Rapiers were for "civilian" combat, from barroom brawls and back-alley muggings to reasonably formal duels of honour. Not like anyone had ever done that stuff in full armour (full-on judicial duels aside), such gear being rather too cumbersome and uncomfortable for everyday wear.
Plus of course clanking around in full battle gear was a pretty good way to look like you were up to no good and attract all kinds of undesirable attention...
Anyways, the 1500s were the final flowering of chivalric pageantry in the grand old style. The full-course tournaments were still around in the early decades - Henry VIII's aforementioned armour was made for the 1520 Field of the Cloth of Gold summit-cum-tournament with Francis I of France - and Henry II of France died in 1559 from jousting injuries (good old lance splinters in the eye, ouch); some of the last royally authorised judicial duels were recorded around the middle of the decade (the famous Jarnac-Chastaganeraye one in France, 1547, and a 1583 one in Dublin) - these not differing very much from tournaments on foot in the ceremonial and equipement involved.
last edited at Mar 24, 2017 9:59AM