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joined Jul 26, 2016

Kasumi kinda reminds me of Ushiwaka from InuNeko, save that her permanent flirting is unequivocally unintentional (whereas even Nezu can't tell with the latter...).

joined Jul 26, 2016

Class full of shippers already.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Kaede seems to have a minor case of Genre Blindness though - given the series she should be more worried about a female tutor if anything... :P

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Nice secret you have there. Be a shame if something happened to it..."

joined Jul 26, 2016

Subtle hints were dropped. (I like how Mochida looks like she's just sitting back enjoying the show there. Audience surrogate confirmed?)

last edited at Apr 2, 2017 9:03AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

One thing's for sure though - Sasano definitely got Sempai to notice her. :P

joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh, they actually admitted that thing that was obvious a chapter ago in text this chapter. Well done.

TBF it wasn't previously clear if they just had the usual "ludicrous amounts of UST bickering" schtick going or had actually progressed to the point of dating...

joined Jul 26, 2016

she obviously thought the kohai wasn't serious but either way she was totally brushing her off.

Pretty sure she's not so slow on the uptake as to miss the very blatant hints being waved in front of her face. The sweatdrops she keeps displaying and rather obvious attempts to change the topic posthaste hint as much.

I'd assume she doesn't really know how to deal with the situation, at least on such short notice?

joined Jul 26, 2016

You're pretty good, kouhai-chan.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Kawasaki is pretty awesome.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well. Mari/Maki seemed to actually buy it.
But then again she's dumb like that. :P

Sahara's sleeves keep bugging me though. Are they immune to gravity or just some kind of very stiff cloth...?

joined Jul 26, 2016

I like how she just stands there in that fashion atrocity, frozen in mute horror.
(That's probably what a mildly failed SAN check looks like.)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Oops: The Chapter

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think nee-san just casually obliterated a good third to half of the standard corpus of yuri (and more generally romance) plotlines by the ruthless application of Good Sense.

I like her already.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Kind of makes you wonder just how much UST there was between the two back when they were still living under the same roof, though...

joined Jul 26, 2016

If i remember right, there is a trap in the group right?

Actual volume contents may differ slightly from the preview.

I mean that's right up there with Space Berserker Takahashi...

last edited at Mar 28, 2017 10:14AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I like how the elder sister is all fine and dandy about all this.

I kind of get the impression she might of previously had a hunch about which way imouto-chan swings...

joined Jul 26, 2016

...and I thought Kanna was the resident tsundere lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016

Mochida confirmed surprisingly savage, awesome

joined Jul 26, 2016

Pretty much any customer-service job will do that to you. I got that from pulling cloakroom shifts in a museum for a few years.

joined Jul 26, 2016

From picking drinks to de facto marriage proposal in five pages flat?

"Well that escalated quickly."

joined Jul 26, 2016

Ah, alright, thanks for correcting me. I read a book a while ago by an Italian fencing master who taught some English princes, but I cannot for the life of me remember who they were. I must have mistaken that for earlier than it was.

Quick look-around of names and dates suggests the rapier reached Britain only relatively late, in the 1570s; George Silver's famous writings against the imported weapon and its methodology date to the turn of the century. But much as the native "old school" Masters of Defence might have resented the upstart it was there to stay as the weapon for anyone who wanted to even look like Someone to carry about the town.

wOAH! So much awesome! Female knights are boss! The armor is terrific. Great action. And did they say rich girls? Chances of a posh ojousmama that turns out to be a jerk with a heart of gold increased! Though the closest we get may be Ume. She eve has hair and a bow like Karin from Street Fighter. She seems like fun in her own right though.

Thus far we have four named characters and already three of them are to one degree or another amusingly eccentric. Off to a good start I'd say! o3ob

On related note I'm almost willing to bet some money on Kanade's character drawing quite a bit of inspiration from a certain fictional Iberian hidalgo with a thing for corny chivalric romances and attacking windmills...

last edited at Mar 24, 2017 6:38PM

Image Comments 24 Mar 17:57
joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Headrest, or something like that. The purpose being to preserve those fancy hairdos which required a fair bit of wax and hours of work by a specialist to create.
IIRC variations of the theme have been around since something like the Heian period court if not earlier?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Having fun reading it, got to the end of the chapter and-- What dishonour is this?

I hope she just says screw it to the Agrippina school and founds her own dojo to train with people who actually keep their word. But then again, this is Japan, where social conformity beats everything, and heroic characters must join existing institutions to remain so. :-(

...I'd think up and starting a new group from the ground up would be something of a tall order for a mere highschooler anywhere actually...

Though given Kanade's raging idiosyncrasies (or what my young friends on teh Internets might term "best autism"), and the Agrippina sempais sounding like they'd be happy to have her if they could, she's probably just overlooked some minor detail... like actual transfer paperwork.

Or not being enrolled in that school in the first place.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Rapiers were for "civilian" combat, from barroom brawls and back-alley muggings to reasonably formal duels of honour. Not like anyone had ever done that stuff in full armour (full-on judicial duels aside), such gear being rather too cumbersome and uncomfortable for everyday wear.
Plus of course clanking around in full battle gear was a pretty good way to look like you were up to no good and attract all kinds of undesirable attention...

Anyways, the 1500s were the final flowering of chivalric pageantry in the grand old style. The full-course tournaments were still around in the early decades - Henry VIII's aforementioned armour was made for the 1520 Field of the Cloth of Gold summit-cum-tournament with Francis I of France - and Henry II of France died in 1559 from jousting injuries (good old lance splinters in the eye, ouch); some of the last royally authorised judicial duels were recorded around the middle of the decade (the famous Jarnac-Chastaganeraye one in France, 1547, and a 1583 one in Dublin) - these not differing very much from tournaments on foot in the ceremonial and equipement involved.

last edited at Mar 24, 2017 9:59AM