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joined Nov 15, 2017

I personally don’t think the delinquent enjoying the resistance as a sign of her being a rapist. Isn’t this just a very normalish kink, like how a lot of people enjoy being dominated? We even see delinquent girl stop despite getting the resistance reaction she liked. Liking to dominate doesn’t mean she’s going to do it. Morals still rein a person in despite what their kinks are.

I understand that it’s pretty clear she’s been in relationships with other girls before, but I don’t think it there was solid indication that she raped every one of them. Not that there was any solid proof that she didn’t. It seems to me the other girls delinquent dated would have been older and more mature than the middle schooler girl, because delinquent was surprised when middle schooler girl didn’t know what sex was.

In the end it’s a 4-koma comic that doesn’t even make sense and their relationship is wack. orz

^this. I'd like to add that people make mistakes when discovering their sexual identity, and they shouldn't be judged for life over them. Do schools not make kids read The Scarlett Letter anymore? I personally enjoyed this a lot. And to those who say the story is disjointed; it's a 4-koma, what did you expect? This format doesn't really lend itself all that well to narrative pacing.

last edited at Dec 23, 2018 7:34PM

joined Nov 15, 2017

That probably-lethal spray of school supplies in the beginning had me in stitches.

joined Nov 15, 2017

This isn't one of Takemiya Jin's best works. The loli's barrel chest and giant ass are a little disconcerting.

joined Nov 15, 2017

I love stories featuring communication barriers. I think it's a wonderful thing for people to overcome them. This was adorable, and I would love more like this.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Kase-san, you sly dog, you. Lookin dapper in that suit, too. Can't wait to see what happens in a few more months.

joined Nov 15, 2017

I don't understand you people seeing the old style as more expressive/dynamic than the current one. It's the complete opposite for me.

The old style was quite unique and bold / expressive, in an exaggerated/simple way that highlighted expressions etc I feel. Though on the surface at first glance you could just say it was 'bad' or childish, like say Karaagetarou's Touhou stuff - but I think that would be a mistake.

The new style while similar, is cleaner but has less expression or life - partly because it is obviously drawn in an art package now, not by hand - and you can tell. The more realistic style waters down the strengths to me - and is just more generic.

But like I said, it does have the same overall basic style which I still like, I just think it now stands out less - and I don't like when you can 'see' the computer / art package in manga art - (using tools for drawing perfect curves/lines etc).

I don't understand what you mean by this one being done in an art package and the others being done by hand. Mochi's works have always been digital. And in reference to them using tools to draw straight/curved lines, have they not always been doing that as well? I looked back at their older works from last year and the only real difference is that the lines are thicker and the eyes are solid black. If that's your complaint, the fine, but don't try to pass off aesthetic changes as the artist being "lazy", especially changes that allow them to add more detail, which takes more work.

Personally, I really like the new eyes and thinner lines. Eyes are an important part of character expression, and considering the limited range of expressions seen in most of Mochi's works, I'm excited to see what these changes bring.

last edited at Dec 12, 2018 9:38AM

joined Nov 15, 2017

I have to mention the lovelies over in the ex-hentai comment section for this doujin are all pleasantly surprised that this is a mtf gender-bender where the mc doesn't just grow giant tits and immediately go out and get raped/gangbanged. They really like the vanilla-ness of this story, and I have to agree with them. More vanilla GB, please.

joined Nov 15, 2017

I agree, shoulders and hips but it's most likely bc this author probably doesn't have a good sense of anatomy and doesn't draw humans that well besides the headshots.

This manga rubbed me the wrong way for some reason, probably because of the whole thing of the girl implying the dude had to be fucked against his will to become a woman. I probs shouldn't have expected too much when it was done by a dude that also likes shotacon/lolis.

They said they had sex before this happened. It seems more like a bi-curious sadist getting a chance to live out one of her fantasies and she goes a bit overboard. Don't attribute malice on the part of the writer to something that can easily be explained by realizing that this is a porn first, and that any poorly written setups are the result of the writer trying to justify having such an unrealistic scenario lead to sex.

On an unrelated note, I put in a request for the sequel. Maybe we'll see that soon.

joined Nov 15, 2017

I'm glad this finally got translated. It has a sequel that was translated a few years back that is also pretty good. There's some butt play in it, and it's shown that he still has his prostate, despite the outside changes. Very interesting way of doing this, but I enjoy it nonetheless.

joined Nov 15, 2017

It's a little strange to me how the NSFW just cums and goes. I can't seem to understand how it fits in yet, but I'll be keeping up I guess? lol

Don't expect a justification for the ecchi content from this mangaka. Not gonna happen.

Image Comments 27 Nov 23:31
joined Nov 15, 2017

So is this just gonna be a common thing now? Is the last image always going to be a Watamote fan art? Not that I have anything against that, but it's hard not to notice the trend.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Love how the subtle differences in art between the two versions reflect how each character sees both themselves and the other girl. Good stuff right there.

Image Comments 19 Nov 17:47
joined Nov 15, 2017

Do you people listen to yourselves? The artist and writer are appealing to the fans at every turn and you pessimistic losers still think that a het ending is even a remote possibility. Calm down. There is not a single visible pathway that leads to a het ending, and the only way there could be one is if she basically abandoned all of her gay friends for some guy who shows up at the last minute. That would be one of the worst manga endings of all time. The fact that you even think that it's possible worries me. Do people seriously need to feel so antagonized in their own community that they have to look for problems where there are none?

Image Comments 15 Nov 23:35
joined Nov 15, 2017

Nemo's confident facade is easily countered by Tomoko's unabashed perverseness.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Animal vomiting ruining a tender moment is the realest thing.

Image Comments 01 Nov 20:52
joined Nov 15, 2017

The artist's Sketchfab page, for those of you who want to view her works in 360 degrees

last edited at Nov 1, 2018 8:53PM

joined Nov 15, 2017

The wonderful facial expressions and punchy dialogue give this a super energetic feel. I'm looking forward to what Fujiyoshi does in the future for sure.

joined Nov 15, 2017

It's just like the ending of Shaun of the Dead

Lily Marble discussion 25 Oct 11:54
joined Nov 15, 2017

Now, she needs to go through the 5 stages of grief:

  1. Denial : I must have not seen correctly, he's a guy, I'm sure!
  2. Anger: I've been tricked! She pretended to be a boy to seduce me and make me stay at the Gym!
  3. Bargaining: why can't she be a boy? God, I'd pay any price for her to have a sudden sex change!
  4. Depression: this is over. I will never go to that gym ever again. I can't bear this loss and to see her
  5. Acceptance : Maybe I've always leaned that way? What if I confess? Let's see where it goes from here.

Let us hope that all of that is contained within a single page.

Better yet, in a single panel

One thought bubble

Image Comments 23 Oct 22:34
joined Nov 15, 2017

Oh that Nemo. She just can't catch a break! canned laughter

Image Comments 23 Oct 22:29
joined Nov 15, 2017

Do we have a tag for heads under skirts? We really should if we don't.

joined Nov 15, 2017

I'm enjoying this but I do hope it soon moves beyond "I love tits" and addresses the objectification going on.

It really isn't objectification. Objectification is meant to be degrading and demeaning. She's just a horny adolescent who likes tits. Also, the other girls said she doesn't like her own body, and that it isn't so bad having someone obsess over it. It's flattering. There, it's been addressed.

Image Comments 22 Oct 22:51
joined Nov 15, 2017

Do we have a tag for lap embraces like this?

joined Nov 15, 2017

I feel like the bolo tie, button-up with rolled up sleeves, and short hair warrant a tomboy tag.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Doesn’t sound like the best relationship...

I think that's mostly due to weird phrasing. The "I've never refused" thing sounds creepy, sure, but I think the author means that she's still kinda surprised by her own sexuality.

A more appropriate why to phrase it would be "She's too cute for me to refuse her," but given how emotionally reserved Rin is, the fact that she's beating around the bush and questioning why she's never refused makes a lot more sense. She hasn't really connected her feelings to her actions yet.

I do feel like Nadeshiko and Rin would both be utterly clueless when it comes to sex, but Nadeshiko would obviously be the more adventurous and experimental type, while Rin would be very by-the-books. What we're seeing here seems like it's a short ways into a sexual awakening of sorts, where they're both just having fun exploring each other.