Oh good, it looks like a hiatus gave the author the space to deepen the characters!
Gonna be frank, everything in this chapter, aside from the revelation that Zhang's fiancee is gay, was already there. I honestly don't know how you read 8.5 without coming away with the conclusion that Zhang was aware of Dai Yi's feelings, increasingly interested in her, and eager for her to express them. Most of her actions have been aimed clearly at helping Dai Yi or getting closer to her, the only missing piece of the puzzle was the fact that her betrothal is a complete show. They're both gay. They almost definitely know they're both gay, but they're getting married to throw their families off the scent, because China is horrible about LGBT issues.
Zhang Guo's attitude now is clearly a crush with little to no toying with Dai Yi. She's still oblivious,
She's not oblivious, she's guarded.
but it won't come off as one-note and callous if we know her meticulous but still unfocused side from laundry, which proves her quirks aren't restricted to dealing with others.
I mean we already knew that she has OCD. She literally has to count to the nearest 5 minutes any time she does something.
Quick touches like these can massively clarify and improve story and character! I think the author wanted to portray her as a strong mysterious person, but for me instead of relatable (like "been there, sis") she just came off as lacking empathy (at its worst in the childhood flashback).
Childhood flashback? are you talking about this one panel, or did I miss something?
Dai Yi has kept thinking like in ch10. This final ritual for complete closure is properly asking someone out ready to be rejected I guess? Or testing someone's sexuality in any case.
I'm pretty sure the "final ritual" was to go out on the town and get drunk as hell and curse the world for Zhang Guo.
Seriously, I think a lot of people don't get how different prevalent attitudes in China are.
You DO NOT confess if you aren't very very confident that the person you are confessing to would never out you. Especially if it's somebody you work with.
She could lose her job. She could lose her home. She's already lost her parents, although it seems like they're still checking up on her through her friend. Honestly, even her friend is playing into the angles of oppression. She keeps trying to get her to go back to her parents, which by default means going back in the closet. (Unless her parents have decided to accept her, which seems unlikely.)
wtf?? since when chaptwr 8.5 is an clear and on the face that Zhang is DEFENTLY GAY! stop projecting because ther was no one drop of clear indication she is gay or anything, it’s like beting the supposed straight character to be secretly in the closet were that trope has been doen to death in the yuri gener,
but the chapter itself has you so delusionade that you for sure 100% know she is gay??? what?