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joined Oct 25, 2023

Oukoku has mastered ChisaTaki. That was cute and fun.

Flustered Takina is a treasure:

joined Oct 25, 2023

One thing that hasn't been mentioned is it's now clear that Sendai's student has a crush on her. And it seems that Sendai has picked up on this crush.

I wonder how this will come into play in future chapters. Will Miyagi somehow find out about this? Will the student(Kikyo?) continue to try to find ways to spend time with Sendai? Will Sendai have to let Kikyo know that she's more than just "roommates" with Miyagi so Kikyo knows she has no shot at romance with her.

last edited at Aug 16, 2024 12:18PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

Good to see you here Himi-cat! Missed seeing your comments in the chapter discussion! Don't know what Story Seedling's deal is with not displaying comments anymore but whatever.

Miyagi is a weird cookie

There's the TL;DR :P

But she's a responsible person, and one of the things that responsible people owners do is try and make sure that their people are healthy and happy - hence all that annoying nonsense (from Sendai's perspective) about having friends and a healthy social life and so on.

Yeah we've been seeing Sendai feeling a bit frustrated about this for awhile. Kinda feel sorry for Mio too since Sendai's always thinking about how she'd rather not be hanging out with her because she could be spending time with MIyagi instead. Then again, Mio's brought it on herself a little since she's not reading between the lines and is inviting Sendai to mixers when Sendai's got Miyagi.

It's not something silly like possessiveness being her love language - she's never experienced romantic love before this, she's never felt anything even remotely like it; as near as can be, she has no "love language".

C'mon we know Miyagi's love language is "tsun...tsuntsuntsuntsundere". :P
Agreeable with everyone else and harsh with Sendai is Miyagi's MO.
But yeah, I don't think Miyagi's possessiveness is anything out of the ordinary. Hell, Sendai might even be more possessive with the way she can feel jealous towards anything (like inanimate objects in their apartment). It's just Miyagi's way of exercising her possessiveness via "ownership" that's a bit unusual.

The idea that Sendai is experiencing such a massive wave of relief that her emotions have boiled over is going to be really hard for Miyagi to grasp, particularly since Sendai probably won't be able to explain it - she'd need to say words to the effect of "I'm just so overwhelmingly happy that you did something like this to show how much you love me", and that would be totally breaking the rules

Oh have you met the Sendai that pops up in my daydreams from time to time? She's able to passionately express her feelings and Miyagi lovingly reciprocates them.
But the story would've been over in a few dozen chapters if it went the way I daydream about it.

One thing that's interesting to see, though: Miyagi seems to have laid claim to Sendai's name. The moon and the leaf, marks of her possession of Sendai's very being, even down to her name - I'm guessing we'll see a whole lot more of "Hazuki", particularly when they're alone together. Whether Sendai will be allowed to take possession of Miyagi's name remains to be seen.... though Miyagi is a sucker for arguments from fairness, and, Hazuki... is a right sneaky one who's very good at figuring out how to get her way....

Ya I have a feeling they're going to keep using their family names except when they're alone. And inevitably Miyagi will put up a bit of resistance against Sendai addressing her as "Shiori" but Sendai will eventually get her way.

joined Oct 25, 2023

"Oh my gosh...she invited me back to her place!" Absolutely slayed me.
Easily the best joke so far.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Ugh I had forgotten about the possibility of it skipping ahead. But we have been building up to the necklace for like a dozenish chapters now, so maybe we'll continue on with the scene. Fingers are crossed because I'll be a bit cross if the next part skips ahead.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Upper right corner you should see a drop down menu if you click your username

joined Oct 25, 2023

I quite liked the story but the art felt like a storyboard.

joined Oct 25, 2023

I just remembered I saw a fanart crossover between this and Xenoblade Chronicles where Himari and Pyra are cooking. Who would I ask to get that image posted here?

You can suggest it through the Upload Request section of the site.

Although you should know if you put in a bunch of requests for the same ship most of them won't be approved.

It's a loss for all that there's only been a handful uploaded out of the dozens of StelleFly art I've requested uploads for.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Since nobody else mentioned it, I'll make this comment my prediction that the older sister mentioned here: is the MC's first love.
The younger sister has a different family name due to some yet to be explained shenanigans.

I'm often wrong about these types of things and probably am here too. Especially since I'm just basing this prediction on the the author drawing attention to this unnamed sister in the first chapter and it not being known where MC's first love is now.

last edited at Aug 14, 2024 4:06PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

Another thought after looking again at the first color page. The MC girl looks almost exactly like Miyagi from Shuukura. Here's the LN vol. 4 cover:

Wonder if Meguru's eyes are the same as Sendai's. They both have longer hair but Sendai's is lighter colored.

last edited at Aug 14, 2024 1:07PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

First thought was "it's been 6 years! Girl you need to move on!"

But yeah, having your first sexual experience called "disgusting" would be traumatic. Wonder if interacting with another "disgusting" girl will exacerbate this trauma or help her process it?

Normally I'd expect the unnamed Onee-chan to be the Meguru from MC's past, but of course she should recognize the little sister having the same family name. I'm still leaning towards this being the case though, with some sort of family shenanigans causing the little sister to go by a different family name.

joined Oct 25, 2023

^I haven't started watching yet but it appears this scene caught the interest of yuri fans:

joined Oct 25, 2023

Minimalism is one thing but….really ONE plate and fork? You crazy girl

It's probably harder to find a single plate and fork than multiple because they're often sold in sets. Or she packed up one of each from her parent's house when she moved out.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Would I be better off reading the novel if I had a hard time understanding what was going on with the media wars the 2 leads are conducting with the help of their agencies and this acting reality show they're judging?
I'm sure what's happening isn't that complicated but I have zero familiarity with those things.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Poor Shion is likely in the story just for the misunderstanding gag this chapter and so Mizuki starts to feel a little jealousy over affection directed at our MC.

joined Oct 25, 2023

This author has good taste. Love all the Bokita goodness they're providing us.

That movie they're watching looks hilarious. Ryo and Nijika protecting each other from Athlete's Foot.

last edited at Aug 13, 2024 9:04PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

Had to look for the yandere tag when I saw Nina on this page:

I liked how her negative aura was physically manifested as porcupine-like quills that pricks those nearby.

Both works for this pairing(?) throuple(?) have porcupine quills. I've never watched the original, but I'm guessing it's canon?

A few things:

  1. You're saying you've never seen the anime? You absolutely must watch it! It's amazing!

  2. The "prickles" are visual symbolism used to show when Nina feels like she's being consumed by negative thoughts and emotions. In the anime, they don't physically manifest and are not able to be seen by others (or Nina for that matter).

  3. The other doujin for the throuple is cute. Thanks for mentioning it.

last edited at Aug 13, 2024 6:43PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

Chapter 347:

Oh my goodness that was so sweet at the end. I know the ChatGPT didn't do justice to what Miyagi says to Sendai so I'll be looking forward to the human translation (one day).
Might as well spoiler tag even though I created the thread for new JP chapters, just so anyone who hasn't seen the chapter isn't spoiled That was a confession for all intents and purposes and it looks like Sendai took it as one since she's tearing up. Miyagi did not say "I love you" but told Sendai that everything about her belongs to Miyagi. That part almost made me squeal with joy.
So does that mean they're finally calling each other by first names?! Years after they met and nearly 350 chapters in?!

Bit of a cliffhanger again. Been awhile since I was this excited about the next Shuukura chapter.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Had to look for the yandere tag when I saw Nina on this page:

I liked how her negative aura was physically manifested as porcupine-like quills that pricks those nearby.

joined Oct 25, 2023

^I'll read it after it finishes and someone can assure me there's a happy ending. Otherwise I won't have the strength to endure the pain.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Oh it's that one. The "het" tag initially put me off and a recent reddit thread showing an excerpt from the manga made me feel even stronger that I wouldn't have the heart for it

last edited at Aug 13, 2024 12:17PM

joined Oct 25, 2023

^There's a story?! Link me? It's tagged as "Original" so I figured these characters were created by the artist.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Sorry for the super delay on the next part. I went for an extended sleepover at a friend's house for like, a week as a vacation LOL. New part will be out soon.

No worries! Take your time and have fun with your attempt at moving in by calling it an "extended" sleepover. :P

joined Oct 25, 2023

Looks like the same brunette as this one:
So what's your explanation of choice for why she's seemingly with a different woman?

joined Oct 25, 2023

Murasakino doesn't miss. Love their art