Marion Diabolito Dec 13, 2019 9:56PM

They're often depicted as rivals for Marisa, but ... ReiAri wa genten.

Mimiyaah Dec 14, 2019 12:11AM


elevown Dec 14, 2019 7:53AM

Nice pic :) I like this fairly rare pairing.

But - Shanghai is way too big isnt she? She's meant to be about 1ft tall not 3

last edited at Dec 14, 2019 2:34PM

SSincere Jan 10, 2020 3:24PM

Shanghai's size and, to be honest, anatomy, are pretty variable in fanworks. It's common for her to be depicted as something close to a Barbie-sized BJD, but the games seem to envision something closer to one of those creepy Victorian porcelain dolls.

Anyway, the bigger she is, the more effective the Artful Sacrifice, right? (For the confused, "Artful Sacrifice" is Alice's move where she makes the dolls blow up; she fills them with gunpowder, you see.)

Marion Diabolito Mar 1, 2020 3:26PM

SSincere: You virtually never see that in either the ZUN official manga or even less in doujins. Shanghai has gone from being a Shanghai - a generic type of doll you can just blow up with Mafu "Aatifuru Sakurifaisu" -- to basically being Alice's daughter. And that's not surprising. Once you leave the danmakku screen world, you find out things like that Shinki "created" Alice and thinks of her like a daughter, so like mother, like daughter. I think the same thing happened to Hourais in some stories. There's a Hourai that's Shanghai's big sister. I don't think Goliath dolls have been humanized and sympathized with, though.

SSincere Mar 17, 2020 2:35AM

Oh, certainly that's the usual fan-depiction, though I don't think that any of the ZUN manga have referred to a specific doll as Shanghai. (Then again, I can't remember Alice playing any substantial part in any of those since her one chapter in whichever Three Fairies manga it was and her chapter of Inaba of the Inaba.)

Marion Diabolito Oct 27, 2020 5:34AM

SSincere the lack of Alice in those is sad for me.