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Image Comments 06 Mar 12:27
joined Sep 6, 2015


joined Sep 6, 2015

Lmao, this was really cute, more, please!

Their Story discussion 04 Mar 04:20
joined Sep 6, 2015

Has the story run out of steam? Or are the last few updates just side things before the main story returns?

I am hoping they are side stories, though even then, I am starting to be a little disappointed. Sure, these are all cute, but after the whole first-kiss-is-a-big-deal-after-all-this-time-plus-fangirl-drama angle has been systematically built up for several chapters, to be followed by a series of unconnected little episodes is starting to grate on my nerves, to be honest. Especially episodes such as this, if you are not going to continue the main story with the two leads, at least give me more stuff on the side characters, they also interest me. And if you are going to give me the main couple, then give me the main storyline from where we left of, not a random snippet from who knows how far into their future.

Nothing against these little scenes per se, they are cute, but I probably would have appreciated them better at some later date, after the current big theme got a little more spotlight.

Image Comments 04 Mar 01:06
joined Sep 6, 2015

^Lmao, nice one!

Image Comments 01 Mar 10:14
joined Sep 6, 2015

Yes, please!!

Image Comments 01 Mar 10:01
joined Sep 6, 2015

@shermanchurchill: I get your point with Marimite, but Gloriana is slightly different, on account of their manners and refined calmness being basically a play on the British "stiff upper lip", to be calm, collected, and proper regardless of circumstances.

Obviously, our opinions on the subject differ, but I would like to mention one reason I failed to bring up before (because I was concentrating on Gloriana and Saunders) that made me dead-certain there is an element of role-play involved, and that is the Chi-Ha-Tan Academy, Kinuyo's school. They are acting the part so hard they are basically a parody of the Imperial Japanese Army, particularly their WWII doctrines. "Totsugeki! Totsugeki!" And it goes beyond just pure battlefield tactics in a game, those girls become genuinely emotionally frustrated when ordered not to attack, and to apply something other than suicidal charges. They also shout all the time instead of speaking normally, lol, if that is not role-playing WWII Japanese army, I do not know what it is.

last edited at Mar 1, 2018 10:06AM

Image Comments 01 Mar 09:25
joined Sep 6, 2015

I think this is a reference to their respective sizes, Kongou was 222m in length, while Iowa was 270m.
I will link this neat little shipgirl chart (comments under it are also informative), even though it does not feature Kongou, nor Iowa, but the scale on the left side will make it easy for you to place them. Also, Ryuujou is pure win there, getting to her historical length, but remaining loli, lmao.

last edited at Mar 1, 2018 9:28AM

Image Comments 28 Feb 23:41
joined Sep 6, 2015

Nice image, and congratulations on getting on Dynasty, Serenata!

joined Sep 6, 2015

This one doesn't seem to get added no matter how many requests I make.
Be honest. Is it the pairing?

Would be awkward if it is, considering we have stuff such as

Citrus discussion 27 Feb 09:13
joined Sep 6, 2015

@Uranus: What's a ''mango-like approach''? Sorry I'm unfamiliar with this term.

I meant how many manga take rather unrealistic approaches, in this specific case, how openly gay characters are often not met with any sort of animosity from their surroundings

I'm a little unclear how dismissive you mean the term "mango" to be (if at all). I actually quite enjoy the wide range of relations to "reality" in yuri manga, even in the non-overtly supernatural or fantasy series.

Not at all dismissive, I enjoy them too. I just call these traits such because of how often manga works go for that approach. Most of my favourite oneshots are in that range, so no, I did not mean it negatively. It is just that in the case of "Citrus" it would not fit, given how Saburouta depicted the society, and put special emphasis on Mei's social position. After all that, going for this approach would be kind of a cop-out.

Citrus discussion 26 Feb 03:06
joined Sep 6, 2015

@Uranus: What's a ''mango-like approach''? Sorry I'm unfamiliar with this term.

I meant how many manga take rather unrealistic approaches, in this specific case, how openly gay characters are often not met with any sort of animosity from their surroundings (which can vary from this aspect simply not being addressed at all, all the way to "waah, cuuuute" reactions from people around them), even when such works are set in Japan, or even worse (as is in this case), Japanese schools, which are notorious for bullying, and being openly gay is almost a guarantee societal rejection and bullying will happen. Parents and other family members are also most often simply not a factor in these scenarios.

Now, given how parents, social norms and expectations are fairly well depicted in this work, chances of Saburouta going for something like that are slim at best, but she could go for some sort of middle approach, where the biggest obstacle for the main couple is Mei's state of mind, and once that is resolved, all these other considerations are downplayed and treated as nothing an inspiring speech from Yuzu could not solve. Personally, I would not be a fan of this happening, but it is a possibility.

last edited at Feb 26, 2018 3:08AM

Izetta The Last Witch 25 Feb 21:02
joined Sep 6, 2015

It is not so much a question of being an "empty husk", as it is of just how much time Izetta has before dying.

I will copy-paste my opinion from another place:

In the show it is clearly and unambiguously stated that using the crystal shortens the lifespan of the user. It is why Fine is so opposed to Izetta using it. The more you use it, and the more power you release through it, the worse the effect is. Both Sophie and Izetta are aware of this, the former is just so hell-bent on revenge she does not give a fuck, while the latter would do anything to protect Fine.

"To win the battle, she stole a stone of power that the first witch had: the Magic Stone. It devours the life of a witch to overturn the laws of power." (Izetta's grandmother, in a memory, talking about the first Sophie, in episode 10.)

"The White Witch, the real Sophie, once said that the Magic Stone draws out the power of the witch by shortening their life. If you use it too much, you won't have long to live." (Said by Müller to Izetta, based on the diary written by his ancestors who were members of the court in Sophie's time, and were involved in the plot against her, episode 11.)

"If she crystallises all that magic at once, she'll die for sure." (Sophie's internal monologue, episode 12. This also indicates it is not just the duration of the usage, but the intensity as well, that drains the life from the user.)

Sophie unambiguously thought Izetta's move in the finale was suicidal, and given what we know about the Stone, this is indeed correct. Nevertheless, she tried to match it, given all the factors (nature of the Stone, the suicidal levels of energy being used, her previous usage of the Stone, and her cloned body), she ended up dying in the process. Izetta survived, but...

The scene after the credits is set several years (and it could not have been more, given how young Lotte is there) after the last duel, it only tells us that Izetta is still alive, and the main couple is still together, but how much time they have is anyone's guess (personally, given everything, I would say they do not have that long).

Now, I understand why people do not like this, but still, the only way you can give Izetta and Fine a happily-ever-after for a long, long time is if you deliberately disregard canon information. There is just no way around this. And the thing is, Fine knows this, as exemplified by the scene after the broomride, when they were on that mountaintop (episode 12):

F: "What? But that magic stone eats away at your life, right? If you do that..."

I: "It'll be fine."

F: "You're lying. I can tell right away when you're lying! Especially when you're lying because you're about to do something crazy for me."

I:"I'm sorry. It's true that I might die. But there's something I want enough to do it anyway. A world where everyone can choose their tomorrow. A world where you can smile. ... So give me the order to fight as your witch, Archduchess, no, Fine... And to end it all."

F: "No!"

I: "I've given it a lot of thought, but I couldn't think of anything else. So..."

F: "Izetta... Izetta... My witch... I order you... you..."

And the scene cuts to Fine breaking down and yelling at the representatives of the warring powers, from her grief it is obvious she is fully aware of the consequences Izetta's actions will have.

last edited at Mar 1, 2018 9:34AM

Citrus discussion 25 Feb 19:07
joined Sep 6, 2015

@matsuri_wins: That would indeed be the realistic option in the case Shou does not step in and Mei remains determined to lead the academy. That is to say, that would be the happy ending realistic option. But whether Saburouta will go for a more mango-like approach remains to be seen. Because that is the thing, society here has not really been portrayed as fundamentally different than in real life (I am reminded when Yuzu bumped into two of her friends from her previous school, and they were all "whoa, hehe, all-female school, some girls do that sort of thing, I guess with no guys around blabla", and Yuzu looked hurt and almost on the verge of telling them, but she stopped herself, as far as I remember), so I do not know how a more mango-like approach (like, for example, the two of them just being openly gay without any social repercussions) would actually fit within the confines of the story itself.

It is quite interesting, because I suspect many people would be dissatisfied with your proposed ending, but within what we are presented in the story itself, that actually looks like the most doable happy ending, short of Shou actually swallowing his 'philosophy' and coming back. Do note, though, that him taking over the school would not necessarily mean Mei and Yuzu now get to be open about it, because Mei might still want to take over one day (since this now became her wish as well), in which case secrecy of their relationship is just as needed as it is in your scenario.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 7:09PM

Image Comments 25 Feb 13:40
joined Sep 6, 2015

^Moonletters are unreadable for me, so I just compared haircuts, and although the two are very similar, this is indeed Houshou (lacks those long strands of hair Yahagi has on each side).

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 2:01PM

Image Comments 25 Feb 13:15
joined Sep 6, 2015

@shermanchurchill: Not act in the sense they are forced or anything like that, but more like role-play they indulge to an extent for fun. I am just musing how much is it role-play, is all.

I mean, look at St. Gloriana, best example (by the by, it is a pretty safe bet Darjeeling is not actually named like that, because all the Gloriana girls have nicknames after teas, it is just so British, lol). It is a posh upper-class school, that puts emphasis on manners and restrained, refined behaviour. Then you get Rosehip, who decidedly does not fit into that. She is loud, addicted to speed, and almost completely lacks the calmness and poise of other Gloriana girls, to the point in one of the mango editions, Darjeeling made her attend lessons on proper manners, whereas in Saunders Rosehip's behaviour would practically be the accepted norm and no one would bat an eye.

So I would say attending a specifically themes institution of any kind will make many act the part, so to say, even though I do not believe anyone is forcing the GuP girls to do so, it seems more like something they indulge in for fun.

last edited at Feb 25, 2018 1:21PM

Image Comments 25 Feb 09:15
joined Sep 6, 2015

@Random Wanderer: One is a loud, brash, outspoken American that plays Sensha-do for fun (therefore, treating it as nothing but a game), and has no problem expressing her frustrations even through swearing. The other is a calm and reserved Brit who treats Sensha-do as serious business and expresses herself through vague proverbs. They are basically the opposites, plus the whole US-vs-Britain thing. They also have some things in common, both value fair play and are very friendly, ready to go out of their way to support Ooarai simply because they like the girls.

What is interesting, however, is that although I say "American" and "British", both of them are Japanese (Kay is from Sasebo, while Darjeeling comes from Yokohama), it is just that their respective schools have different themes (US and Britain), so I always wondered how much of their personalities is actually theirs and how much is it playing the role.

I mean, all the GuP characters are Japanese who basically go by the Hippo Team's logic of 'soul names' appropriate for their theme (Matsumoto Riko, for example, is simply known as Erwin, because that is her thing), or they go by nicknames (Anzai Chiyomi ---> Anchovy), so neither Kay nor Darjeeling are actually named Kay and Darjeeling.
The only real foreigner is Pravda's Klara, a transfer student from Novosibirsk who spends much of the time speaking fluent Russian, and while Nonna is able to hold a conversation (stands to reason a Russian-themed school will teach Russian), Katyusha amusingly does not understand a word of it and insists they all speak Japanese.

So I just wonder, how much of Darjeeling and Kay's compatibility (in the eyes of the fans) is actually down to their personalities, and how much is it to them playing their respective schools' themes?

Citrus discussion 23 Feb 07:36
joined Sep 6, 2015

I do think Yuri Queen has a point in stating out Mei's lies by omission were shitty af though. And I feel like this goes for all her rich friends (Eyebrows, even Harumin tbh)?? Like did they all just think she already knew and they were just having a fling??

Who actually knows for sure that Mei and Yuzu are/were in a romantic relationship? As far as I recall, it’s Matsuri, Shirapon, and the twins. Himeko may suspect because she’s Mei-sexual herself, but Harumin seems to be entirely out of the loop. Or am I forgetting some key revelation scenes?

Himeko knows, it would seem. In fact, when Matsuri had her outburst during that vacation they had together (when she found out Mei is facing another arranged marriage), effectively outing the main couple, she had it right in front of Momokino, and Momokino does not react with surprise of any kind. Momokino knows, but it was never shown how or when she found out.

last edited at Feb 23, 2018 7:47AM

Image Comments 22 Feb 10:54
joined Sep 6, 2015

Hurts so good~

Image Comments 22 Feb 09:50
joined Sep 6, 2015

Absolutely mouthwatering~~~~ And some Madoka artist better get on what jtt proposed!

joined Sep 6, 2015

The last page promises punishment~

Citrus discussion 21 Feb 16:00
joined Sep 6, 2015

I'm honestly just glad that people are finally cutting the whole putting the blame on Mei (since she's being dutiful and honestly her situation is hardly in her control) and putting the blame where it really stand: Her father. Sure, he was portrayed positively in the whole "following your dreams" aspect of this manga, but he's being highly irresponsable by saying fuck it all and leaving everything in his daughters hands. What did he expected by putting all the pressure into a -highly mature but still - teenager girl?

It is actually even worse than that, because Mei was in primary school when he left, his leaving caused her quite severe emotional damage that was never fully patched up. And before he had his sudden 'revelation' and decided to say "fuck it all", he was actually quite strict himself, and impressed upon Mei the whole duty/legacy significance. Then one day out of the blue offered her to abandon it all with him. What was a child her age to think?

An adult travelling the world, engaging in 'philosophical' soul searching, lol. Which, as some pointed out, would have been fine if he was a bachelor without kids, but when you are doing this knowing full well your responsibilities have now fallen on your young daughter, it is a shitty move. He is her father, for fuck's sake.

I guess the audience (though I suspect this was probably more prevalent amongst the western fans) just liked the idea of him throwing away the chains of his birth and upbringing too much to really delve into negative consequences of his actions, since I saw very little animosity directed at him (contrasting with the grandfather, who is for many Lucifer incarnate).

last edited at Feb 21, 2018 4:02PM

Citrus discussion 21 Feb 11:14
joined Sep 6, 2015

Most Japanese women don't seeing as how the average age for a Japanese woman to marry is 29. Seems to be just an excuse to repeat the plot from volume 1.

Most Japanese women don't live in rich and upper-class society. The rules aren't the same.

This also applies to rural populations, regardless of class. Like, if you are a 29 years old single woman in Tokyo, it is not a big deal, but if you live in a rural area, and you have not married before the age of 25, you will be looked strangely (even pityingly) at, and can expect a fair bit of pressure from your family to settle already. Again, exceptions exist, but this is the typical mindset.

last edited at Feb 21, 2018 11:16AM

joined Sep 6, 2015

Has a tag now.

I have a question... 21 Feb 06:09
joined Sep 6, 2015

8chan releases are no longer hosted on Dynasty. You can read this work on their reader:

Citrus discussion 20 Feb 16:11
joined Sep 6, 2015

i don't think most family in asia do these traditonal arranged marriage bullsh*t.

Most families do not, most upper class families do. Lower class families in general just expect their children to marry and have kids of their own, it is the upper classes that get rather particular on whom their kids will be marrying.

last edited at Feb 20, 2018 4:13PM