How difficult would it be to add a button that lets a user access the list of all forum posts that they've made? It's kind of a hassle to try remembering the exact URL needed to do this (not like I'll always remember which threads I've recently posted in to go there and click the link next to my post avatar), and while I could make a bookmark, for all I know you guys may one day decide to update the site in a way that changes that URL, and I wouldn't notice until the next time I click the bookmark and get an error page instead.
Please make it possible to downloading an entire series in one go. I lost count of the many times that I've come across a long-running series that already had over 2-3 dozen chapters (or even more!) posted on this site by the time I discovered, and which I've liked just from the few glimpses that I've seen, but I could only download 8 chapters per day. Moreso when a single artist has multiple such series.
You do realize that kinda defeats the whole purpose of the download limit, right? That limit is in place to limit the amount of bandwidth the server uses in a given day.
How about making off-site torrents (on, for example) for such bulk downloads, then?
Kinda wish anime games that introduce extra characters (Magia Record, Re Live, SIF, etc.) had their own tags so people know where the characters come from. Like how Love Live Sunshine does.
Also, nobody ever said anything about any of this:
This might be 100% useless but I really want a Height gap tag.
Also, if images past a certain size would be resized like in a Booru site (a.k.a. you can alternate between the full size image and a smaller version), it'd probably be better for people with poor internet connection like me.
Kinda wish anime games that introduce extra characters (Magia Record, Re Live, SIF, etc.) had their own tags so people know where the characters come from. Like how Love Live Sunshine does.