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joined Jul 26, 2016

Which is funny in an ironic way, because by Agrippa's time heavy armour combat started to become obsolete due to the advances in firearms. Also, his main works focused on rapier fencing, and they revolutionised civilian fencing - in other words, heavy armour was not involved at all.

17th-century cavalry and their bulletproof cuirasses would like to dispute the former point, and I'd remind you that pikemen were routinely half-plated well into the Thirty Years' War. (The gradual decline of military armour mostly had to do with economics and campaign logistics, ie. the expense of kitting out troops with the stuff and the practical complications of marching around with it.) Back in the mid-1500s when Agrippa published his best known work armour was even more common on battlefields - and concealed designs not exactly uncommon among "civilian" swordsmen, as people rather liked their viscera without extra ventilation holes.
Which is why it became a common practice to fight duels shirtless, to try and ensure the other guy wasn't "cheating" with a discreet mail shirt or such.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I like how this pretty much gleefully takes a piss on about every angst-drama cliche of the genre ever. Team be like "okay we get the picture, now cut the bullshit and just fuck already."

joined Jul 26, 2016

Would assume the name of the school references the 16th-century fencing master Camillo Agrippa, what now with the feminine form of the name. If nothing else he would seem rather more relevant to the topic than a first-century Roman lady...

EDIT: well and there's apparently some minor 3rd-century saint by that name, but by the sounds of it she doesn't have much currency outside Eastern Orthodox circles...

last edited at Mar 23, 2017 2:21PM

Image Comments 20 Mar 08:42
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ what.

joined Jul 26, 2016

this is glorious

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm assuming he read 'the father leaving his daughter turning her off for men' part, but didn't continue on to read when she actually stated afterwards that she turned off from 'people in general' and not just men. That or he's just too hurt by his man pain that he turned blind to that fact.

Takes some pretty tendentious reading to interpret it like that in the first place. Sayuri has massive self-esteem issues deriving from feeling unwanted by her parents as a child (whether that was objectively the case is entirely irrelevant for this kind of emotional trauma); her borderline pathological reclusiveness - eg. as far as we've been shown she doesn't actually seem to have any friends - and not unrelated zero dating experience are symptoms of that.

And it's not like she has a problem with the opposite sex per se; she was getting along with Oga just fine before that certain little misunderstanding got resolved, it's just that being subjected to "his" prince-charming mannerisms was a completely novel and uncomfortably confusing experience. Not in the least as the aforementioned emotional damage makes her feel "unfit" of such attention.

joined Jul 26, 2016

nice malebashing at the beginning.
I am not a fan of woman-goes-yuri-because-of-bad-men.
It would be like a man becoming gay because he didnt like his mother Oo.

...what ARE you even talking about?

Image Comments 19 Mar 06:14
joined Jul 26, 2016

Humans do not bathe that way. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Alien Girl discussion 18 Mar 14:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm vaguely wondering if the tooth setup isn't akin to sharks - freaking steak knives prone to breaking off and casually replaced from the backup rows. Shape is definitely similar...

Also nice, some backstory. And I'm really digging the impression of dynamic movement here, the artist knows his/her stuff.

Yurucamp discussion 12 Mar 01:52
joined Jul 26, 2016

Et tu, Brute?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yuzu is turning into such an S lol

joined Jul 26, 2016

10/10 bail, this girl is definite future leadership material.

joined Jul 26, 2016

You thought you were getting drop-worthy het romance, but it was me, PURE HILARITY!

tbf Andou's crush on Chio is pretty cute... and since she's not particularly pretty or, say, well off he must be attracted to her (lol) inner beauty

Image Comments 03 Mar 02:59
joined Jul 26, 2016


joined Jul 26, 2016

I died at page 111.

And then again at 117.

Dammit author, stop depleting my credits.

Liberty discussion 28 Feb 16:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

Not sure if really transparent closet or just good gaydars...

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's official: Fuyumi was a pretty cool little loliloli. Seh kisses gurls and doesn't afraid of anything.

Image Comments 24 Feb 10:34
joined Jul 26, 2016

@ Artemis - eh, nothing more than what awaits any couple that stays together long enough. The only actual difference is that barring unnatural causes one party is certain to vastly outlive the other (which, when you think about it, also happens in mortal pairings with sufficient age differences...).

Image Comments 24 Feb 10:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

You're thinking of Iruru now. Elma and Tooru haven't yet fought "on screen" - was referring to the passingly mentioned earlier clash back home between the two that apparently sunk a few islands as collateral damage, actually...

Note that her offhanded claims about dragon lifespans need to be taken in the perspective that we haven't actually been told of a single one able to legitimately claim such nigh-incomprehensible antiquity, rendering the whole thing more of a grandiose boast (something Tooru certainly is prone to...). It's strongly hinted (and seems to be assumed in-universe) that they're functionally biologically immortal, certainly, but that's quite different from any of them yet having such a cosmic lifespan under their belt...
I mean, unless they actually immigrated from somewhere else it's physically impossible for even the most ancient of them to be older than their world. Barring paradigms wildly different from ours, ofc, which are entirely possible given that plane has active divinities and God knows what else; for all we know their planet might have been cyclically created and unmade multiple times in the past already... though at that point it could be asked to what degree their timeframes were even comparable to our linear one in the first place.

last edited at Feb 24, 2017 10:35AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

"If it's Shinonome-sensei, she would agree to anything."

Not sure if I've just been too long on the Internets or double entendre...

Image Comments 23 Feb 19:30
joined Jul 26, 2016

At that point it's more likely she just made the number up in the usual fashion premodern cultures use to signify enormous magnitudes; complex life itself on Earth isn't even a billion years old, and even if it arose (much) earlier on their world - or the whole paradigm was different from the start, what with confirmed active divinities and all - it's unlikely any immortal bothered keeping track of years after the first millenia or two anyway. (People stop really paying attention to the matter after a few decades unless they have practical reasons to keep track of their exact age.)
Entirely plausible the dragons are outright biologically immortal, or as close as makes no difference, which would mesh well with their rivalry with the of the gods of their world - look no further than the assorted conflicts between different groups of supernatural immortals in various Earth myths for parallels.

However I don't think age is directly related to a dragon's "power level" (their world doesn't operate on D&D rules apparently) as evidenced in the confrontation between Tooru and her father, who going by his "Old Testament prophet" human form is a truly ancient being indeed - and pretty much admitted outright that if they actually fought he'd get his ass kicked.

IIRC it's been plainly mentioned Tooru's among the stronger dragons around, to the point that some of the others worry a bit about the implications to power balance if the conflict back home heats up (one gets the impression the tussle is at a low-intensity phase ATM). Ofc in the dodgeball chapter she mentioned in passing she's never "won" against Faf and Lucoa which makes you wonder how monstrously strong they are, and Elma can apparently more or less stalemate her in a serious duel...

As Kobayashi notes she knows some pretty dangerous beings.

Image Comments 23 Feb 16:37
joined Jul 26, 2016

"Millions" is probably rather stretching it, considering that would be substantially older than what is teknik'ly known as "Anatomically Modern Humans" (Homo Sapiens Sapiens is only a few hundred millenia IIRC)...

As Iruru has already demonstrated at least some dragons are certainly quite capable of messing with human bodies magically, but one would assume they can't fiddle with the kind of "deeper" stuff that lifespan extension or whatever would involve. Given what we know of their home plane (read: self-awarely cliché FRPG world) that kind of thing sounds like the bailiwick of the local divinities (who apparently aren't on good terms with the dragons in general), and is probably beyond most of them too.

On a more practical note I rather doubt Kanna would as such particularly care about their different growth rates. Given species differences in aesthetic sensibilities the dragons in general are unlikely to be very concerned with the physical appearance of humans - it's the inside that counts, if anything.

OTOH... in a mere decade Saikawa will be twenty-ish, a quantum leap in terms of mental growth and maturity, while Kanna will remain a juvenile - curious, playful and firmly living in the now. If anyone is going to start occasionally waxing melancholic about their different life-cycles it's likely going to be the former; unlike the adult dragons the latter in universal sub-adult fashion probably can't, and can't be bothered to, consider the long term...

On a more practical note, though, unless she starts adjusting her human form's apparent age she's going to make grown!Saikawa look like a damn pedo. :P

joined Jul 26, 2016

Willing to put 5€ on Yuzu being primarily annoyed at her own embarassement. Even her precocious composure has its limits I guess.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh my, already on the first date~

joined Jul 26, 2016

A great many animals have visual senses keyed primarily for movement and are more or less colourblind, simply because the former is far more important for their daily survival (whether for spotting approaching predators or locating prey - hence why many prey animals go stock still when feeling threatened) while colours are of rather little relevance in most ecological niches.

"Gathering omnivores" like us humans and most of our primate relatives, and fruit/berry eaters in general, conversely need pretty good colour vision as telling ripe fruits and berries from raw ones isn't just nutritionally vital - it's critical for avoiding poisonous ones and developement stages...

On another note, adding to the earlier commentary, the red muleta is only used in the final part of a bullfight; pink ones (capote de brega according to Wikipedia) are employed in the multiple build-up stages.