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Image Comments 13 Sep 01:26
joined Apr 30, 2020

^Sorry to tell you the collab event ended two weeks ago. I'm surprised this is the first you've heard of this. CN had the event early this year and there was already fanart of it even here.

last edited at Sep 13, 2021 1:26AM

joined Apr 30, 2020

Oh nice. I was hoping I could read the official comics from China. This seems to have an overarching story too (or maybe a mini-arc).

joined Apr 30, 2020

Honestly dont know where to talk about this so I'll just share here. Watamote 10th year anniv special edition was out recently. Not yet translated but has a lot of stuff and some I think are surprisingly deep. But the ones I understand immediately are the rankings. Sachi at number 5 was very surprising... eye-opening even. She even beat Asuka at number 6. Even in pairings with Sachi x Minami higher than Asuka x Tomoko. Congrats to Yuri tho. She's number one in character ranking and YuriMoko is also number one.

*Note I'm using pairing with goggles on tight. The official term is surely just "friendship".

joined Apr 30, 2020

May the Reiwa era bless us with more yuri confessions

joined Apr 30, 2020

Page 6 is a thing of beauty.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Yes. The answer is Yes.

Arknights! 10 Sep 22:59
joined Apr 30, 2020

First, what was up with you suddenly only having 1 support set up? At least I'm pretty sure it was you.

Depending on when this was, it was either when I put my Blaze on support so she shows up for my sister who was having difficulty with the OD-EX stages and having Blaze made it easier. Or it was that time after where a friend asked for Dusk with skill 2. Same reasoning: so that my support shows up.

New skin for Pinecone looks insanely adorable! New support archetype seems quite interesting and operator is cute too. New medic as well. I like that they're still trying to add new archetypes and make gameplay more diverse.

Yeah a melee Supported should spice things up I hope especially since as a 4 star, that means there will be higher rarities of the archetype.

And yeah those upcoming idol skins are pretty neat. Am I the only one who thinks Pine looks comically awks and uncomfortable in hers...? :P

Pinecone probably not used to it lol but yes idol skins are godly especially that Archetto one. Sora being mad jelly she doesn't get a skin lol.

Also the new 6 star looks like Jeanne... Jeanne D'Arknights.

Image Comments 10 Sep 22:45
joined Apr 30, 2020

I was expecting headless shenanigans.

Image Comments 10 Sep 22:43
joined Apr 30, 2020

Hot. Lucky Gudako having a dom mommy vampire gf.

Image Comments 10 Sep 22:41
joined Apr 30, 2020

Now that's a blast from the past.

Image Comments 10 Sep 22:40
joined Apr 30, 2020

There could still be hope for a Raiden x Sara... Sara x the Raiden puppet. That works right? It's the only one we know she interacts with.

Image Comments 10 Sep 22:38
joined Apr 30, 2020

I believe in YaeEi supremacy

Image Comments 10 Sep 20:32
joined Apr 30, 2020

Just as keikaku - Ceylon

Jewels discussion 07 Sep 06:25
joined Apr 30, 2020



Arknights! 07 Sep 06:14
joined Apr 30, 2020

Sorry for double post but a recent announcement confirms Darknights rerun which will happen tonight. This got me thinking maybe we'll follow the CN sched this time? Walk in the Dust (Passenger and Toddifons) and then Under Tides... This is supported by the next annihilation after the one we just got. The next map is based on Under Tides with its enemies and mechanics. Wouldn't make sense to have that without Under Tides first. That said, maybe Yostar can shuffle annihilation maps too so I dunno. Nothing is certain yet.

Speaking of the map we just got, I am glad it's way easier than the one before. My auto is way more reliable this time and Ash shines in this map against the UFOs.

Arknights! 07 Sep 06:10
joined Apr 30, 2020

Oh wow I just realized it's been so long since I posted here. I didn't even talk about how I found OD-EX stages easier. Maybe cause I had Blaze. Tried on my no-Blaze account and I found it more difficult.

So rolled all way till 300 rolls. Got 2 more hungry doggos and in last 10 roll got another Dusk.

Well at least you got Nian now. I hope your luck is better next time. That said, it did seem rate up was working for you seeing that you did get multiple copies of the rate up characters. Saga dupes are definitely welcome I think.

Turns out this stage is BS and the hard part is figuring out the pattern of blocks and once you do, it's easy af, because they'll change color exactly so you can block them and then suddenly this stage has no challenge whatsoever. 10/10 design. Made only to annoy us. Beat other stages without much problem.

Yep not a fan of annoying gimmicks disguised as "difficulty". It's just not fun to deal with.

RNG absolutely hated me. With my first free 10 roll I got Clifheart. Then with my second free roll I got freaking Skadi spook. Wasn't going to roll, but then after thinking about it I thought Ashe was pretty cool and at this point I kinda want to collect all operators, so I decided to throw some more rolls. Third 10 roll was Sesa. Forth was Saria spook. Fifth was Astesia. Sixth was FEater. Seventh was no 5 star and finally with Eight I got Ashe... When I rolled 300 rolls for Rosmontis and Dusk, I got rate up 5 star almost all the time, when I'd really wish I got spook by other 5 stars I don't have yet/don't have maxed out, meanwhile in 1 banner that I really wished to just get 1 copy and be done with, I keep getting spooked. Ninth was Asbestos, which nice, cos I don't have her yet, but also c'mon >.> Tenth was another Astesia <,< (and at this point I already have her max pot). Eleven was another Ashe and finally blitz. At this point I was rolling tickets/single rolls, so my count got a bit unclear, but I think either around twelve or thirteen 10 roll I finally got Frost and stopped. All in all I'm pretty happy with those rolls, but it was such pain to go through.

At first I was like "Wow Congrats!" but then I realized you haven't mentioned the 5 stars yet. Damn. Still, congrats anyway. Ash dupes feel useful for me since it makes her initial deployment much cheaper.

OD-8 is PAIN. I can't believe I have to reliably auto farm this for grindstone. Not excited for the EX-stages at all.

Idk. I beat all stages relatively easily. Had to spend few hours to figure out how to beat OD-8, but once I did, I had really reliable auto that just needed few tweaking. Farmed 100 grindstones from it easily (I also farmed 100 manganese ore).

I was actually using the Saga + Warfarin strat. I dunno if it was due to my Saga not being max pot or max level (only level 60) but I couldn't replicate this video. I did my best attempt and it was basically my auto farm but there were still a few hiccups here and there. At least I also got to 100 grindstones and manganese. I read manganese would be more important since a possible Wolumonde rerun in the future means more chances to farm grindstone.

I really liked cooperative mode.

I wish I had more time to play it. I got to play with 1 friend and that was it. Couldn't find time to do it again. Was heavy in the Genshin grind at the time.

Also something I literally noticed just now is that when you add all 4 Rainbow 6 operators to control center instead of working they'll rest, which is kinda BS. I asked support and apparently that's not bug, but working as intended, despite it not being written anywhere. Kinda defeats the point of having team with base skills that specifically are supposed to increase effectiveness when you have more members to stop working when you add all of them together. I have no idea who thought that turning CC into dormitory just when you add those 4 specific operators was good idea (and yes, any fifth operator you will add, will be resting as well).

Yes, it is indeed intentional that they turn the command center into a 5th dorm. They even regen morale lol. I removed Ash to mastery her skill so they were losing morale. I put her back and when I checked in later, they were at full morale again lol.

Since it's been a while, art spam:

The summer event in CN really fueled mouse x tiger

Nian wrapping her tail on Lava is cute

RosMiya art: French kiss, after kiss, NSFW Rosmontis wants that bunny milk

Skalter flirting with Specter

NSFW Franka's turn to give Liskarm a "shock"

Glaucus x Blue Poison in bed

NSFW horse incest between Whislash and (Margaret) Nearl

VERY NSFW sex between Theresa and W and a second one with boob sucking. Only W's fantasies tho

For the W ship I do support: not translated but definitely some W angst on Amiya/ Theresa , Amiya princess carries W, W kabedons Amiya and some breast envy, AU with student rep Amiya and delinquent W, Amiya using the supereffective precious smile on W

Frostnova supports my ship, A possible future without Frostnova tho

Speaking of Frostnova, her interactions with Talulah were kinda cute before the bad stuff happened

Image Comments 07 Sep 01:29
joined Apr 30, 2020

Sara will be fine. Leaks say she will get a hangout event. Sadly, I dunno if she'll get more shipping fuel. Since it seems she's only interacted with the Raiden puppet and not with Ei which is why Yae gets more attention recently.

last edited at Sep 7, 2021 1:30AM

Image Comments 07 Sep 01:26
joined Apr 30, 2020

Yeah that's the result of their interaction in the story.

Image Comments 07 Sep 01:20
joined Apr 30, 2020

The code is 366905. No full EN translation that I know of. But there are many CN translations.

last edited at Sep 7, 2021 1:20AM

Image Comments 07 Sep 01:11
joined Apr 30, 2020

^FUCK YEAH. Height gap is cute.

Image Comments 06 Sep 23:51
joined Apr 30, 2020

Sometimes I wonder if people who get into RE8 because of the fanart will be disappointed there is no actual maid character- and that breaks my heart

Well... There are the zombified remains of the maids

Image Comments 06 Sep 23:48
joined Apr 30, 2020

Oh I've read the entire thing but thanks for the correction. The basis of this art is just one story there. There is actually a longer overarching story which has a pretty wholesome ending.

Image Comments 06 Sep 22:07
joined Apr 30, 2020


Image Comments 06 Sep 22:06
joined Apr 30, 2020

I really liked their duet.

Image Comments 06 Sep 22:04
joined Apr 30, 2020
