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joined Jun 4, 2015

I'm not sure Keine's hakutaku form is a "darker persona" but still a great read. Super cute XD
Always adds to the fun when Yukari starts trolling as well lol

joined Jun 4, 2015

This is awesome, I don't think I've ever read something where the ship girl feels out of place being in a human body. Added that with the humorous plot and this is a great read. If someone was looking for specific shipping I can see it being kind of confusing though, cause its all over the place lol

joined Jun 4, 2015

I've been wondering , what does Alice call shinki in this? i would think something formal in the usual works that i see them in, but with milet soup i wasn't sure.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Read this a good dozen times, cute art with a decent story. Dang that family is kinda crazy though. Mostly the twins and the super depressed father. Kei's mom is kinda out there too, though just irresponsible fortunately, not crazy.

joined Jun 4, 2015

If shinki had an appearance in that story about giving her the pajama's or any of the gifts for that matter was hinted or mentioned it might have a slimmer of hope of being connected story wise, but whats really being done is something small and irrelevant has been introduced to "advertise" another work. I think you're looking into it more than necessary.

Trying to put a timetable to these works isn't possible with the references they make to other works alone, like nezchan said, it's just a running gag he uses.

Edit:The examples I used aren't exact, but they are real examples of references made from one work to another, that doesn't make them sequel worthy either.

last edited at Nov 3, 2015 9:20PM

joined Jun 4, 2015

Rather than sequel, many of Millet Soup works simply belong to a same continuity. They're not thematically linked, so no need to join them.
And this kind of reference is actually pretty common in their doujins.

So if, a few doujins down the line they get together while it keeps referencing previous doujins, they wouldn't be joined? They're bringing up stuff from previous ones while they're advancing the story, that's kind of like what a sequel is.

Its more of a self advertising gag I've always thought. Sometimes it doesn't even tie in to the current story as a past happening being referenced. It might just be that they bring up santa hats and mention, "hey, if you happen to like Santa outfits, make sure to check out (lets make a snowman together)". Or if they're cooking and say, "If you like cooking stuff, perhaps you should read (Chef Remilia's Cooking Will Make You Happy!!)"

A quick reference to another work, not sequel worthy imho

joined Jun 4, 2015

always does such awesome keine x mokou, with still keeping everyone else involved for a great story..

joined Jun 4, 2015

together forever; i like the happy pairing of these two more with more fluff and cuddles, but this is a good read too

joined Jun 4, 2015

after reading this dozens of times, i'm admitedly still pretty confused. But I do like the succesor idea, makes sense to me at least. love the art too.

joined Jun 4, 2015

A kiss in a Millet Soup doujin? Am I seeing things?

Its rare, but thats why its so awesome when it happens :D

Cage: Cage discussion 16 Oct 20:51
joined Jun 4, 2015

a bit harsh, though the line with kongou/sisters did give me a chuckle lol

joined Jun 4, 2015

to be honest i can't say i like the plot very much; Houshou i've always seen as motherly or badass or both. a nice read though, to see something different now and then from the usual

joined Jun 4, 2015

the one from shino? another great one; but sometimes the happy ones are best. i like the giggles over the crying even if its a great story

joined Jun 4, 2015

only these two can make out and still have it funny as hell

joined Jun 4, 2015

To great for words, at some point i've lvld up enough that i cal love any shipping of love live lol

joined Jun 4, 2015

several stories with kaguya an mokou use the reference

Agano Style discussion 23 Sep 18:12
joined Jun 4, 2015

never would have even noticed it if you hadn't pointed it out. can't be that big of a deal

joined Jun 4, 2015

this was great, need more chapters of such cuteness

Image Comments 19 Sep 17:37
joined Jun 4, 2015

rather, they don't want to say it bluntly or directly then anything else, so its a more subtle way to convey their feelings

Kami Yasumi discussion 19 Sep 16:35
joined Jun 4, 2015

awakening as a curse goddess? i thought this was one that i already read with sanae and the dodo bird, but a great new find for me today :D

joined Jun 4, 2015

Wait, who's the destroyer that's being paired with Kongou?

Fubuki, probably. Kongou doesn't really mention any destroyers in her in-game lines, so I'm guessing this pairing is based on the anime, and out of all destroyers there, Fubuki was the one she communicated with the most.
I've never watched it myself, though, so I might be wrong. I don't even know if anime-Fubuki was shown hiding in the corner and talking to herself.

I don't think so. I don't recall Fubuki hiding in the corner and talking to herself (not saying it didn't happen, but it wasn't memorable if it did), and Fubuki and Kongou both had more obvious pairings

I was thinking Nagatsuki, but that may be influenced by how many times i've read this lol

joined Jun 4, 2015

"like sex in my mouth" seems a bit forced translation wise, but still a great read overall

joined Jun 4, 2015

this is to awesome for words, love all of this artists work :D

joined Jun 4, 2015

this is beyond awesome, esp paired with the fact that there is a actual bread tag. will definitely watch an anime of this cuteness lol

Look at Me discussion 17 Sep 19:26
joined Jun 4, 2015

Poor Nico, I did like the story though.