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joined May 27, 2015

This showed up in the "Featured Series" section and I read it because hey, it's Morishima Akiko.

Her style was even more '60s back then, whew. Content-wise this feels almost too real and too meta. It makes me think Morishima's a pretty fucking interesting character herself.

last edited at Jan 2, 2016 5:44PM

Image Comments 01 Jan 20:57
joined May 27, 2015

I was reminded of Tima's Mother-Daughter porn book at first glance.

joined May 27, 2015

This title is like something out of a mediocre shonen harem LN, except in this case it's porn.

The Japanese are so good at jamming entire synopses into a given work's title.

last edited at Jan 1, 2016 8:04PM

Citrus discussion 30 Dec 21:40
joined May 27, 2015

It's like clockwork. After the current troublemaker is resolved and Mei and Yuzu get a little closer, the next troublemaker gets foreshadowed at the end of the chapter and It Starts (Again)

Count me in the "mildly dislikes Citrus" camp. But after reading all this praise about how, instead of typical yurimanga tropes, it uses tropes from Latin American soap operas and het romance-dramas, as well as how this series is being shopped around to see if anyone wants to make an anime of it, I can't help but feel a bit swept up by the hubris. Is it that dreaded "peer pressure" we were warned about in school? I dropped Happy Sugar Life and nothing of value was lost. Either that, or I just can't take my eyes off this trainwreck in particular.

last edited at Dec 30, 2015 9:41PM

joined May 27, 2015

Some people say that Akira and Mayu look like Yaya and Naru from Hanayamata
funny thing that Maruta is fan of this show so here the influenced

Not only is this the Hanayamata group sex doujin that never happened, I like to pretend this is the sexy predecessor (Tea Club) to Yuru Yuri's Goraku-bu (Amusement Club).

last edited at Dec 27, 2015 12:41AM

YayaNaru discussion 24 Dec 18:53
joined May 27, 2015

Yussss, Hanayamata.

Another series I'm sad that there's no more anime or translated manga or even doujins of.

joined May 27, 2015

Oh baby, the Homu-ride rolls on. I'm guessing this guy (girl?!) just loves their lactation so much, it veers into "hentai logic" territory.

Merry Christmas.

joined May 27, 2015

Is Micchy actually Mii-chan (I don't actually know Japanese, but I'm going to take a blind stab and guess "みちゃん") in the Japanese version? I was searching for Shinozaki art on danbooru (I know, fuckin' meta) and she's tagged as Mii-chan instead of Micchy.

Image Comments 22 Dec 00:21
joined May 27, 2015

Well, when Ryuko and Satsuki were revealed to be sisters, didn't half the fanbase just scream "even better!"?

Be My Last discussion 22 Dec 00:17
joined May 27, 2015

Some of the pages just screamed "completely incomplete" to me but otherwise it's a cute story.

After page 9 I was half-expecting Mamori to pull a reversal for real and go "nononononono, this time I am going to be fucking you, and I insist". That would've really impressed me. Ah well.

Image Comments 20 Dec 02:04
joined May 27, 2015

Whoa there, man, spoilers!

I don't watch much shounenshit, so I don't really care much for ships within those, but to paraphrase Shiki from The World Ends With You, "yuri's yuri".

joined May 27, 2015

I just marathoned the anime and caught up to the manga. It's crazy seeing the contrast between Ikuhara and Morishima. It's like they're both fanfics of each other, yeesh.

And nice credit page (NSFW!)

last edited at Dec 18, 2015 2:36AM

joined May 27, 2015

So Inugami's kinda like Kyouko from Yuru Yuri or Yuzuko from Yuyushiki. The match for Sarutobi then would be Ayano but for some reason I get the impression Sarutobi's just a lot dumber and less successful with her "upstanding" act than Ayano.

candy! discussion 14 Dec 13:35
joined May 27, 2015

NanoFate already did this doujin too But it's NanoFate so it's always worth a reread, or a million.

This seems like a different scan; the kiss at the end is missing!!

last edited at Dec 14, 2015 1:35PM

joined May 27, 2015

"Inulatoon" sounds so clunky, but the concept and execution is damn lewd. Watersports!

joined May 27, 2015

So basically like Happy Sugar Life but with fucking toddlers instead of kidnapping and murder. I can see why people would rather read the outraged comments, just trying to outdo yourself with more and more horrors is kind of dull by comparison.

I don't think this is a particularly 'edgy' series to be honest, not even close to "Happy Sugar Life". This seems more like the author's legitimate fetish, and he's not really trying to look cool. I also doubt he really cares that this content shocks and offends people either. Happy Sugar Life is full of edge: prostitution, manipulation/blackmail/workplace drama, some edgy-ass dialogue, a bloody knife and bags implying a yandere massacre, etc. This is just strange fetish fuel in comparison.

Now the people who feel all smug calling this manga dull or boring... that's edgy.

last edited at Dec 7, 2015 11:58PM

joined May 27, 2015

Hoohoo, this series is back. Nice.

I don't like the concept of "guilty pleasures" but stuff like this reminds me why that term exists.

joined May 27, 2015

Dunno what the big deal is, it's obvious they ..................................................................................................................

No, even worse, it seems like they actually                                             ! NSFW

joined May 27, 2015

Guys in the first page, please, don't be pessimist, never say never. Namori has written relationships before in one-shots, she can easily conclude the series with Akari and China together, maybe not as good as this, but it's possible.

I'm going to be one of the pessimists and say Namori will never confirm a couple until the $$$ stops flowing, and even then we might get a rushed or non-ending ending.

joined May 27, 2015

After rereading this, I still couldn't figure out the fourth couple was implied to be Tamura x Mizuki, but I was highly amused that one of the couples was Tsuda x Ookubo. I love me my seiyuu jokes.

And goddamn, Himarako and Sakuwari have so much potential childhood backstory drama to mine.

joined May 27, 2015

Normally I avoid the love triangle and drama tags but this one's a pretty good get. I don't really care for Chinatsu but Akari's my favorite character in the series, so I ship it.

I forgot Shin Yandamushi also went by Kanbayashi Makoto. This guy is really solid.

I melted when I saw this panel. (I have no idea how to insert an image here)

Use ![], and then put your link in brackets after with no spaces.

IF discussion 28 Nov 04:28
joined May 27, 2015

Not a big fan of the characters, but I am a big fan of the art and bullying.

That afterword got me confused, though. I thought Tima had changed her alias, I had no idea this was apparently her first ever published porn book!

last edited at Nov 28, 2015 4:28AM

Mentality discussion 22 Nov 13:04
joined May 27, 2015

This manga though is pretty impressive. It's suave, cool, and a little bit sexy.

"...a little bit sexy." Damn, girl!* You got some high standards!

Moderately sexy to you gon' melt the paint off the walls!

Guy, actually. My standards of sexy aren't so much high as they are simple, or even stupid.

Mentality discussion 22 Nov 06:50
joined May 27, 2015

To be honest the Musqueerteers' translations have been pretty janky for a while. I'll give them credit for their not-completely-unreadable work, but it needs improvement.

And here we go again...

I love when people basically write "translation sucks" and don't tell us why exactly or where. Spelling mistakes can happen sometimes (corrected that one on p03 btw) but I don't think it's as horrible mistake as giving you a sentence without any sense or with wrong sense compared to original work.

Ok, geez, no need for the sarcastic snark. I looked over the manga again, and I'll point out specific errors in the future.

I'm guessing when she mentioned things not turning out how you expect them in the end she got dommed pretty hard

Haha, I didn't think of that possibility, but that's what's makes the open ending so great.

last edited at Nov 22, 2015 6:53AM

Mentality discussion 22 Nov 05:01
joined May 27, 2015

there are spelling mistakes. "all i know it that" shouldnt it be "is that"?

To be honest the Musqueerteers' translations have been pretty janky for a while. I'll give them credit for their not-completely-unreadable work, but it needs improvement.

This manga though is pretty impressive. It's suave, cool, and a little bit sexy. The atmosphere setup makes it. I quickly got the urge to throw up sexy dance club music myself to fit. I settled on "Fly Away" and "Theme of Scanty and Kneesocks" from the soundtrack of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. The more masculine girl caught my eye ever since I first saw her on Thiaguinho-sama's avatar. Though they're both really nice.

Heh, that twist at the end. "It was just a dream. But I'm not just going to let my dreams be dreams."

last edited at Nov 22, 2015 6:50AM