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Touma-kun discussion 25 Mar 05:46
joined Mar 22, 2013

I really liked the twist of the heroine getting confessed to. But she also was an arrogant double-standarded bitch when turning down the girl. I mean she used to be plain too, she should have known what it's like. But well, that's teenage years for you. Can't say I was always a great person when I was that age, lol.

Since this manga already surprised me I really hope it does that again and the main character stays together with the "plain" girl. But that would be too much to hope for in a manga, right? If this was het and she had a plain guy confessing to her, she'd still end up with the player. I'm not hating on this, it's alright. I'd just like to read something different sometime.

joined Mar 22, 2013

I'm so used to the whole trope of vampires just being able to sip a bit of blood to get by in most stuff like this that the casual assumption that, yeah, they just tried to murder each other is a bit of a surprise.

Me too. It was great though.

Man, and I love the art.

joined Mar 22, 2013

This ship though... can't say I dislike it.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Awwww-some! Also the drawing style is pretty nice. I wish there were already 100 chapters... :O

joined Mar 22, 2013

Not a big fan of the Exhibitionism But the dynamics between them are pretty nice. I was kind of surprised that the first Chapter was so sweet, because... well I was more expecting something like chapter 2 by this mangaka. (was still somewhat sweet in some parts, but...)
Also Haruka, stop being dumb. First straight GF? She's at least bisexual xD

last edited at Mar 17, 2018 6:14AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Angst with a happy ending, who could wish for more. Plus the tugged hair was really cute. :)

joined Mar 22, 2013


joined Mar 22, 2013

OMG I only noticed now... :( RIP Ssamba, I loved and devoured your story. And it was a light in the sometimes shitty everyday life for me. Love and prayers.

last edited at Mar 16, 2018 3:41AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

I’m not a huge fan of ambiguous unrequited love stories... ;_;

I didn't read it like that because... I'm sure the main character was really hurt at that time, but this short shows how she has already healed after some time. I think that is beautiful and hopeful. Because it hurts so much more if you cling to false hopes for years. (so yeah unrequited love does suck though)

joined Mar 22, 2013

The pet raising Club!!! This is headed into a great direction, unexpectedly xD

Ibis Pink discussion 15 Mar 07:35
joined Mar 22, 2013

This is cute. My heart *grabs-chest-in-pain

joined Mar 22, 2013

Aaaah!! Yayoi-sensei made a oneshot for this and it's so cute, too. Now I can die in peace!

joined Mar 22, 2013

So cute :3
I wish there was a tag ear-blushing :D

joined Mar 22, 2013

There she finally is, Akira ma gurrrl :D

joined Mar 22, 2013

The If,-story is so spot on it could actually be part of the actual story and I wouldn't notice it. Also, definitely jumping onto the HaruminxMatsuri train (better late than never)

Their Story discussion 04 Mar 03:25
joined Mar 22, 2013

Signs all over the Thai airports...Banned hazardous items: guns, knives, corrosive chemicals, explosives, and ... durian. Makes me wonder a little about their tastes.

Lol, I totally understand that. Durians taste awfull :P

joined Mar 22, 2013

More, I need more. O.o This was kind of dark and that's why I liked it.

joined Mar 22, 2013

I like all the different art styles :3
I'm also noticing that there is a lot more artwork to Citrus on deviantart. A positive side effect to the anime release I guess^^

joined Mar 22, 2013

Thanks for the answer. To me it seems as if all the scenes were from just one movie, because it is always the same characters. They have motorbikes, so it is probably not a classic movie (?). Horror yes, probably, thanks for the name! the repeating scenes imply that it is a fanmade video, I guess. Or it is use as an art choice.

The relationship between the two girls is pretty explicit, so it should be mentioned somewhere, is what I though. Because actually I can look into a list of 500 lebian movies and I didn't find anything usefull till now. But they kissed and had sex, so it is not just a minor subtext thing.

Thanks for the other Youtube stuff, too. I'm not really looking for edgy stuff :D I'm more of the fluffy type (well, dark, but fluffy). I just liked the chemistry between the girls, so I'm going to keep on searching.^^

Think there might be a misunderstanding here: I am more than 99.99% certain that the scenes are made with actresses specifically for the music video. While the scenes may be referencing old movies, they did not use material from existing movies, merely taking inspiration in terms of setting and framing.

No, um, sorry to correct you, but I definitly found it: It's on IMDB

(And in terms of explicitness, there are other music videos that go way further -- not everything is made in the USA with the corresponding "do not make it too sexy" limitations. While not necessarily on the yuri side, for example some of Mylène Farmer's videos would make many an American censorship authority lose their cool. Advantages of a career in France.)

Yeah, i meant more that it is not only subtext. Like in two girls wink at each other and people are like: OMG I totally see the attraction. In older movies it could get like that a lot because you couldn't show lesbians in movies. Here however you can't argue about the nature of the relationship. That's what I meant by explicit.
Well, nowadays there's a lot of stuff which is more sexy. Actually i hardly ever watch american movies, when I'm looking for lesbian fluff. So I wasn't even aware that there is still so much censorship?

last edited at Feb 19, 2018 7:33PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Found it by google picture search, through sheer desperate taking screenshots... (Maybe, I'm a fool, but it worked)

It's a Mystery movie called Mortem from 2010.

joined Mar 22, 2013


I stumbled upon this music video and was wondering if this is a movie. Oooh, I really hope so, because, it looks amazing!

Link to Youtube

Does anybody have an idea what movie (short film, I take whatever xD) this might be? I really hope this is a thing :D
(I could have asked the uploader of the vid, but he didn't answer to a similar question from six months ago, so..... T-T)

Ehm. The music video seems to have merely grabbed inspiration from various older horror movies (mainly Roger Coreman I'd say). Given the number of repeated scenes, I'd say they were on a bit of a budget too. I'd be rather surprised if there is a short film of any kind behind that.

If you are looking for music videos that follow the nature of this site to some extent, I would suggest Hayley Kiyoko's stuff on YouTube. The music style is less 80s emo electronica than the other band, but in terms of the "is it warm in here or is that just me"-factor, I'd say the videos surpass it in many ways. "Girls like Girls" is pretty famous anyway, and one of the few videos that does not feature Hayley herself (another is "One Bad Night", which is very sweet, but addresses a different kind of LGBT topic); "Cliffs Edge" and "Sleepover" are interesting, with the former having a bit of a dark edge as well; "Feelings" is technically one of the most harmless ones, but in terms of chemistry... The newest one "Curious" is nice too, even if the topic is a bit painful.

If you want something a bit more edgy, there are always The Veronicas, with the Ruby Rose directed video being quite the standout (the singer and Ruby were a couple at the time...).

Thanks for the answer. To me it seems as if all the scenes were from just one movie, because it is always the same characters. They have motorbikes, so it is probably not a classic movie (?). Horror yes, probably, thanks for the name! the repeating scenes imply that it is a fanmade video, I guess. Or it is use as an art choice.

The relationship between the two girls is pretty explicit, so it should be mentioned somewhere, is what I though. Because actually I can look into a list of 500 lebian movies and I didn't find anything usefull till now. But they kissed and had sex, so it is not just a minor subtext thing.

Thanks for the other Youtube stuff, too. I'm not really looking for edgy stuff :D I'm more of the fluffy type (well, dark, but fluffy). I just liked the chemistry between the girls, so I'm going to keep on searching.^^

last edited at Feb 19, 2018 6:52PM

joined Mar 22, 2013


I stumbled upon this music video and was wondering if this is a movie. Oooh, I really hope so, because, it looks amazing!

Link to Youtube

Does anybody have an idea what movie (short film, I take whatever xD) this might be? I really hope this is a thing :D
(I could have asked the uploader of the vid, but he didn't answer to a similar question from six months ago, so..... T-T)

last edited at Feb 19, 2018 6:14PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Almost skipped this one, because I'm generally not so much a fan of this mangaka's drawing style, but... so glad I didn't miss this. The art was nice and Asuka with glasses is so cute :3 If the beginning wasn't so confusing, this would be a 10/10 for me. still great though!

last edited at Feb 19, 2018 3:19PM

Citrus discussion 18 Feb 17:16
joined Mar 22, 2013
  1. you're right. what mei did to yuzu making her fall more and more for her wasn't wise. I can't argue with that,she is still a human who makes mistakes after all.but still calling her weak because of this means that all of us here are weak because every human make these kind of mistakes at some point in their life.and i doubt telling her that she has an arranged marriage would change much. just think about it..

2.i think you kind of misunderstood me here,what i implied is that someone must take the responsibility before falling hard in love and know the consequences. it is not just about lesbian love it is the same with hetero love,if you think that love is just a lust or some sort of game or enjoyment and if you can't bear the burden of society pressure or the burden of becoming a father or working and spending money on your woman and children then don't bother. children with no parents is already considered a world top issue.don't just if you didn't have your way(and i doubt you will easily have your way) be all like "Yes i regret it,I Will Just Suicide" or "I ll just give up and become depressed".

3.nope,it is mature. i'm not talking about giving up or winning here,we're not having a sexual preference war. but you must realize that the society will never change no matter what you pull and will always look down upon these kind of relationships, but one must be patient and endure it that's what i meant by accepting the society,it is like ITS ACTUALLY NORMAL for a society to think like this,that's how societies been and that's how they will always be,if human societies didn't think this way then welcome to a world where people would be having sex in the streets with their parents and pets its like lol i leave it to your imagination.. it is immature to bash the society or hate on every person who look down on you(if you hate on them or look down on them then you are just the same as them), you will never have rest .you need to learn to live cool with it ,believe me, being endurant is the key(please don't misunderstand me I dont mean to throw away your pride or to not stand for yourself).

4.well despite how ever it will end i hope it will be a satisfying ending and not a rushed one.

I still have a lot to talk but i'm not here to argue with anyone or to act intelligent,i'm just sharing my opinion with everyone so they can consider and think whatever more suitable for them.

  1. Well, I agree she is a 15 year old girl after all. So she still has a lot to learn. And nobody's perfect. Still, telling someone in person is a prove of respect. it wouldn't change much, but it's about respect.

  2. well, okay. I can see what you mean.

  3. neither am I about to go into a sexual preference war. All I wanted to say is that open mindedness and thinking for yourself is important. Because if there were no open mided people we could still have slavery, witch burnings, etc. These are also things that society considered normal at some point.
    Also there is a great deal of things humans wouldn't do if it was allowed, because it is just more thrilling to do it when it's forbidden and exciting. It's just human nature. And it's not just society that upholds the moral standards. Well, neither of us has any prove that their version of the alternate reality is correct, so we might as well agree to disagree.

I'm also not here to get into great discussions. Sometimes I get carried away. And I wanted to know what your point was, because I didn't understand. Thanks for clarifying.

last edited at Feb 18, 2018 5:52PM

Citrus discussion 18 Feb 11:38
joined Mar 22, 2013

I cant forgive what mei has done to yuzu and now this is the final blow. its like bruh if thats what you decided for yourself since you were a child why suddenly become a gay and start kissing and teasing yuzu..

The only explanation is that she actually LOVES YUZU A LOT, contrary to what people are assuming , its like are you people dumb ? if she didn't love yuzu she wouldn't even give her a look and kept progressing towards her dream just like how she always treated Himeko but Yuzu is different, She truly loved the dream that she has always followed and her love for yuzu opposed each other.

What People Didn't Notice is that Mei HAD BEEN SUFFERING CONSTANTLY, and EVEN Yuzu can't do anything for her in this state. Actually what Mei has did is probably one of the most difficult decisions i have ever saw. She is truly strong not weak like how people are saying..I Really Respect Her decision and I think Yuzu should too,YES ITS HARD,I know, its really hard BUT just like how Mei decided this hard resolve Yuzu should too if she truly loved her , its never too late, both of them are still very young and could forget eventually.even if Mei threw all of her dreams aside and decided to stay beside Yuzu still, the ghosts from the past will come back to hunt her and will especially hunt Yuzu leading her to think it was better if she didn't fall in love with Mei and many of other hardships.Mei did this for her own good in the future and for Yuzu's good too, she actually did it out of her pure love for Yuzu so she won't get hurt in the end in the future, yes she will be hurt a lot in the beginning but she will get over it believe me. so Thinking this through is better than regretting it in the future.

i don't want to be this kind of person but what made me write this is that because i knew two women who always loved each other and i was their friend and respected their love, but once they faced the pressure of society and the difficulties of two women living alone with no men helping them with money or protecting them and with no children there to be by their side when they get old one of them has committed suicide and the other has followed her.

Im not saying you should believe my story but regardless what im trying to say is that you should think of these things properly and not take it lightly without giving in to your emotions so you won't be facing those kind of hardships in your real life,I'm saying this for your own good, If you wanna be gay then be prepared for it!!! don't drive your lover crazy in the future.
if you cant respect a manga ending or got depressed over it,then im sorry to tell you that being a gay is not for you, to be a gay is not for weak people and is not just a sexual preference it is a matter of being able to live a decent life or a depressing life.

I had always thought Citrus was a dumb drama and only kept reading it because it was entertaing nonetheless , I didnt think it would get this dramatic towards the end and actually leads you to questioning your views about life

If Saburo Uta actually ended this manga like how I described then it is really one of the most mature endings i've ever read and this manga should be labled among people as "Aimed Towards Prudent and Mature people" though i know a lot of people will call it a bad ending.

I know my comment wont be liked by many and is not gonna get much attention but im writing this to rational and mature people who know what they are doing with their life.

I can see that you are an intelligent person who thinks about the world rationally, but there's still some things that tick me off in your comment. (no offence)

  1. People say she is weak because she made Yuzu fall for her really hard, even though she knew that what she wanted (taking over the academy) didn't work with the relationship. Also she didn't have the guts to tell her personally. I agree though, if Mei wanted to run the academy truly, she needed to break the relationship off. But I also think it is past the point where Yuzu can just laugh it off. She scarred her for life. Will Yuzu ever love someone like that again out of fear if the person just up and disappears without seeing her again?

  2. So, are you implying that it is better for a lesbian to marry a guy and live a loveless life with children? Because you can't really chose to be gay, you know? And what if her marriage falls apart, because she can't give the man the sex he wants, because she just doesn't like penis?

  3. It's not mature to just accept that society is fucked up. Where would we be if everyone had always ever accepted it?

  4. I think Citrus will not meet your standards of a well written ending.