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joined Oct 22, 2018

Chapter 37 has been translated, not sure about the quality

We don't know what would happen next after that, but we sure as shit know it's gonna be painful.

joined Oct 22, 2018

BTW, what is that song near the end of episode 13 called?

Are you talking the insert song? It’s [Suki, Igai no Kotoba de] by Yuu & Touko (Takada & Kotobuki) together with Hectopascal in an album.


joined Oct 22, 2018

BTW, what is that song near the end of episode 13 called?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Now, I think most of the people already know the things mentioned in this video simply from watching YagaKimi, and that some may have already watched it, but I kinda want to share it with you guys. If you can spare 48 minutes of your time, please check this out:

Oh, Mervue, I think I'll just make an embarrassment of myself with this post, if I haven't already.

last edited at Dec 30, 2018 5:05PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I literally just went to search for episode 13 for the sole purpose of re-watching the train ride scene. After (and despite being a boy) having a fangirling moment, I shouted "Are you tryna give me a heart attack?!", and I'm sure my dad, who's in the nextdoor room, heard me, despite the louder-than-usual TV. Will almost certainly be re-watching this entire season before long.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Aight! Now that that is done, does anyone know where can I find the Sayaka spin-off (preferably in English)?

I doubt that it would be translated that fast BV. LN's take a lot more work than manga scanlations (most of the time).

Well, thanks anyways. I at least found somewhere a brief summary of it, so at least I get the general themes of that. Hopefully that girl that had a crush on Sayaka in 5th grade makes an appearance(?). People like me, who ship Yuu and Touko, but also don't want Sayaka to be alone at the end, can only hope.

joined Oct 22, 2018

You know what? Since I have no idea what to do and, if the most recent fanart wasn't released a few days ago I probably would've started complaining, I might as well re-visit ALL the YagaKimi fanarts.

half an hour later
Aight! Now that that is done, does anyone know where can I find the Sayaka spin-off (preferably in English)?

last edited at Dec 29, 2018 4:52PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

This thread is so stagnant, even the "Counting" thead over at Sunset Mapping's discord server is more fun.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I guess I don't have much to add that either wasn't mentioned by some of us on previous episodes and by some of you on this episode, but I'ma say two of my personal experiences about this episode.
First: On that part when Yuu and Touko were about to get into that transparent tunnel, I whispered to both them, Nakatani and the makers of the anime: "Are you trying to force my heart to skip several beats?".
Second: Near the end of the scene on the train, shortly after the already asleep Touko leaned towards Yuu, and as the shadows implied that Yuu, despite being awake, was about to lean towards Touko, I told, this time to Yuu and Touko specifically: "Are you tryingto give me a freaking a heart?!", albeit my voice revealed through what kind of bliss I was going through. If happines can be a cause of a lethal heart attack, then I surely got very lucky this time around.

Image Comments 28 Dec 08:10
joined Oct 22, 2018

Finally! After such a long wait, a new fanart! This week truly was the best. visible bliss

Citrus + discussion 27 Dec 17:56
joined Oct 22, 2018

"The heart does as it wills," as it were. Not like poor long-suffering Hime-chan's even had alternate shipping candidates so far either. :|


Points for being such a good sport about the whole thing though.

Believe it or not, but I actually (briefly) used to ship her with Shiraho (did I spell her name right?) . So, uh... maybe?

Citrus + discussion 27 Dec 17:53
joined Oct 22, 2018

Nothing is happening as usual. Why even start a new series besides the obvious reasons...

First thing tommorow, I'm gonna make a libsoc version of that commie image.
In liberatarian socialism, you smash the state. In authoritarian socialism, the state smashes you.

Citrus + discussion 27 Dec 17:50
joined Oct 22, 2018

"Harumin, I seriously love you!"

Will HaruYuzu fans ever give up? xD


Citrus + discussion 27 Dec 17:46
joined Oct 22, 2018

Going to get out my popcorn for the comments section ^_^

It's easier if you don't take a snack to go with the comment section in the first place.

Well, I kinda liked Citrus, but the angst was frustrating and the ending rushed. Still, after finding out about the release of the first chapter of the spin-off earlier today, I'm kinda excited, since this was my first yuri manga (second, if we count those that I feel ashamed of having read) , but, in any case, it is unlikely of becoming one of my favourite ones, given some pretty good mangas, wether classics, recent or ongoing, that I liked better. Still, let's hope this won't be AS drama-filled or angsty as the original.

joined Oct 22, 2018

A great shoutout to my aunt Ana. Today, she's printed that thing I was typing back during in summer break and brought it today.

joined Oct 22, 2018

They're ending on chapter 24 (Episode 13 "To the Terminal Station / Lighthouse")

Which is an incredibly unsatisfying place to leave it. If they can't line up a second season, this is going to be disappointing for a lot of viewers.

It's better than them rushing to the play and mess up the pacing IMO. I'd rather have a disappointing ending but, a good adaptation than a bad adaptation with a conclusive ending.

I second that.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Question: why instead of selling blu-rays, or rather than only that, producers don't release the episodes subbed behind a paywall?

Something tells me that a few broke and (when it comes to Japanese) illiterate souls like me wouldn't be able to watch it in that scenario, but maybe I misunderstood the argument. Despite being better in English than my own native language, it seems there are still things I don't know...

last edited at Dec 27, 2018 2:41AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

YagaKimi was in 16th place for blu ray sales last week with 2,849 sales

Meanwhile, it seems YagaKimi slipped to 11th over at the list of most popular anime. To quote various Trump tweets: "SAD!"

joined Oct 22, 2018

Being gorgeous and handsome simultaneously somehow isn't beyond physics, like I thought earlier:
Kase-san, I salute you for literally breaking my understanding of science.

Image Comments 26 Dec 10:03
joined Oct 22, 2018

Oml the comments so many tags I cant haha xDD

Same here xD

last edited at Dec 26, 2018 10:03AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

'Slightly' late but, Merry Christmas everyone.

Even though it is on-topic, so I want it to stay in this thread, I'd like to also see it on Dynasty Cafe, since 3 people (myself included) already did wish happy holidays there, so... The more the merrier?

joined Oct 22, 2018

When next chapter?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Happy holidays, everyone. I hope y'all had an amazing 2018, and I hope all of you will have the best 2019 possible.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Y'all say "season" -- does that mean there's going to be another season?

It's not confirmed, but we're all pretty positive there will be.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Just saw this on Reddit, thought you guys would like it

They made a YagaKimi scene into a GIF? Am I dreaming?