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Starry Rain discussion 02 Sep 20:59
joined Jan 27, 2019

Kinda nice to see her paired with someone besides the asshole slacker, lol.

Yeah, this way she's with the other asshole slacker. We just need some Kirari X Syuko for the triple crown.

I'm mostly kidding; this is a great story and a believable relationship.

(I also can't believe that I hadn't considered that, while Kirari definitely has a fixation on little and cute things, she's large enough that every other idol can fit in that category. This realization has me wanting to see her pick up and cuddle Takumi.)

joined Jan 27, 2019

It's always a little weird when you realize that a translator missed a reference that you caught — but that last page's mention of "Marvel Phantasm" is probably meant to be "Marble Phantasm", a Type-Moon reference.

(I'm not complaining; translation is hard, and nobody's going to catch all possible references and memes. It does remind me of the old TokyoPop translation of Sailor Moon; at one point, a character reads or quotes W. B. Yeats "The Second Coming" — y'know, the poem that goes "Things fall apart; the center cannot hold / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world". But the (pro!) translator didn't recognise the Japanese translation that Takeuchi was using, so just translated it back into English literally and came out sounding a bit like a Google Translate round-trip.)

Image Comments 25 Jul 11:35
joined Jan 27, 2019

I purely love Chika's mikan-segments pendant. I will purchase a dozen.

joined Jan 27, 2019

They said it would not include any plotlines they already intruded. It wouldn't make for a great plot anyway. We already saw how she got injured. It wasn't a big boss battle or anything.

Yeah — it was stress, overwork, over-_training_, and a lucky shot. The drone's boss didn't get faced for years, and that's all in StrikerS already. There's human drama, great for doujin and fanfic, but nothing to build a Nanoha-style movie on.

To put it another way, the gimmick of Nanoha as a series is that magical girls are, effectively, Gundams. (She's the RX-78-2, Fate is Char piloting the Deathscythe.) And you don't make Gundam movies where the mech is down for repairs the whole time.

joined Jan 27, 2019

...I just want to know who left their dildo under the sofa cushions.

(I mean, yes, it was probably Kotori, but...)

Edit: Okay, my misunderstanding — they changed locations after the anilingus orgasm, presumably going to Chihaya's apartment; the dildo is visible on the table, next to the recorder, in the establishing shot. I thought (for several readings!) that they were still at the office and some random dildo just flopped out from the napping sofa, but if it's theirs I feel better about it.

last edited at Jun 29, 2021 3:08PM

joined Jan 27, 2019

Considering that they apparently used to destroy the Danger^H^H^H^H^H^H Training Room on the Arthra during their spars on the regular, it's probably for the best.

(That might be fanon, come to think of it; the only time I remember the training room actually breaking was the epilogue story in the A's manga, and that bout involved Nanoha, Fate, Arf, Chrono, and Yuuno versus Hayate and the Wolkenritter, so it may not be representative.)

joined Jan 27, 2019

I am a little confused about where the hike took place. I was pretty sure Earth (Non-Administered Planet #97) was more than an hour from Midchilda, and of course Nanoha met Fate in her friend Suzuka's backyard ('s forest). I suspect there's some errors in there, whether original or translational.

Eh, but who cares, this cuteness is justice.

EGOIST discussion 20 Jun 14:21
joined Jan 27, 2019

This is such a nice look at Fate's issues. She's so aware of what it means to be rejected, and to hurt the ones you love, that she's going to overcompensate. And where many of us have urges that make us feel bad or wrong for having them (justly or unjustly), she's so aware that she's not "normal", not "natural", that perfectly natural feelings and impulses are going to play into that self-doubt. It's common enough, growing up, to feel like you're some kind of freak, that nobody has ever felt the way you do, that you're broken — and Fate knows for a fact that she was manufactured, and had the person she loved most tell her to her face that she was a monster, a broken doll. That's got to multiply those feelings immensely.

She's gotten better, of course — she's incredibly strong, and Nanoha and Lindy have been very good for her — but that kind of psychic wound doesn't just go away. So it's nice to see this kind of thing touching those issues.

joined Jan 27, 2019

It's interesting — obviously the two artists wanted "Nanoha and Fate's First Festival Date", and presumably agreed on just that beforehand, but they managed to create a couple of sweet stories that hit some of the same notes while being distinct. I love the first one's callback to the third sound stage and Fate and Arf's anniversary, and the second's decision to go for the Obon festival instead of a fireworks festival does some beautiful things with Fate's melancholy. So much love for NanoFate.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Speaking of insulin, sweetness of bodily fluids can be a sign of diabetes. Consult your doctor.

Schicksal discussion 19 Jun 22:13
joined Jan 27, 2019

Well, of course the warmth of that hand is real, Einhart.
Oh god, I made myself sad. See, Claus never got to feel the warmth of Olive's hands -- 'cos she didn't have any.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Yeah, the fact that this is based on the anime Vivid Strike, a sequel to the manga/anime Mahou Shoujou Lyrical Nanoha ViViD, a sequel to Mahou Shoujou Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS, a sequel to... kinda does land you in the deep end, characterization-wise.

The glasses-girl, Jill, is original to Vivid Strike; the other, Nove, goes back to StrikerS. Nove actually sums up her situation pretty well; she's both a cyborg and a clone, and if you think of the JS Incident she refers to as a large-scale terrorist attack, you won't be too far off. The protagonists thwarted the worst of it, she was arrested and rehabilitated, adopted by the widower of her genetic original, and as of Vivid Strike runs a gym for vaguely pubescent magical prize-fighters. Simple!

joined Jan 27, 2019

I got the idea that Riko's gift, rather than a trip, is a set bath salts/fragrances, and that You's was the costume.

joined Jan 27, 2019

Well, maybe? That seems to be some of the intent, and is stronger in the anime — but there is also an actual preschool/kindergarten teacher idol in CG (Arisa, the one with the bunny hand puppet — I don't think she made it into the anime?), and Kirari's obsession with cuteness and cute little girls gets played harder in the Cinderella Theater comics; it's strongly implied in an early strip that she actually abducted Anzu, keeping her captive for a while in a playhouse in her room. Soooo…
More seriously, I think Kirari's persona is only half a construct; she's over the top with happi-happi to compensate for being so big, compared with everyone else, but even without that she'd be pretty exuberant and frilly. It's more natural than, say, Nana's "Planet Usamin" deal or Miku's catgirl thing.

(Those comics I mentioned — there's two strips: (Kirari's room, with the playhouse labeled "Anzu")
(After Anzu escapes))