I don't understand you people seeing the old style as more expressive/dynamic than the current one. It's the complete opposite for me.
The old style was quite unique and bold / expressive, in an exaggerated/simple way that highlighted expressions etc I feel. Though on the surface at first glance you could just say it was 'bad' or childish, like say Karaagetarou's Touhou stuff - but I think that would be a mistake.
The new style while similar, is cleaner but has less expression or life - partly because it is obviously drawn in an art package now, not by hand - and you can tell. The more realistic style waters down the strengths to me - and is just more generic.
But like I said, it does have the same overall basic style which I still like, I just think it now stands out less - and I don't like when you can 'see' the computer / art package in manga art - (using tools for drawing perfect curves/lines etc).
I don't understand what you mean by this one being done in an art package and the others being done by hand. Mochi's works have always been digital. And in reference to them using tools to draw straight/curved lines, have they not always been doing that as well? I looked back at their older works from last year and the only real difference is that the lines are thicker and the eyes are solid black. If that's your complaint, the fine, but don't try to pass off aesthetic changes as the artist being "lazy", especially changes that allow them to add more detail, which takes more work.
Personally, I really like the new eyes and thinner lines. Eyes are an important part of character expression, and considering the limited range of expressions seen in most of Mochi's works, I'm excited to see what these changes bring.
last edited at Dec 12, 2018 9:38AM