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joined Sep 10, 2022

Kozakura to Sorawo: I wish I could be your anchor to this side.

This is basically a love confession and Sorawo has zero reaction to it lol

I didn't read that as a romantic confession necessarily. I thought it was more in a motherly(?) sense. Besides, I thought it referred to both her and Toriko. To me it read as: I wish I could be the one you both would want to return to, but I know you are that person to one another, so you need something else to to keep you in this world.

Yeah, I saw it the same. In that same conversation she was talking about how focused both Sorawo and Toriko are to the otherside and how necessary it is for them both to find and maintain a connection to the real world. I don't know about motherly, but definitely friendly, since she's close to both of them. A really nice gesture. It's also a reasonable worry considering how reckless and driven Sorawo and Toriko can be.

last edited at Jun 9, 2024 5:58PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

It's so sad, I think this tweet does confirm it's ending at episode 15.

But the author said it wasn't meant to be long so maybe it really is the natural end they planned?

Well they also said this is the story they wanted to tell since the oneshot and they're happy they got to reach its conclusion. No reason not to believe them.

last edited at Jun 9, 2024 12:07PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Isn't the title more about her own beginnings? Do we think she's going viral from this? I didn't really get that from the chapter, though I see where everyone else is coming from.

It can be both. I think it was double entendre.

Yeah, we discussed both possibilities in my other comment. It’ll be interesting to see where this goes for a bit.

Well, the plot development was “predictable” because the purpose of the previous chapter was to set it up. Three chapters ago no one was saying, “I’ll bet pretty soon a clip of Koga playing music in the park will go viral.”

Agreed. Instead of “predictable,” we say it “follows reasonable logic.”

last edited at Jun 9, 2024 7:36AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Super hyped!

joined Sep 10, 2022

This is a solid compromise. I knew it wouldn't get too melodramatic, that's not this author's style. A graduation concert allows her to finally deal with her past head on and close that chapter rather than run from it like she'd been doing all series.

She can make a clean break and maybe give a cheeky, secret shout-out to her girlfriend on the stage. It'll feel surreal for Asako to see her GF actually perform live!

last edited at Jun 6, 2024 7:22PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

So what ?It's now unpopular to prefer Hima/Yori ?

How did you get that from anything discussed here? Both couples are popular. Anyone can like whichever.

So why there is a favor treatement for the anime budget ?

I don't like how my earlier response sounds, so I'll apologize for that. Reading it now, it sounds a bit rude and I didn't mean for that.

As for your question I wouldn't call it favorable. The anime is just treating Aki/Shiho as part of the ensemble of 4 main characters with YoriHima and that's about what they should do. Series with multiple main characters will often play around with EDs and such. So it's not favorable, just equal. I guess, it would only be surprising if someone still thinks Shiho/Aki are just side characters with an extended arc, or if they still underestimate their popularity and reception. The issue is with everything else production is doing.

last edited at Jun 6, 2024 1:53PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Impassioned servitude. Ha! I just don't get what that nun brings. There was no need for more comic relief.

She creates opportunities for Claire to showcase her newfound love for and cute jealousy over Rae, while very clearly not being a threat to Claire and Rae's relationship (since Rae has negative interest in anyone besides Claire). So there's no potential drama there. It's a little harmless "fun." Then she has other relationships with characters and uses that'll come up eventually.

last edited at Jun 6, 2024 1:27PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

So what ?It's now unpopular to prefer Hima/Yori ?

How did you get that from anything discussed here? Both couples are popular. Anyone can like whichever.

last edited at Jun 6, 2024 11:58AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

The only thing that gets me is the weird little one page bios at the end that often give a very heavy but unrelated backstory.

Yeah! Lol they're known for those too. I like those bios, though. It's always "these character went through shit in the past but this doujinshi depicts the happy climax of their story."

last edited at Jun 6, 2024 11:22AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

This is unusually wholesome comming from Aweida...

Is this the most wholesome Aweida doujin ever?

Their stuff is normally cute no? Their longer series aren't really posted here but I can't think of a non-wholesome ending to any of those. Even what's posted here is just fun stuff. Am I missing some of their series?

Aweida doesn't usually focus on romance/love like this.

Really? From everything I've read from them, their sexual but typically have set couples who are romantic and end happily. I'm talking about all their longer (20+ page) translated doujinshi. None of those get posted here. I guess it's just subjective anyway but I've known them for "wholesome horny."

last edited at Jun 6, 2024 10:40AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Also on that note I think Whispering's adaption even outside of the animation just doesn't handle the story well either.

The animation crew seems desperate to squeeze in as much Shiho/Aki content as possible, likely owing to its popularity. Adding an additional ED might be a clear sign of that and I always expected the focus to be split between the two couples. However, it's obvious the production doesn't have their act together. I feel for the animators. Hopefully, this "break" can salvage some of what is left. I also hope they don't intend to fit the entire arc into one season. I don't know what kind of madness would make anyone think that's a good idea and for marketing purposes, I'd think ending the season mid-arc would drive manga sales more.

Yeah a present the anime definitely gives a feeling of Shiho/Aki being the most important dynamic, though I will say the Shiho ED was kinda neat and I at least like the song.

It seems like there are people in the anime team who are fans of Shiho. Most of the scenes with Shiho are more beautiful than average (at least compared to Yori and Himari). ED 2 of Shiho's band is drawn in much more detail and beauty than ED 1. ED 1's art looks like a manhua, while Yori and Himari are drawn exactly like Yukino and Yui in OreGairu. I think Aki and Shiho's past scene is the best scene of this series, if there is no breakthrough in quality after the delay.

I wouldn't say they are fans. Instead, they understand how the manga series (and it's characters) has been received and use that knowledge to anticipate what the audience will likely want to see represented well. This helps them identify which scenes and moments need to be impactful. For instance, they knew the Shiho band scene had to be executed well.

It's more of a strategy for allocating budgets and focusing on key elements. They just fuck up literally everything else and it makes the whole product messy as a result. I haven't been so bothered by an adaptation in a long while. If the leaks are true, that animation team (and all the alleged outsourced teams) have been put through a grinder.

last edited at Jun 6, 2024 9:55AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

This is unusually wholesome comming from Aweida...

Is this the most wholesome Aweida doujin ever?

Their stuff is normally cute no? Their longer series aren't really posted here but I can't think of a non-wholesome ending to any of those. Even what's posted here is just fun stuff. Am I missing some of their series?

last edited at Jun 6, 2024 7:52AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

^ I think it's meant to be both of them holding hands.

joined Sep 10, 2022

puts up the ultimate defense. Forgets to defend the rest of her body.

Needs to relearn her Nen and practice better Ko.

last edited at Jun 5, 2024 2:25PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Also on that note I think Whispering's adaption even outside of the animation just doesn't handle the story well either.

The animation crew seems desperate to squeeze in as much Shiho/Aki content as possible, likely owing to its popularity. Adding an additional ED might be a clear sign of that and I always expected the focus to be split between the two couples. This would be perfectly fine. However, it's obvious the production doesn't have their act together. The cuts, the animation, and the pacing are too rushed and frantic, as though they really want to get somewhere no matter how they get there. I feel for the animators. Hopefully, this "break" can salvage some of what is left. I also hope they don't intend to fit the entire arc into one season. I don't know what kind of madness would make anyone think that's a good idea and for marketing purposes, I'd expect ending the season mid-arc would be the safer route to increased manga sales.

Edit: and all the information about working conditions and outsourced teams is depressing.

last edited at Jun 5, 2024 3:14PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Why doesn't anyone think the girl wearing glasses is Mashiro's rival? Look at the way she glared at Mashiro. And I think this character was added by the author with the aim of having an anime adaptation. The more dramas, the easier it is for manga to become popular, and the chances of having an anime also increase, right?
By the way, because of the first anime I watched, I didn't really like girls wearing glasses. Maybe I have to add one more character to my dislike list

They wouldn't even get this far with an anime adaption I don't think, they'd have to really rush it for a 12 episode season. I'm pretty sure the author is just looking for new ways to test the main couple

You mean old ways, but yeah I agree.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Lilly!! It is weird to read the manga now after reading the LN first.

The manga only additions make it fun (as long as they don't get too off the rails).

last edited at Jun 5, 2024 1:17AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

^ Yeah, you're right! By mocking I meant when Baiser and Kiwi reject her idea and argue that they're the only actual couple, Momo starts mocking them before eventually succumbing to their love (in hilarious fashion). Very meta chapter from the author. It's been a while since the last update. Hopefully the author is doing well.

Also what's your PFP from?

last edited at Jun 5, 2024 8:43PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Don't know why it took this long for me to realize that this is essentially a more hilarious version of the "The Fed up Office Lady Wants to Serve the Villainess." I really enjoy this series so far. Some good MCxVillainess moments in this chapter as well. And Estella survives another day....for now... What's most promising is the world building seems to be coming along. That hopefully bodes well for the series' future.

last edited at Jun 4, 2024 7:59PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

^ Pretty sure that's a quote of what Utena said during that chapter. Momo made a fake AzulxBaiser video to mock her and Kiwi. She was reassuring Kiwi that while she likes "punishing them," she's never been romantic or flirted with magical girls and was upset at the video, leading to that quote and panel. So you're actually right! Totally in character.

Found it: Ch. 43

last edited at Jun 5, 2024 8:42PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

sigh... so its really this type of arc, huh... sigh

No kidding. I thought the catalyst usually came when future couples were still on das fence.

Apparently, characters in these series aren't capable of learning something or progressing unless a new challenger suddenly pops out of a bush.

last edited at Jun 4, 2024 1:18PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

^ Kiwi would join in and her and Utena would tag-team like they just did in one of the "recent" chapters.

Azul wouldn't stand a chance (and wouldn't want to).

last edited at Jun 4, 2024 5:26PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Ningwei's issue is though. I mean, as a professional, she should indeed get over the obstacle and improve herself. But as a person ? I agree with Youyan, telling her to just get over it without exploring the causes and the fears she holds is excessive. Ningwei is a person, not a machine.

That last line is ominous...

The series explained what happened to "future" Ningwei when she was introduced a while back. She eventually succumbed to the criticism, pressures and burdens. So this is reminding us of the other outcome Youyan wants to prevent and explains why she's trying to be so nice and understanding to Ningwei this time. She wants to keep her alive.

last edited at Jun 3, 2024 12:09PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Dammit, girl, this is exactly what we're here to avoid...

Wait, disregard that, this may be exactly where we needed to go, even if it looks bad right now.

Yeah good catch.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Well now we have a possible reason as to why she stopped tweeting series updates.