yeah talking shit about citrus was a 2019 thing, the new trend is to ignore citrus and let it die, just like this thread and it´s popularity is doing, slowly but surely
Haven't we been doing that in 2019 too? Heck, there's an argument to be had that the current policy may have had it's very first beginnings as early as late 2018, during the golden age of hating on and talking shit about citrus?
Mmm i mean yeah, but back then citrus had this "so bad that is good " vibe, it was fun to hate on citrus, there was a community that eagerly wait for a new chapter just to argue with fans and point out how dumb citrus was
Right now citrus is just boring, is not even fun to hate on it , even fans just keep reading to see if yuzu and mei are gonna have sex and to see the harumin x matsuri couple (wich might not even happen)