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Yuki Kitsune
Kase-san discussion 17 Mar 21:08
joined Jan 31, 2015

Ah, Yamada, the ultimate unicorn: innocent and horny.

Yuki Kitsune
Swap discussion 08 Mar 20:33
joined Jan 31, 2015

Creepy, creepy, creepy, cree...umm...yeah, okay, no, they're perfect for each other.

And here I was expecting something with them having each other's names in their erasers.

Yuki Kitsune
Abyss discussion 13 Feb 10:34
joined Jan 31, 2015




No rants about the Horii Kisuke short, everyday occurrence. Let's just appreciate (critique) Takemiya Jin for the wonderful (angsty) yuri.

[Am I being too pre-emptive?]

last edited at Mar 27, 2017 9:21PM

Yuki Kitsune
Rui-Rui discussion 13 Feb 10:16
joined Jan 31, 2015

Why does it seem like every mangaka who gets their series cut short decides to throw bunches of gratuitous titty shots into their final chapter? Not complaining about the scenery, mind; just not fond of the gratuitousness. I just don't like feeling like they're using a nude woman as a form of revenge or way of throwing a tantrum.

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 10:18AM

Yuki Kitsune
Oddman 11 discussion 13 Feb 10:03
joined Jan 31, 2015

Five-star rating system for weirdness:
* Boring
** Normal
*** Weird
**** WTF am I reading?
***** Dowman Sayman!

Thing about DS is, when he's not weird enough, it just comes across as creepy.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

"People who bought this book also bought..." for the win.

Yuki Kitsune
Lily Love discussion 31 Jan 11:07
joined Jan 31, 2015

The moment I saw this image I thought, "A bunch of avatars are about to change."

That cover page, though. Long blond hair, short dark hair, bikinis...awfully reminiscent of Girl Friends.

last edited at May 30, 2024 11:47AM

joined Jan 31, 2015

The author manages to find the wackiest types of fish for this series. It's pretty awesome, the way they get personified.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

"That lady is scary!"

I wholeheartedly agree.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

Maki-kun, why am I not surprised? Oh, right, 5|30 center panel.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

WALL-E or Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou.

Been so long since i've seen Wall-E, like what 6+ years...need to watch it again and will check out the manga. Thanks.

YKK is well worth it. And there's some subtext if your yuri goggles are thick enough. Mine are not. :( I did buy the books, though. It's probably the single biggest incentive to actually learn my kanji.

You only need thin yuri goggles to see that Kokone has feelings for Alpha, and Maruko is to some degree jealous of their relationship (whether that's because she likes Kokone, or just jealous of having a relationship is unclear). There's definite subtext, even if nothing is confirmed.

Okay, Maruko's feelings totally register on the Yuri-meter. But I always read Kokone as seeing Alpha more like a Big Sis. I must just be too pure-minded. ;P They're definitely family by the end; make of it what you wish.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

WALL-E or Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou.

Been so long since i've seen Wall-E, like what 6+ years...need to watch it again and will check out the manga. Thanks.

YKK is well worth it. And there's some subtext if your yuri goggles are thick enough. Mine are not. :( I did buy the books, though. It's probably the single biggest incentive to actually learn my kanji.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

Translation question (curiosity, not criticism): Doesn't "imouto" (妹) mean "Little Sister"? Where did "I Got Myself a Big Sister" come from?

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

It's like reading about the pre-Alpha project, only ... Koumiishi Sensei is missing.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

´_´ ... nice joke


Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

This is the only series I know where two pages at a time is just the right pace.
Not sure I could handle more of this weirdness in one go.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

Well, that was something. I guess that first color page should have warned me, but I'd kind of forgotten about it by the end. Hope Shio-chan never falls in love with anyone else, though ... for their sakes.

Yuki Kitsune
Mentality discussion 22 Nov 11:27
joined Jan 31, 2015

okay, pictures or it didnt happen!

But we have pictures ... of what didn't happen. ;)

♫ Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree? ♫

joined Jan 31, 2015

Volume 2? YES!!!

TBH, at my age, it feels a bit awkward to be reading high school yuri sometimes. Glad for anything involving adult characters (especially when it's not NSFW).

Yuki Kitsune
Their Story discussion 31 Oct 15:00
joined Jan 31, 2015

Did Sun Jing just accidently help get Qin Xiong out of his predicament?

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

The drawing style keeps reminding me of older manga for some reason.

Agreed. Can't put my finger on why, but Eru reminds me a little of Transistor Venus. I like it.

Engaging story, if a little hard to follow at times. Perhaps a bit ambitious for 42 pages, but it shows a lot of promise. I'm hoping to see more original works from this author in the future.

joined Jan 31, 2015

Nope. Not worth my time. Asami doesn't strike me as any healthier than anyone else in her life. Less love triangle than codependency triangle. The only satisfying conclusion I could see from this is complete independence from every relationship she has in the first chapter, and I don't think Momono Moto is a strong enough story-teller to pull that off. I'll stick with Octave and After Hours.

last edited at May 18, 2023 11:12AM

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

The teacher/student is more realistic than most teacher/student relationships in manga. This makes it creepy as hell IMHO. Sorry, just not a fan of adults/children.

I fail to see where this is creepy. ... nothing actually happens between them. Just some mutual seduction.

Um, well, still creepy if you ask me.

TBH, though, that scene of her hugging him while in tears reminded me less of a distraught lover and more of a concerned mother--something which has probably been lacking from his life.

last edited at Sep 3, 2015 10:39PM

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

I am so looking forward to the official release of volume 3. Sensei's reaction after the dream is just priceless. Must own.

So disappointed in the official release. Not sure what the original Japanese text was, but the feel of this scene has been completely changed from the scanlators' version. Makes me wonder if they're trying to tone down the whole Student teacher element.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

I generally avoid fan-fic and non-original doujins, but I totally need to see Amami and Inoue shipped. They're just too innocent!