2019

I purely love Chika's mikan-segments pendant. I will purchase a dozen.

joined Jan 27, 2019

They said it would not include any plotlines they already intruded. It wouldn't make for a great plot anyway. We already saw how she got injured. It wasn't a big boss battle or anything.

Yeah — it was stress, overwork, over-_training_, and a lucky shot. The drone's boss didn't get faced for years, and that's all in StrikerS already. There's human drama, great for doujin and fanfic, but nothing to build a Nanoha-style movie on.

To put it another way, the gimmick of Nanoha as a series is that magical girls are, effectively, Gundams. (She's the RX-78-2, Fate is Char piloting the Deathscythe.) And you don't make Gundam movies where the mech is down for repairs the whole time.

joined Jan 27, 2019

...I just want to know who left their dildo under the sofa cushions.

(I mean, yes, it was probably Kotori, but...)

Edit: Okay, my misunderstanding — they changed locations after the anilingus orgasm, presumably going to Chihaya's apartment; the dildo is visible on the table, next to the recorder, in the establishing shot. I thought (for several readings!) that they were still at the office and some random dildo just flopped out from the napping sofa, but if it's theirs I feel better about it.

last edited at Jun 29, 2021 3:08PM