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joined Jan 20, 2014

People forgetting that this already has a sequel.

wow, I liked more the sequel. it's more cute and the drawing it's better.
Also, softball? Isn't... this... beisbol? O.o

last edited at Aug 9, 2018 6:44PM

joined Jan 20, 2014

So this is the twilight of yuri? Except the sparkling vampires?

Cuz this is utter trash like Twilight.

Then why are you even here? This had two long pauses, you know, if you waited all this time or if you read more than 3 chapters of something you don't like just o say something like this, who is the real Twilight? xD

joined Jan 20, 2014

I love You x Riko and I'll love it if this can get an one more page, pls ;^;

joined Jan 20, 2014

Thank you so much for this, sly ♥ all of the people who is worcking inthis project, thank you so much.

joined Jan 20, 2014

"But"? AGGGG now I wanna know what the sensei will say TT this is evil.

joined Jan 20, 2014

Man, dicks are incredible ugly, I can't stop laughing xDDDDDDDDDDD

joined Jan 20, 2014

Well... that hurt.

It hurts more the waiting until the next tome of Murciélago is released in english.
Sorry, I just remembered it at see your icon (?)

joined Jan 20, 2014

I was wondering who could this be aaaangst and, at the sime time, comedy. Now I know it and that sucks...

joined Jan 20, 2014

I'm crying. I'm literally crying. I can't stop laughing. Somebody help.

joined Jan 20, 2014

Last time I saw lightnovels on here was the Sono Hana uploads.

THANK YOU FOR THIS INFO, I'm going to read them (also I see this site have a Renko x Mari LN, I'm dying of happines ;^;)

So, if I scan the two LN of Renko x Maribel then maybe could translate them? (?)

joined Jan 20, 2014

This was awful in a lot of ways. This could be perfect if the end Nozomi was saying something like "trying to be a part of a group you lost your identity, and even destroy mine", then kiss her "I loved you, all this years, but I didn't want this" and then get out crying. Why trying to pass a rape like comedy???? No, just don't do that. The rest I can even like it because it's a representation of how standars works and that's interesting.

joined Jan 20, 2014

Not everyone knows the details of every artist here.

No one suggested that. Negom just happens to be an infamously famous lesbian, so I thought it would be known around here.

It's funny because if it's romance all are like "yeah, a woman made this" but, if it's porn, it's like "A woman or a man? Hummm" xD and kinda sad at the same time...

joined Jan 20, 2014

I'm not crying, you're crying! T^T

joined Jan 20, 2014

create a sequel pls

your wish was granted.

I'm confuse, because I think the tankobon it's full of one-shot with other authors, or have they any sequel in it? o.o

joined Jan 20, 2014

Wow, this doesn't look like something Kodama Naoko would do o.o I like that!
Also, it's nice to see that the cover is a My lesbian experience reference. This serie talks about a lonely girl who ended loving a woman,so I can't understand why she choose that reference (?)

joined Jan 20, 2014

this art style looks really familiar, but i can't place my finger on who it reminds me of... it's not close enough to dowman sayman for me to mix them up, and going on this person's pixiv didn't help... hm

this is still pretty cute tho, even if it's technically het too (tho those parts are admittedly cute as well). yeah, at the end, very last panel, the high schooler has ahoge, so it's definitely haruka

Also I want to read a continuation ;; this is so cute.

joined Jan 20, 2014

A fully year waiting for this. Pls, somebody kill me, I want to know the end of this but 14 pages each year it's something that hurts

Yuri Awase discussion 17 Jul 17:49
joined Jan 20, 2014

This comment section...

It's gold xDDDDDDD

joined Jan 20, 2014

Good chapter see you next year

No please xDDD this is one of my favourite mangas, I want to read it in english one for all, but I also understand why are you saying this xDDD

joined Jan 20, 2014

Polioro's scans would be better probably. Real quick

I'll send the kindle ones cecile, that way you'll have more options. ^ ^

Actually, I think these are just perfect * --- *
It's GUMI's project though (I'm just a humble editor), so it's up to him.

Tell Polioro to get to work then haha! edit: This link is from your image Polioro! uwu

On a side note, If you ever need more hands with cleaning/redrawing (not editing tho), I can help!

Wow, that cleaning was fast then o.o I didn't expect that would be from my photo. The thing it's that I have them in my house, so until this friday/saturday I can't get the tankobon and scan it... u_u

joined Jan 20, 2014

Polioro's scans would be better probably. Real quick

I'll send the kindle ones cecile, that way you'll have more options. ^ ^

I have to say that I admire you for having some Momono Moto works, because my scan wasn't from this serie. It's cool seeing another person who loves her works *_* I have all her yuri tankobons and some of her doujinshis, but every time I enter in some comentary section here it's all hate about her works... It's nice see someone who admires her too xD

joined Jan 20, 2014

This much shadow is quite alright, it doesn't compromise readability. But now I have no idea whether GUMI would prefer to work with Kika's raws or yours.

I think it's better work with kindle version xD I had seen, in others series, scaned an kindle version and you can check the difference. I'm not gonna fight, I just want to read it in english. Thank you for your work in this serie ;;

joined Jan 20, 2014

Kikaluna, I love your avatar. What manga is it from?

Sadly not from a manga, but here's the artist's twitter!

Regarding the raws, do you have the rest of the chapters yet? I have them (same source as chapter 6's, ie. kindle version) if you don't, and if you can't get larger ones.

Well, that'll be better x'D I'm glad someone had it in kindle, I preffer the books.
PD: I checked that twitter and his/her art it's amazing! I found your profile. I'm putting it here for if someone wants to see it in big picture

last edited at Jul 17, 2018 4:44PM

joined Jan 20, 2014

I can't see the image. When I open the link it says:
"The image “” cannot be displayed because it contains errors."

Can you upload it somewhere else?

That's weird :o I can see it, but no problem ^^ I uploaded to twitter

joined Jan 20, 2014

Scans would be great, but you really need to be careful, since books with a spine tend to leave shadows on the inner edge of the page when scanned. If the shadow is too big it makes the raws unusable (try pressing the spine down to reduce it). You should give it a try.

I tried it long ago, when I had still my scanner. This would work or should I press it more in the spine?

last edited at Jul 17, 2018 4:07PM