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joined Jan 18, 2016

I'd like more indication that manager-san likes her back though. Most of her thoughts revolve around their working relationship, rather than romantic feelings. Even if it's something inside her head, I'd like something a bit more concrete.

I think several images, like the passionate hug on page 1, confirm that the manager likes her back, but then a large portion of the other scenarios call that into question. Maybe there's some sort of chronology at work and the the ones where manager-san reciprocates come later? But then there's also model lady consistently acting like they're already a couple? It's plain unclear.

Yuri☆Kome discussion 11 Jul 06:28
joined Jan 18, 2016

This may not have been rape (although it almost seemed like the president was using some kind of hypnosis), but obviously the president is a very sinister character and MC would do well to escape her.

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 6:31AM

Image Comments 09 Jul 22:25
joined Jan 18, 2016

*These ships

joined Jan 18, 2016

This is how all yuri should be. None of that top-bottom business. Only a nice, "i get some you get some", type of story

I think a lot of people like the "tob-bottom business." Different people enjoy sex in different ways.

joined Jan 18, 2016

That kind of makes sense, 3D fighting game matches essentially consist of a series of "rock-paper-scissors" events (especially Soulcalibur) so there could be some transference. However, the vast majority of a person's ability to predict their opponent's behavior in a game comes from highly specific experience. For instance, someone who is actually a competitive rock-paper-scissors player will win more often than the Virtua Fighter player. Also prior martial arts training wouldn't have anything to do with knowing to push a joystick diagonally downward, and I hope the author doesn't claim it does.

last edited at Jul 6, 2017 5:18AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

Maybe Minoru just has a really good yomi (inherited from her dad, perhaps?), so as soon as she got the basic controls down, she could rad Shijou like a book?

Here's my take on that, which you might find interesting:
What fighting game players call "yomi" is really just educated guessing based on enormous amounts of knowledge and experience. Reading your opponent isn't really something you intentionally do, it's something you instinctively do from playing a sport or a game so much that you see the same situations repeated over and over again.
It is not an inherent trait a person can have the first time they play a game. Players like Daigo Umehara have played so much Street Fighter over so many years that they have an EXTREMELY good idea of how their opponents are going to act in most situations.

last edited at Jul 6, 2017 4:00AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

If anyone is questioning how a player with tournament experience could struggle against a first-timer, please watch this:

joined Jan 18, 2016

Shijou is nicely done but Minoru...well let's say I just don't like her.
She's presented as too OP, I mean, even if you go slow against a beginner, there's almost no chance for him to block.

I know it's the first chapter and it must be justified that she start fighting game but still...Well I just hope it will be more coherent on this point later.

I think the fighting game genre is being portrayed well for the most part, Minoru just happened to intuitively grasp the mechanics of blocking, which rightfully surprised Shijou. It does happen in real life. Compare to Slam Dunk, which has a player doing a layup and then having girls swooning over it, or Kuroko no Basket which just infuriates me with it's lack of understanding of the sport or culture of basketball

last edited at Jul 6, 2017 1:05AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

I don't mind whether she's really a succubus or not. I'm actually hoping Sakura gets together with the Lamia girl. I'm sensing some mutual attraction there despite the iffy first impression, and even though she's crushing on the Harpy.

last edited at Jul 3, 2017 7:39PM

Image Comments 02 Jul 07:05
joined Jan 18, 2016

This is the second image on this site with Kaban smoking a cigarette after sex, is that a reference to a movie or something?

last edited at Jul 2, 2017 7:23AM

Image Comments 02 Jul 00:11
joined Jan 18, 2016

Foiled kabedon attempt

joined Jan 18, 2016

Yukina is an angel, and while I know Rinko ending up together with her is too much to hope for, I'd at least like to see that she's not forgotten.

joined Jan 18, 2016

The skirt was very short. I'm fine with it, and I found this manga pretty inoffensive in general. Characters in manga and comics can pull off certain fashion choices that look silly or embarrassing in the real world.

last edited at Jun 29, 2017 8:26PM

Yuri Family discussion 29 Jun 19:38
joined Jan 18, 2016

If either the mom or Hana is blackmailing one another and none of the sisters had actually kissed her, none of them would confess since the mom is asking for one of them to confess to their actions

Even if none of them did it, they wouldn't know that and would assume one of the others did it. And they all confess regardless because they want to kiss Hana anyway.

..besides I think it's the long bangs girl, she seemed pretty guilty and was blunt about being the culprit

Possibly, but to me part of the shtick was that none of the four older sisters were implied above the others. We can infer that she has a less talkative personality in general than her sisters.

Yuri Family discussion 28 Jun 05:50
joined Jan 18, 2016

We have three possibilities:
1) One of the sister is the culprit.
2) Mother is the culprit.
3) Hana is just making this as an excuse to kiss her sisters (Tho this begs the question if she already knew that her sisters would compete to kiss her).

You're not thinking five-dimensionally, and as a result you missed some possibilities:
4) Hana covertly kissed one of her sisters and and is accusing her sisters to draw attention away from her own act.
5) Hana passionately kissed herself and is attempting to pin the crime on her family members.
6) An unknown sixth person kissed Hana and she merely assumed it was one of her sisters.
7) Hana was kissed by an unknown sixth person and is leveraging the opportunity to manipulate her sisters into competing to kiss her.
8) The mother is blackmailing Hana and is just making this up as an excuse for Hana to kiss her sisters.
9) Hana is blackmailing her mother to make up a story so that she would have the opportunity to kiss her sisters.
10) Hana and her mother mutually agreed to make up a story that would serve as an excuse for Hana to kiss her sisters.
11) Hana kissed the mother, and the mother, being the wise matriarch that she is, compromised with Hana and made up the story to steer Hana romantically away from her, towards her sisters.

last edited at Jun 28, 2017 5:52AM

Image Comments 27 Jun 22:58
joined Jan 18, 2016

Love Wins Always #. 25

last edited at Jun 28, 2017 12:07AM

Yuri Family discussion 27 Jun 21:13
joined Jan 18, 2016

Cannibal posted:

I think it was Kuki, she admits it while the others think about whether they did it or not.

On page to she's the only one who is just embarassed and turns red.

We see her thoughts saying it wasn't her.

I believe that was her wishing not to be called out for doing it.

Isn't the joke that all 4 of them immediately admits they did it the second they heard they can kiss Hana if they are the culprit? (I know that 1 prefers to watch, but she still thinks kissing would be nice as well)

Yeah, none of of the girls are intended to be implied over the others. Kuki reacted differently due to her unique personality, not because she necessarily was the culprit

joined Jan 18, 2016


Repeat! discussion 24 Jun 20:52
joined Jan 18, 2016

That line didn't bother me too much, I'm sure they'll get together if this series continues.

Nico in the anime always seemed to me like she'd be a fun person to be friends with, with a good sense of humor, just too negative at times. Nozomi is the character I think could handle her the best, and be most likely to find her entertaining rather than irritating.

Cutie Beast discussion 23 Jun 02:05
joined Jan 18, 2016

Seriously!? WHO CARES lmao tentacles are tentacles please don't tell me that because it's "female" you're gonna accept it more than if it were normal tentacles xD

It's not the same at all, you can't ignore the tentacle gender dynamics at play

She was almost raped by tentacles. But Lulu saved her.

Yeah good thing Lulu arrived in the nick of time, y'know, before anything, bad happened to Harmony

last edited at Jun 23, 2017 2:13AM

Cutie Beast discussion 23 Jun 01:05
joined Jan 18, 2016

Oh Mira, are you not made for greater things?

last edited at Jun 23, 2017 1:32AM

PAX 2 discussion 20 Jun 03:37
joined Jan 18, 2016

The manga is about these two characters and their relationship and yet after reading it we still don't know anything about it.

We know what the author wanted to convey, which is that Kei believes her partner is emotionally unfaithful to her, and feels sad and lonely. You say over and over again that all the plot points are ambiguous but that's not the case. The details are ambiguous.

Their pasts, presents and futures are all left in the dark with no clues for us to find to figure out what the hell even happened.

For one, there are clues. We can look at Kei's hatred of tobacco smoke, and imagine she had a traumatic experience with a man who smoked tobacco threatening her relationship. We can look at Sachi going to the store to buy new headphones, and infer that she may be trying at a new start with Kei, unbeknownst to Kei. We can look at the last page of Kei smoking a cigarette and glaring into the pitch blackness, and infer that the relationship is ending or at least not going anywhere happy.

I don't love this manga by any means, but there's definitely an intention, a feeling conveyed. Details periphery to that intention being left to the imagination are NOT a sign of an inept writer.

PAX 2 discussion 20 Jun 02:31
joined Jan 18, 2016

Wouldn't the fact that Sachi is going to buy new headphones and wants to be with Kei while she does so mean that she is giving up on the old love?

It very well could, but unfortunately Kei doesn't believe that.

PAX 2 discussion 18 Jun 06:52
joined Jan 18, 2016

Funny since so many people are assuming that Sachi's boyfriend broke up with her and using Kei as a rebound.

Does it really matter in this context? That interpretation makes a little more sense than mine so I'll go with it.

And where does it say that they broke up in the end?

I was making an inference. Kei, to the very last page, seems absolutely miserable and resigned to the idea that Sachi doesn't truly love her (whether or not this is the truth). Not everyone initiates a break in this situation, but my feeling is that Kei will.

Kei is even wearing Sachi's headphones on the last page. Is she wearing them and smoking to remind herself of Sachi or is she trying to change herself in order to "stay in Sachi's world"?

It could be either, but I don't believe that ambiguity defeats the purpose of the story.

last edited at Jun 18, 2017 6:58AM

PAX 2 discussion 18 Jun 06:04
joined Jan 18, 2016

"Well written" is the last adjective I would give this series. It's so god damn incoherent for such a simple cliche plot. Nothing is explained and nothing is confirmed. Everything is so ambiguous that you can come up with 10 different interpretations and they would all be as equally plausible.

I didn't read the first part yet, so maybe that one was a lot more muddled? I thought it was pretty clear that Kei is in love with Sachi who is in a relationship with an older man. Kei pierces her ear as a show of her feelings, and comforts Sachi while she's sick, but realizes that Sachi won't leave the boyfriend and is heartbroken, it's a bare bones plot, but did it really need more explanation? It's a mood piece if anything.

last edited at Jun 18, 2017 6:16AM