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joined Oct 14, 2014

Early Yuri Hime was freakin' effervescent...

joined Oct 14, 2014

R.I.P. Wings of Yuri/Horobi no Michi.

last edited at May 4, 2022 11:50PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

On god this is SO shoujo it's extremely funny. I mean we already had yuri manga that were literally shoujo published in shoujo magazines but this magazine is like, the most trashy thing ever it looks like. I feel the cringe. I embrace the cringe. Please tell me there's a school festival chapter

Edit: Also it's pretty common for stories to include murder and be all like "fuck yeah murder" just because. It's like watching a train wreck that doesn't destroy a train, cargo, or people's lives. There's a problem when it's published for a certain demographic that can misinterpret it like this one is but like, we are not that demographic and are pirating it anyway

last edited at May 4, 2022 2:35PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

I'm high enough rn that Kaishaku's art looks like more-reasonably-proportioned Love Live (muse/aqours generations) art

joined Oct 14, 2014

300 million yen is less than 3 million dollars and rent is astronomically high idk if this money is going to last longer than five years unless she's getting some good dividends or doesn't upgrade her lifestyle at all especially if there's a freeloader now

Edit: In the USA, credit cards can be used with just a signature because they're being used on credit so you can just call the bank to fix things if someone screws with your account and not lose anything. Debit cards still require a PIN except from certain vendors. You can set up 2FA on both through your bank

last edited at Apr 30, 2022 12:13PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

I opened the chapter and saw a drill and immediately had to comment. THE FABLED DIY CHAPTER! Hell yeah! Now where's the DIY lesbians anime that was greenlit (no seriously, there's going to be a full tv episode length anime about cute girls diying cute things)

Ok now that I've read the chapter I'm a little bothered by how Japanese people somehow build a bunch of stuff for DIY as a hobby without any space or loud power tools. How the hell. Like I've seen jsk-koubou and how the man works out of essentially a like one tatami shed but that's different. I mean there's also hand tool work but that takes more time and if you're a beginner leads to imprecise work which falls apart faster.

last edited at Apr 30, 2022 12:06PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

A little disappointed that they live next door to each other. What the heck??? Isn't rent kind of expensive in Tokyo? This story was supposed to be about the characters maturing, yet they're not mature enough to prioritize practicality over comfortable distance? SMH.

joined Oct 14, 2014

It's nice how both "I want to stay with you" and "Maybe someday you'll fall for someone who can return your romantic feelings" were posited, and in a positive way.

Also, regarding QPPs: In reality, yeah, they're not that different from "besties" type relationships. However, the language QPP is used here to define it with regards to societal expectations. If you say you're best friends with someone but you're like really really close with them, people are going to assume you're lying and actually banging, or you're frickin' weird. I'm not aroace myself but this is more or less the practical meaning that I've gleaned. At the base of things, relationships don't necessarily have discrete borders which separate the types - it's based on external expectations for the most part.

last edited at Apr 28, 2022 2:17PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

now it's time for the #1 of all time top moe events: them barraging each other with "I love you"

joined Oct 14, 2014

Why is Ayu so relatable lmao
also the person claiming three well-known yuri mangaka are straight earlier: Morishima has TEXTUALLY said she is bisexual in several autobiographical manga, Mira is said to be married but that doesn't preclude bisexuality, and honestly, Ayanero Taicho is just a force of chaos that I cannot be bothered trying to comprehend

also I don't personally count this as some JK fetishist wish fulfillment since Ayu is far more relatable than the author lady, although they're both relatable for certain audiences (me).

last edited at Apr 24, 2022 11:04PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

They soon going to cross the line, lol

matoi better use the turn signal before she leaves the lane then sheesh

last edited at Apr 21, 2022 2:55PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

Maya02 posted:

They're BFFs, what happens next?

A timeskip, what else?

And they were roommates!

joined Oct 14, 2014

Do we know that the author is a woman?


Honestly if she was a man with the going out and fretting over her son at the park she'd be the most wifey goddamn man in existence

joined Oct 14, 2014

OK not gonna lie, the name "Kidaniel" has been a brain worm for me recently. Like. what the heck is that name and why does it activate some unknown neurons? I'm out here like reading yuri manga and I see "Kidaniel" and my synapses activate and I'm suddenly confused

edit: [url=] this page's [/url] framing is MASTERFUL on god fr fr


last edited at Apr 17, 2022 9:22PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

Oh no... the author's a mom...
Dynasty won't let me post emojis damn

last edited at Apr 17, 2022 9:15PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

Signed up solely to make sure I am understanding everything so please correct me. So Matoi has romantic feelings for Yuriko but doesn't seem to have any sexual interest that she has shown but doesn't seem to mind physical contact if asked. So she would be romantic asexual? Yuriko does not seem to have romantic or sexual feelings at all. Also she seems to find physical contact mostly unpleasant especially in a sexual sense. So she would be both aromantic and asexual? Though she does seem to enjoy being with Matoi in some sense and has even initiated physical contact with her which might indicate she is very comfortable around her.

Matoi seems to be gray-ace, seeing as she can enjoy physical contact, she just doesn't really prefer it. Her romantic orientation is somewhere around allo but more of a "chill" kind.
Yuriko... is a mystery, I don't think she herself has figured out what she would use as a label, given she was like "??? ok" when Matoi called her aroace

She might not even be ace at all lmao I freak out when faced with physical contact even with people I trust wholeheartedly

last edited at Apr 17, 2022 9:11PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

My dawgs, the molestation being in a fictional story isn't the problem. the problem is the way it was played - shit made NO sense. God damn. You got the meek "waaah my best friend loves a boy" lesbian but usually the trope is self-punishing in her indulgence - think how Chikane's moral event horizon was specifically so she could die. They NEVER go past kissing in the sleep unless they're trying to get owned. It just didn't feel right, and the fact that it went completely unaddressed as if the scene that looked straight out of a fever dream was completely normal

(I will say I am kind of enjoying the manga out of a combination of masochism, destrudo, and nostalgia though)

(Looking at the author's other work on here, this manga might legitimately be old. And seeing the inclusion of furigana for even extremely basic kanji, it's definitely published in a shoujo magazine and not Yuri Hime.)

last edited at Apr 17, 2022 12:20AM

joined Oct 14, 2014

Yikes this reeks of trashy mid 2000s shoujo manga, especially with the absolutely inexplicable part at the end
Does anyone actually find it satisfying to touch someone like that in their sleep? Like, no penis-havers involved either so there's no getting off for the assailant

joined Oct 14, 2014

GIRL NO! don't hold your phone like that! It's bad for your wrist

joined Oct 14, 2014

So this WAS magivel? iirc on Twitter it was tagged with a different series

joined Oct 14, 2014

Being each other's prince on a white horse is a top percent ship dynamic

joined Oct 14, 2014

OK so if it's a nonbinary person and a woman is it still yuri? Given lesbianism includes non-men-aligned nonbinary people

joined Oct 14, 2014

Anyway the author's afterword was super cute as usual. Brightens my month every month. i love them.

joined Oct 14, 2014

hahi ❤ hahi ❤

Yo why does Makino moan(???) like that anyway

joined Oct 14, 2014

what the heck